Man pages for policytree
Policy Learning via Doubly Robust Empirical Welfare Maximization over Trees

conditional_meansEstimate mean rewards mu for each treatment a
create_dot_bodyWrites each node information If it is a leaf node: show it in...
double_robust_scoresMatrix Gamma of scores for each treatment a
export_graphvizExport a tree in DOT format. This function generates a...
gen_data_eplExample data generating process from Policy Learning With...
gen_data_maplExample data generating process from Offline Multi-Action...
hybrid_policy_treeHybrid tree search
make_treeA utility function for generating random trees for test...
multi_causal_forest(deprecated) One vs. all causal forest for multiple treatment...
plot.policy_treePlot a policy_tree tree object.
policy_treeFit a policy with exact tree search
policytree-packagepolicytree: Policy Learning via Doubly Robust Empirical...
predict.policy_treePredict method for policy_tree
predict_test_treePredict with the above test tree.
print.policy_treePrint a policy_tree object.
policytree documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:47 a.m.