
#' @name bodysize
#' @title Converts the intertegular distance (IT) and co-variates to body size in dry weight (mg) for bees or hoverflies.
#' @description Calculates body size in dry weight (mg) from Kendall et al. (2018) using ITD (and co-variate) values.  
#' @param x A data frame with columns containing 'IT' values and Sex ('Male' or 'Female'). 
#' Optional attributes depending on model choice: Taxonomy ('Family' for bees or 'Subfamily for hoverflies), 'Region' (Currently only "NorthAmerica", "SouthAmerica", "Australasia" and "Europe" implemented) and 'Species' ("Genus_species" format). Non-implemented regions and/or species are acceptable. See details. 
#' @param taxa A vector specifying insect taxa of interest, can be either "bee" for bee models and "hov" for hoverfly models
#' @param type A vector specifying model type to be used: for bees this can be either "taxo" for the full taxonomic model, "phy" for the full phylogenetic model, "sex" for the reduced sexual dimorphic model or "IT" for the ITD-only model. In hoverflies: it can either be "taxo" for the full taxonomic model, "sex" for the reduced sexual dimorphic model or "IT" for the ITD-only model.
#' @return The original dataframe (x) is returned along with four additional columns: body size (dry weight (mg)), S.E. and 90% credible intervals.
#' @details For bees, type option 'taxo' requires IT, 
#' sex and taxonomic family.  Type option 'phylo' only requires ITD and Sex to run 
#' but should be only be used for with Species (and Region) included in model formulation n.b. the function checks for contained species.  
#'  For hoverflies, type 'taxo' requires ITD, Subfamily and Sex for each specimen. Type "ITD" for both 
#'  taxa only requires ITD values (Optional: region and species but check `setdiff`). 
#'  If specimens are from included regions or species (see above) we recommend 
#'  including these as additional columns. Estimates (and variance components) are 
#'  returned as four additional columns bound to the original dataframe. In the likely case that non-represented taxa and regions are included in inputted datasets, `allow_new_levels` is set to true for all models. Estimates will then be modelled with group-level uncertainty in the predictions based on the variation of the existing levels.
#'  This function makes use of external model objects hosted on GitHub. In the case of slow loading, we recommend you download the pollimetrydata package from https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata. 
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom utils data installed.packages
#' @import brms
#' @examples
#' example=cbind.data.frame(IT=c(1.3,2.3),
#'                          Sex=c("Female","Male"), 
#'                          Subfamily=c("Syrphinae","Eristalinae"),
#'                          Region=c("Australasia","Europe"),
#'                          Species=c("Sphaerophoria_macrogaster","Myathropa_florea"))
#' bodysize(x=example,taxa="hov",type="taxo")
#' @references Kendall et al. (2018) Pollinator size and its consequences: Predictive allometry for pollinating insects. <doi:10.1101/397604>
#' @export
bodysize=function(x,taxa,type) {
  bee_IT <- bee_phy_mod <- bee_tax_mod <- hov_IT <- hov_tax_mod <- bee_sex <- hov_sex <- pollimetry_dataset <- NULL
  if(is.null(x$Species)==TRUE & is.null(x$Region)==FALSE){
    warning("Species have not been provided, these models will only consider fixed and random biogeographical effects.")
  if(is.null(x$Species)==TRUE & is.null(x$Region)==TRUE){
    warning("Species and region have not been provided, these 
            models will only consider fixed effects.")
  if(is.null(x$Species)==FALSE & is.null(x$Region)==TRUE){
    warning("Region has not been provided, these 
            models will only consider fixed and species-level random effects.")
  data("pollimetry_dataset", envir = environment())
  check_sp <- x$Species %in% pollimetry_dataset$Species 
    warning("Species are different from those used in model formulation, for those species, these models will only consider fixed and random biogeographical effects.")
  check_Region <- x$Region %in% c("Australasia","NorthAmerica","SouthAmerica","Europe")
  if(any(check_Region == FALSE)){
    warning("Only the following regions are supported currently; 'Australasia','NorthAmerica','SouthAmerica' and 'Europe'. Model will only consider fixed effects.")
  if(type == "taxo" & taxa == "bee"){
    check_taxo <- x$Family %in% c("Andrenidae","Apidae","Colletidae","Halictidae","Melittidae","Megachilidae")
    if(any(check_taxo == FALSE)){
      stop("Family should be either 'Andrenidae','Apidae','Colletidae',Halictidae','Megachilidae','Melittidae'. If family = 'Stenotritidae' or is unknown, use type = 'sex' or 'IT'.")
  if(type == "taxo" & taxa == "bee" & is.null(x$Family)==TRUE){
    stop("Family not provided. If family is unknown, use type = 'IT'.")
  if(type == "taxo" & taxa == "hov"){
    check_taxo <- x$Family %in% c("Eristalinae","Syrphinae")
    if(any(check_taxo == FALSE)){
      stop("Subfamily should be either 'Eristalinae' or 'Syrphinae'. If family is unknown, use type = 'IT'.")
  if(type %in% c("taxo", "phylo","sex")){
    if("Sex" %in% colnames(x)==FALSE) {
      stop("Sex should be either 'Female' and/or 'Male'. If sex is unknown, we recommend adding a data column denoting all specimens as females i.e df$Sex='Female'.")
  check_Sex <- x$Sex %in% c("Female","Male")
    stop("Sex should be either 'Female' and/or 'Male'. If sex is unknown, we recommend adding a data column denoting all specimens as females i.e df$Sex='Female'.")
  if(type=="phylo" & is.null(x$Species)==TRUE){
    stop("Species not provided. Use type 'taxo'.")
  if(type=="phylo" & is.null(x$Region)==TRUE){
    warning("Region not provided. Model will only consider fixed and random species-level effects.")
  check_hovregion <- x$Region %in% c("Europe","Australasia")
    warning("Only specimens from Europe and Australasia were used in model formulation. New regions will be modelled with group-level uncertainty in the predictions based on the variation of the existing levels.")
  check_hovsex <- x$Sex %in% c("Female","Male")
  if(type=="taxo" & any(check_hovsex==FALSE)){
    stop("Sex should be either 'Female' and/or 'Male'. If sex is unknown, we recommend adding a data column denoting all specimens as females i.e df$Sex='Female'.")
  check_hov_sex <- x$Sex %in% c("Female","Male")
  if(type=="sex" & any(check_hov_sex==FALSE)){
    stop("Sex should be either 'Female' and/or 'Male'. If sex is unknown, we recommend adding a data column denoting all specimens as females i.e df$Sex='Female'.")
  check_hovsub <- x$Subfamily %in% c("Eristalinae","Syrphinae")
  if(type=="taxo" & any(check_hovsub==FALSE)){
    stop("Only Eristalinae and Syrphinae supported currently. Use type = 'IT'.")
  if(taxa=="hov" & is.null(x$Region)==TRUE){
    warning("Region not found. Only fixed effects will be inferred.") 
  ##Incorrect type and taxa combos
  if(type=="phylo" & taxa =="hov"){
    stop("Bad combination: No phylogenetic model implemented for hoverflies yet!")
  } else if(requireNamespace('pollimetrydata')) {
    if(type=="taxo" & taxa=="bee"){
    if(type=="phylo" & taxa=="bee"){  
    if(type=="sex" & taxa=="bee"){  
    if(type=="IT" & taxa=="bee"){  
    if(type=="taxo" & taxa=="hov"){  
    if(type=="sex" & taxa=="hov"){  
    if(type=="IT" & taxa=="hov"){  
  }else {
    if(type=="taxo" & taxa=="bee"){
        repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/bee_tax_mod.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="phylo" & taxa=="bee"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/bee_phy_mod.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="sex" & taxa=="bee"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/bee_sex_mod.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="IT" & taxa=="bee"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/bee_IT.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="taxo" & taxa=="hov"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/hov_tax_mod.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="sex" & taxa=="hov"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/hov_sex_mod.rdata", envir = environment())
  if(type=="IT" & taxa=="hov"){
      repmis::source_data("https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata/raw/master/data/hov_IT.rdata", envir = environment())
  #More tests can be implemented e.g. warn depreciated columns (e.g. if Family is provided with type Phylo, explain that it will be depreciated)
  out <- predict(object=mod,newdata=x,allow_new_levels=TRUE,transform=exp,probs = c(0.05, 0.95))

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pollimetry documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:31 p.m.