Gridworlds in Package pomdp

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  warning = TRUE,
  animation.hook = knitr::hook_gifski


Gridworlds represent an easy to explore how Markov Decision Problems (MDPs), Partially Observable Decision Problems (POMDPs), and various approaches to solve these problems work. The R package pomdp [@Hahsler2024] provides a set of helper functions starting with the prefix gridworld_ to make defining and experimenting with gridworlds easy.

Defining a Gridworld

Many gridworlds represent mazes with start and goal states that the agent needs to solve. Mazes can be easily defined. Here we create the Dyna Maze from Chapter 8 in [@Sutton1998].

x <- gridworld_maze_MDP(
                dim = c(6,9),
                start = "s(3,1)",
                goal = "s(1,9)",
                walls = c("s(2,3)", "s(3,3)", "s(4,3)",
                          "s(1,8)", "s(2,8)", "s(3,8)"),
                goal_reward = 1,
                step_cost = 0,
                restart = TRUE,
                discount = 0.95,
                name = "Dyna Maze",

Gridworlds are implemented with state names "s(<row>,<col>)", where row and col are locations in the matrix representing the gridworld. The actions are "up", "right", "down", and "left". Conversion between state labels and the position in the matrix (row and column index) can be done with gridworld_s2rc() and gridworld_rc2s(), respectively.

The transition graph can be visualized. Note, the transition from the state below the goal state back to the start state shows that the maze restarts the agent once it reaches the goal and collects the goal reward.


A more general way to create gridworlds is implemented in the function gridworld_init() which initializes a new gridworld creating a matrix of states with given dimensions. Unreachable stats and absorbing state can be defined. The returned information can be used to build a custom gridworld MDP.

Working wit Gridworld MDPs

The gridworld can be accessed as a matrix.

gridworld_matrix(x, what = "labels")
gridworld_matrix(x, what = "reachable")

Other options for what are "values" (for state values) and "action", but these are only available for solved problems that contain a policy.

Solving a Gridworld

Gridworld MDPs are solved like any other MDP.

sol <- solve_MDP(x, method = "value_iteration")

Detailed information about the solution can be accessed.


Now the policy and the state values are available as a matrix.

gridworld_matrix(sol, what = "values")
gridworld_matrix(sol, what = "actions")

A visual presentation with the state value represented by color (darker is larger), the policy represented by action arrows, and the labels added is also available.


We see that value iteration found a clear path from the start state towards the goal state following increasing state values.

Experimenting with Solvers

It is interesting to look how different solvers find a solution. We can visualize how the policy and state values change after each iteration. For example, we can stop the algorithm after a given number of iterations and visualize the progress.

sol <- solve_MDP(x, method = "value_iteration", N = 5)
gridworld_plot_policy(sol, zlim = c(0, 2), sub = "Iteration 5")

The solver creates a warning indicating that the solution has not converged after only 5 iterations. In the visualization, we see that value iteration has expanded values from the goal state up to 5 squares away. To make this analysis easier, we can use gridworld_animate() to draw a visualization after each iteration.

gridworld_animate(x, "value_iteration", n = 5, zlim = c(0, 2))

R markdown documents can use {r,'animate'} so create an animation using the individual frames.

gridworld_animate(x, "value_iteration", n = 20, zlim = c(0, 2))

It is easy to see how value iteration propagates value from the goal to the start. In the following, we create animations for more solving methods.

gridworld_animate(x, "policy_iteration", n = 20, zlim = c(0, 2))
gridworld_animate(x, "q_learning", n = 20, zlim = c(0, 2),  horizon = 100)
gridworld_animate(x, "sarsa", n = 20, zlim = c(0, 2), horizon = 100)
gridworld_animate(x, "expected_sarsa", n = 20, zlim = c(0, 2), horizon = 100, alpha = 1)

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pomdp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:04 a.m.