
#' Cliff Walking Gridworld MDP
#' The cliff walking gridworld MDP example from Chapter 6 of the textbook 
#' "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction."
#' The cliff walking gridworld has the following layout:
#' ![Cliff Walking Gridworld](cliff-walking-gridworld.png "Cliff Walking Gridworld.")
#' The gridworld is represented as a 4 x 12 matrix of states. 
#' The states are labeled with their x and y coordinates.
#' The start state is in the bottom left corner. 
#' Each action has a reward of -1, falling off the cliff has a reward of -100 and 
#' returns the agent back to the start. The episode is finished once the agent 
#' reaches the absorbing goal state in the bottom right corner. 
#' No discounting is used (i.e., \eqn{\gamma = 1}).
#' @docType data
#' @name Cliff_walking
#' @aliases Cliff_walking cliff_walking
#' @format An object of class [MDP].
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family MDP_examples
#' @family gridworld
#' @references
#' Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto (2018). Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
#' Second Edition, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
#' @examples
#' data(Cliff_walking)
#' Cliff_walking
#' gridworld_matrix(Cliff_walking)
#' gridworld_matrix(Cliff_walking, what = "labels")
#' # The Goal is an absorbing state 
#' which(absorbing_states(Cliff_walking))
#' # visualize the transition graph
#' gridworld_plot_transition_graph(Cliff_walking)
#' # solve using different methods
#' sol <- solve_MDP(Cliff_walking) 
#' sol
#' policy(sol)
#' gridworld_plot_policy(sol)
#' sol <- solve_MDP(Cliff_walking, method = "q_learning", N = 100) 
#' sol
#' policy(sol)
#' gridworld_plot_policy(sol)
#' sol <- solve_MDP(Cliff_walking, method = "sarsa", N = 100) 
#' sol
#' policy(sol)
#' gridworld_plot_policy(sol)
#' sol <- solve_MDP(Cliff_walking, method = "expected_sarsa", N = 100, alpha = 1) 
#' policy(sol)
#' gridworld_plot_policy(sol)

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