
test_that("Test plotting", {
  x = 1:4
  ##Discrete power-law
  mt = displ$new(x)

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(mt, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(mt, draw = FALSE)
  expect_equal(d2$x, 2:4, tol = 1e-4)
  y = c(0.7500, 0.2860, 0.1485)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-4)

  m = dispois$new(x)

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(m, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(m, draw = FALSE)
  y = c(0.75000, 0.17735, 0.03418)
  expect_equal(d2$x, 2:4, tol = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-5)

  ##Discrete Log normal
  m = dislnorm$new(x)
  m$setPars(c(1, 1))

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(m, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(m, draw = FALSE)
  y = c(0.75, 0.5628, 0.4318)
  expect_equal(d2$x, 2:4, tol = 1e-4)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-4)

  ##CTN power-law
  m = conpl$new(x)

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(m, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(m, draw = FALSE, length.out = 4)
  expect_equal(d2$x, c(2.000, 2.520, 3.175, 4.000), tol = 1e-4)
  y = c(0.7500, 0.4725, 0.2976, 0.1875)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-4)

  ##Log normal
  m = conlnorm$new(x)
  m$setPars(c(1, 1))

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(m, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(m, draw = FALSE, length.out = 4)
  expect_equal(d2$x, c(2.000, 2.520, 3.175, 4.000), tol = 1e-4)
  y = c(0.7500, 0.6408, 0.5298, 0.4226)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-4)

  m = conexp$new(x)

  d_exact = data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 4:1 / 4)
  expect_equal(plot(m, draw = FALSE), d_exact, tol = 1e-4)
  d2 = lines(m, draw = FALSE, length.out = 4)
  expect_equal(d2$x, c(2.000, 2.520, 3.175, 4.000), tol = 1e-4)
  y = c(0.7500, 0.5783, 0.4168, 0.2759)
  expect_equal(d2$y, y, tol = 1e-4)


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