Man pages for ppiPre
Predict Protein-Protein Interactions Based on Functional and Topological Similarities

AASimCompute Adamic-Adar Index Between Two Nodes in PPI Network
ComputeAllEvidencesCompute the Biological and Topological Similarities Between...
FNPrePredict false negative interactions based on topological...
GOKEGGSimsGO- and KEGG- based Similarities Between two Genes
GOKEGGSimsFromFileGO- and KEGG- based Similarities Between two Genes
IntelliGOGeneSimIntelliGO Semantic Similarity Between two Genes
JaccardSimCompute Jaccard Index Between Two Nodes in PPI Network
KEGGSimKEGG Semantic Similarity Between two Genes
ppiPre-internalInternal ppiPre objects
ppiPre-packagePredicting protein-protein interactions
RASimCompute Resource Allocation Index Between Two Nodes in PPI...
SVMPredictPredict false interactions using a training set
SVMTrainUsing Golden Standard Data Sets to Train an SVM Classifier
TCSSGeneSimTopological Clustering Semantic Similarity(TCSS) Between two...
TopologicSimsCompute topological similarities from user input file
ppiPre documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:33 a.m.