pci.supraseasonal: Supraseasonal Precipitation Concentration Index

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References Examples


It calculates the supraseasonal precipitation concentration index.


pci.supraseasonal(object, hemisthere = c("n", "s"))



is a daily or monthly precipitation serie.


is the hemisthere, "n" for northern and "s" for south, of the precipitation serie.


A data.frame containing the following variables:


Lucas Venezian Povoa lucasvenez@gmail.com


M. de Luis, J. C. Gonz\'alez-Hidalgo, M. Brunetti, L. A. Longares (2011). Precipitation concentration changes in Spain 1946-2005. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 5:11, pp. 1259–1265


# Loading the daily precipitation serie

# Calculating the supraseasonal precipitation concentration index
pci.supraseasonal(daily, hemisthere = "s")

Example output

Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales

Attaching package: 'precintcon'

The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':


   year season pci.supraseasonal
1  1976    wet          9.812509
2  1976    dry          9.223015
3  1977    wet         11.486006
4  1977    dry         11.315680
5  1978    wet         16.757358
6  1978    dry         11.346661
7  1979    wet         15.947537
8  1979    dry          9.709244
9  1980    wet         12.530512
10 1980    dry          9.758557
11 1981    wet         20.196583
12 1981    dry          8.834795
13 1982    wet         14.387735
14 1982    dry         10.487548
15 1983    wet         13.710698
16 1983    dry          9.503792
17 1984    wet         15.313852
18 1984    dry         10.815868
19 1985    wet         18.211886
20 1985    dry         11.000457
21 1986    wet         13.176291
22 1986    dry         10.700876
23 1987    wet         15.885679
24 1987    dry         10.215837
25 1988    wet         19.321413
26 1988    dry         11.843045
27 1989    wet          9.918803
28 1989    dry         11.315501
29 1990    wet          9.930865
30 1990    dry          8.593999
31 1991    wet         12.097151
32 1991    dry         11.345520
33 1992    wet         12.952430
34 1992    dry         10.227856
35 1993    wet         11.798255
36 1993    dry         11.115770
37 1994    wet         13.005761
38 1994    dry         10.158580
39 1995    wet         12.939901
40 1995    dry          9.767907
41 1996    wet         13.824199
42 1996    dry         15.102564
43 1997    wet         14.074587
44 1997    dry          9.064391
45 1998    wet         12.068058
46 1998    dry         10.352225
47 1999    wet         10.834749
48 1999    dry         11.916682
49 2000    wet         11.646105
50 2000    dry          9.674894
51 2001    wet         11.125165
52 2001    dry         11.728806
53 2002    wet         15.639763
54 2002    dry          9.545687
55 2003    wet          9.005479
56 2003    dry          9.052325
57 2004    wet         14.074404
58 2004    dry         15.011432
59 2005    wet         14.229342
60 2005    dry          9.149643
61 2006    wet         14.491786
62 2006    dry         10.301994
63 2007    wet         17.851725
64 2007    dry          9.626756
65 2008    wet         12.113456
66 2008    dry         11.937115
67 2009    wet          9.380223
68 2009    dry          9.232275
69 2010    wet         13.618798

precintcon documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:07 p.m.