Man pages for predictmeans
Predicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric Models

ATP'ATP' containing data
ci_mcpMultiple Comparisons Based on the Confidence Intervals
Clinical'Clinical' data
contrastmeansLinear Contrast Tests for a Linear Model
CookDCalculates and plots Cook's distances for a Linear (Mixed)...
covariatemeansPredicted Means of a Linear Model with Covariate Variable(s)
df_termCalculate degree of freedom of a modelterm (contrast) for a...
Drug'Drug' data
KmatrixMatrix of Coefficients in a Linear Model
permanova.lmerPermutation ANOVA for 'lmer' Model
permindexPermutation Index
permlmerPermutation Test of random or fixed effects for 'lmer' model.
permmodelsPermutation Test of Linear Model
PMplotLevel Plot of a Matrix of p-values.
predictmeansPredicted Means of a Linear Model
predictmeans-packagePredicted Means for Linear and Semiparametric Models
R2_glmmAn adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) for generalized...
residplotDiagnostic Plots for a Linear (Mixed) Model
semipredPredicted Means of a Semi Paramatric Model with Covariate...
semiregFitting Semi Parametric Models Using lme4 Ecosystem
semireg_tmbFitting Semi Parametric Models Using glmmTMB
se_ranefExtract Standard Errors of Model Random Effects
smZGenerate Sparse Matrix Z for penalized spline smoothing
varcompCalculate SE and CI of variance components for 'lmer',...
predictmeans documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:49 a.m.