Defines functions FH

FH<- function(time, status, bound="none", bw.selec="plug-in", fixed.bw=NULL){
  #S.pi <- presmooth(times=time, status=status, estimand="H", 
  #                  bw.selec=bw.selec, bound=bound, fixed.bw = fixed.bw)
  H.pi<- presmooth(times=time, status=status, estimand="H", 
                    bw.selec=bw.selec, bound=bound, fixed.bw = fixed.bw)

  FH<- exp(-H.pi$estimate)
  x <- H.pi$x.est    
  y <- FH
  x1 <- c(0,x)
  y1 <- c(1,y) 
  mat <- cbind(x1,y1)
  mat <- unique(mat, MARGIN=1)
  n <- length(x1) 
  pfh <- rep(0,n-1) 
  for(k in 2:n){
    pos0 <- which(x1 %in% time[k-1])  #position with repetead times
    pos  <- which(mat[,1] %in% time[k-1]) #position when without rep. times
    pos1 <- min(pos)
    pfh[k-1] <- (mat[pos1-1,2] - mat[pos1,2])/length(pos0)

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presmTP documentation built on Nov. 1, 2019, 7:45 p.m.