
Defines functions activity_select_decoration token_select_decoration

Documented in activity_select_decoration token_select_decoration

#' @title Decoration callback for token selection
#' @param stroke Sets the `stroke` attribute of selected tokens.
#' @return A JavaScript callback function called when token selection changes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a decoration callback that paints tokens red
#' token_select_decoration("red")
#' @seealso animate_process
token_select_decoration <- function(stroke = "black") {

  return (paste0('function(node, selected) {
          if (selected) {
            node.attr("stroke-width", "3")
                .attr("stroke", "',stroke,'");
          } else {
            node.attr("stroke-width", "1")
                .attr("stroke", "black");


#' @title Decoration callback for activity selection
#' @param stroke_dasharray Sets the `stroke-dasharray` attribute for selected activities.
#' @param stroke_width Sets the `stroke-width` attribute for selected activities.
#' @param stroke Sets the `stroke` attribute for selected activities.
#' @return A JavaScript callback function called when activity selection changes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a decoration callback that increases the activity stroke width
#' activity_select_decoration(stroke_width = "5")
#' @seealso animate_process
activity_select_decoration <- function(stroke_dasharray = "2", stroke_width = "2", stroke = "black") {

  return (paste0('function(node, selected) {
            if (selected) {
              node.attr("stroke-width", "',stroke_width,'")
                  .attr("stroke-dasharray", "',stroke_dasharray,'")
                  .attr("stroke", "',stroke,'");
            } else {
              node.attr("stroke-width", "1")
                  .attr("stroke-dasharray", "0")
                  .attr("stroke", "#c0c0c0");


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processanimateR documentation built on July 20, 2022, 5:06 p.m.