
Defines functions manuscripts ideas print.projects_metadata_tbl projects authors affiliations get_p_path projects_folder

Documented in affiliations authors ideas manuscripts projects projects_folder


#' projects folder path
#' Returns the file path of the main projects folder if it has been established
#' via \code{\link{setup_projects}()}.
#' The file path is returned as a simple character string. It simply returns the
#' value of \code{\link{Sys.getenv}("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")}, provided
#' that its value is a file path of a directory that actually exists (i.e.,
#' \code{\link{setup_projects}()} has been successfully run).
#' If it can't find a directory with that path, it returns this string:
#' \code{projects folder not found. Please run \link{setup_projects}()}
#' @seealso \code{\link{setup_projects}()} for setting up the projects folder.
#' @examples
#' projects_folder()
#' @export
projects_folder <- function() {
  get_p_path(error = FALSE)

get_p_path <- function(error = TRUE) {

  path <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")

  if (fs::dir_exists(path)) {
  } else if (error) {
    stop("projects folder not found. Please run setup_projects()")
  } else {
    "projects folder not found. Please run setup_projects()"


#' @rdname display_metadata
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
affiliations <- function(affiliation, authors = FALSE) {

  p_path             <- get_p_path()

  affiliations_table <-
    affiliations_internal(p_path) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$department_name, .data$institution_name)

  if (!missing(affiliation)) {
    affiliations_table <- affiliations_table %>%
      validate_entry_list(x = affiliation, table = ., what  = "affiliation")

  if (authors) {
    affiliations_table <- affiliations_table %>%
      dplyr::left_join(aa_assoc_internal(p_path), by = c("id" = "id2")) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(authors_internal(p_path), by = c("id1" = "id")) %>%
      dplyr::rename("author_id" = "id1")

  affiliations_table <- dplyr::arrange(affiliations_table, .data$id)

  class(affiliations_table) <-
    c("projects_metadata_tbl", class(affiliations_table))


#' @rdname display_metadata
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
authors <- function(author, affiliations = FALSE, projects = FALSE) {

  p_path        <- get_p_path()

  authors_table <-
  # %>% dplyr::arrange(.data$last_name, .data$given_names)

  if (!missing(author)) {
    authors_table <- authors_table %>%
      validate_entry_list(x = author, table = ., what = "author")

  if (affiliations) {
    authors_table <-
      authors_table %>%
      dplyr::left_join(aa_assoc_internal(p_path), by = c("id" = "id1")) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(affiliations_internal(p_path), by = c("id2" = "id")) %>%
      dplyr::rename("affiliation_id" = "id2")

  if (projects) {
    authors_table <-
      authors_table %>%
      dplyr::left_join(pa_assoc_internal(p_path), by = c("id" = "id2")) %>%
        by = c("id1" = "id"),
        suffix = c("_of_author", "_of_project")
      ) %>%
      dplyr::rename("project_id" = "id1")

  authors_table <- dplyr::arrange(authors_table, .data$id)

  class(authors_table) <- c("projects_metadata_tbl", class(authors_table))


#' View the \code{projects()}, \code{authors()}, and \code{affiliations()}
#' tables
#' Returns a table of the projects/authors/affiliations, filtered and joined
#' according to the entirely optional arguments.
#' \code{ideas()} is a shortcut for \code{projects(exclude = 1:6)} (including
#' only projects of stage \code{0: idea}).
#' \code{manuscripts()} is a shortcut for \code{projects(exclude = c(0:3, 6))}
#' (yielding only projects of stage \code{4: manuscript} and \code{5: under
#' review}).
#' If one or more of the \code{projects}, \code{authors}, or \code{affiliations}
#' arguments is set to \code{TRUE}, a \code{dplyr::\link[dplyr]{left_join}()} is
#' performed, with the "left" table being the one sharing the name of the
#' function being used. As such, rows that don't have matches in any other
#' tables will still show up in the output, and rows that have multiple matches
#' in other tables will yield multiple rows in the output. The "right" table's
#' \code{id} column will be renamed.
#' @param project,author,affiliation An optional unique vector of \code{id}s
#'   and/or names. Only rows matching one or more entries will be returned. This
#'   is the one setting in which the package does not return throw an error if
#'   user input matches multiple projects.
#' @param projects,authors,affiliations Logical values indicating whether or not
#'   to perform a left join with another metadata tibble. All \code{FALSE} by
#'   default.
#' @param all_stages Logical, indicating whether or not to include projects of
#'   all stages, \strong{overriding the} \code{exclude} \strong{argument}.
#' @param exclude A vector of numbers or character strings that can be validated
#'   against the list of project stages:
#'   \code{0: idea}\cr \code{1: design}\cr \code{2: data collection}\cr \code{3:
#'   analysis}\cr \code{4: manuscript}\cr \code{5: under review}\cr \code{6:
#'   accepted}
#'   \emph{Ignored if} \code{all_stages = TRUE}
#' @param path A single file path of a directory within the main projects
#'   folder; only projects whose folder is in this directory will be returned.
#' @param archived Logical, indicating whether or not to include projects that
#'   have been archived using \code{\link{archive_project}()}. \code{FALSE} by
#'   default.
#' @param verbose Logical, indicating whether or not to return all columns of
#'   the \code{\link{projects}()}; if \code{FALSE}, only the \code{id},
#'   \code{current_owner}, \code{status}, and \code{stage} columns are returned.
#'   Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}.
#' @examples
#' #############################################################################
#' # SETUP
#' old_home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
#' old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
#' temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
#' dir.create(temp_dir)
#' Sys.unsetenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
#' Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)
#' setup_projects(path = temp_dir)
#' new_affiliation(department_name = "Math Dept.",
#'                 institution_name = "Springfield College",
#'                 address = "123 College St, Springfield, AB")
#' new_affiliation(department_name = "Art Department",
#'                 institution_name = "Springfield College",
#'                 address = "321 University Boulevard, Springfield, AB",
#'                 id = 42)
#' new_affiliation(department_name = "Central Intelligence Agency",
#'                 institution_name = "United States Government",
#'                 address = "888 Classified Dr, Washington DC")
#' new_affiliation(department_name = "Pyrotechnics",
#'                 institution_name = "ACME")
#' new_author(given_names = "Spiro", last_name = "Agnew", degree = "LLB",
#'            affiliations = "Art D", id = 13)
#' new_author(given_names = "Plato", id = 303)
#' new_author(given_names = "Condoleezza", last_name = "Rice",
#'            affiliations = c(1, 42, "Agency", "ACME"))
#' new_project(title = "Test project 1", current_owner = "Plato", stage = 1)
#' new_project(title = "Test project 2", current_owner = "eezza", stage = 2)
#' new_project(title = "Test project 3", current_owner = "Plato", stage = 3)
#' new_project(title = "Fun project 4",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 4)
#' new_project(title = "Fun project 5",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 5)
#' new_project(title = "Fun project 6",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 6)
#' new_project(title = "Good idea",  current_owner = "Rice", stage = 0)
#' #############################################################################
#' # View entire affiliations table
#' affiliations()
#' # View authors table joined to affiliations table
#' # Notice that multiple rows are created for each affiliation-author combination
#' authors(affiliations = TRUE)
#' # View only active projects with "Fun" in their title.
#' projects("Fun")
#' # View all projects with "Rice" as the current_owner
#' projects(all_stages = TRUE) %>% dplyr::filter(current_owner == "Rice")
#' # View manuscripts
#' manuscripts()
#' # View ideas
#' ideas()
#' # Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires interactive console input
#' # and fails automated testing.
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # Archive Fun project 5
#'   archive_project("Fun project 5")
#'   # Default behavior is to not include archived projects in projects() table
#'   projects("Fun")
#'   projects("Fun", archived = TRUE)
#' }
#' #############################################################################
#' # (or, the user can just restart R)
#' Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)
#' @name display_metadata
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
projects <- function(project,
                     all_stages  = FALSE,
                     exclude     = c(0L, 6L),
                     path        = NULL,
                     archived    = FALSE,
                     verbose     = FALSE,
                     authors     = FALSE) {

  p_path          <- get_p_path()
  projects_path   <- make_rds_path("projects", p_path)
  projects_table  <- get_rds(projects_path)

  path <- path %>%
    validate_single_string(null.ok = TRUE, na.ok = FALSE, zero.chars.ok = FALSE)

  if (!all_stages && rlang::is_vector(exclude) && length(exclude)) {

    exclude <- validate_stage(exclude, null.ok = FALSE, na.ok = TRUE)

    if (anyDuplicated(exclude)) {
      stop("Duplicate stages detected in \"exclude\" argument.")

    projects_table <- projects_table[!(projects_table$stage %in% exclude), ]

  if (!is.null(path)) {

    path <- fs::path_abs(path, p_path)

    # if (!fs::path_has_parent(path, p_path)) {
    #   path <- fs::path(p_path, path)
    # }

    if (!fs::dir_exists(path)) {
      warning("\nThe directory:\n", path, "\ndoes not exist.")

    projects_table <- projects_table %>%
        vapply(.data$path, fs::path_has_parent, logical(1L), parent = !!path)

  if (!archived) {
    projects_table <- remove_archived(projects_table)

  if (!missing(project)) {
    projects_table <- projects_table %>%
      validate_entry_list(x = project, table = ., what = "project")

  if (authors) {
    projects_table <- projects_table %>%
        by = c("id" = "id1")
      ) %>%
        by     = c("id2" = "id"),
        suffix = c("_of_project", "_of_author")
      ) %>%
      dplyr::rename("author_id" = "id2")

  projects_table <- projects_table %>%
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$stage), .data$id)

  if (!verbose) {
    projects_table <- projects_table %>%

  class(projects_table) <- c("projects_metadata_tbl", class(projects_table))


#' @export
print.projects_metadata_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
  old_ops <- options(tibble.print_max = 100L, tibble.print_min = 100L)
  on.exit(options(old_ops), add = TRUE)

#' @rdname display_metadata
#' @export
ideas <- function(project,
                  archived = FALSE,
                  verbose = FALSE,
                  authors = FALSE) {
    project    = project,
    all_stages = FALSE,
    archived   = archived,
    exclude    = 1L:6L,
    verbose    = verbose,
    authors    = authors

#' @rdname display_metadata
#' @export
manuscripts <- function(project,
                        archived = FALSE,
                        verbose = FALSE,
                        authors = FALSE) {
    project    = project,
    all_stages = TRUE,
    archived   = archived,
    exclude    = c(0L:3L, 6L),
    verbose    = verbose,
    authors    = authors

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projects documentation built on April 24, 2021, 5:06 p.m.