readASD: Read ASD FieldSpec Pro binary and ASCII files

View source: R/readASD.R

readASDR Documentation

Read ASD FieldSpec Pro binary and ASCII files


Maturing lifecycle

Read single or multiple binary and ASCII files acquired with an ASD FieldSpec Pro (ASDi, Boulder, CO) spectroradiometer


readASD(fnames, in_format, out_format)



a character vector of the name(s) (with absolute path) of the file(s) to read.


the format of the input file: 'binary' or 'txt'.


the format of the output: 'matrix' (default) or 'list' (see below).


if out_format = 'matrix', reflectance values of the input file(s) in a single matrix.

if out_format = 'list', a list of the input file(s) data consisting of a list with components:

  • Name: name of the file imported

  • datetime: date and time of acquisition in POSIXct format

  • header: list with information from the header file

  • radiance: if applicable, a numeric vector of radiance values

  • reference: if applicable, a numeric vector of radiance values of the white reference

  • reflectance: numeric vector of reflectance values

  • wavelength: numeric vector of the band positions


There is a R port of the ‘importasd.m’ function from the ‘FSFPostProcessing’ Matlab toolbox by Iain Robinson (University of Edinburgh), which is based on some Java code provided by Andreas Hunei (University of Zurich).

It seems that ASD file format has changed quite a lot with file versions. The function will possibly not work as expected for all versions. Please report any bugs to the package maintainer.


Antoine Stevens (R port), Iain Robinson (matlab function) & Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez (R port)


Robinson, I., and A. MacArthur. 2011. The Field Spectroscopy Facility Post Processing Toolbox User Guide. Post processing spectral data in MATLAB, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

prospectr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:08 a.m.