proton: The Proton Game

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s) Examples


The proton function is used for solving problems in the data-based game ,,The Proton Game”. Solve four data-based puzzles in order to crack into Pietraszko's account!





proton function is called by different arguments, which vary depending on a problem that Bit is trying to solve. See Details in order to learn more about the list of possible arguments.


Every time when some additional hints are needed one should add hint=TRUE argument to the proton function.

In order to get more information about a user on the Proton server one should pass action = "login", login="XYZ" arguments to the proton function.

In order to log into the Proton server one should pass action = "login", login="XYZ", password="ABC" arguments to the proton function. If the password matches login, then one will receive a message about successful login.

In order to log into a server different from Proton one should pass action = "server", host="XYZ" arguments to the proton function.

,,The Proton Game” is a free of charge, educational project of the Foundation. By transferring a donation on the foundation's account, which is shown on site, you will help us to create other educational games. Even an amount of $10 will facilitate creation and maintenance of subsequent educational projects! Thank you!


Przemyslaw Biecek,, Foundation.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Example output

 _____ _          _____         _              _____
|_   _| |_ ___   |  _  |___ ___| |_ ___ ___   |   __|___ _____ ___
  | | |   | -_|  |   __|  _| . |  _| . |   |  |  |  | .'|     | -_|
  |_| |_|_|___|  |__|  |_| |___|_| |___|_|_|  |_____|__,|_|_|_|___|

Your goal is to find Slawomir Pietraszko's credentials for the Proton server.
This is the only way for Bit to find the secret plans of Pietraszko's laboratory. 

Enter the `proton()` command in order to start the adventure.

Remember that at any time you may add `hint=TRUE` argument to the executed command in order to get additional suggestions.

Pietraszko uses a password which is very difficult to guess.
At first, try to hack an account of a person which is not as cautious as Pietraszko.

But who is the weakest point? Initial investigation suggests that John Insecure doesn't care about security and has an account on the Proton server. He may use a password which is easy to crack.
Let's attack his account first!

Problem 1: Find the login of John Insecure.

Bit has scrapped 'employees' data (names and logins) from the www web page of Technical University of Warsaw. The data is in the data.frame `employees`. 
Now, your task is to find John Insecure's login.
When you finally find out what John's login is, use `proton(action = "login", login="XYZ")` command, where XYZ is Insecure's login.
Pietraszko uses a password which is very difficult to guess.
At first, try to hack an account of a person which is not as cautious as Pietraszko.

But who is the weakest point? Initial investigation suggests that John Insecure doesn't care about security and has an account on the Proton server. He may use a password which is easy to crack.
Let's attack his account first!

Problem 1: Find the login of John Insecure.

Bit has scrapped 'employees' data (names and logins) from the www web page of Technical University of Warsaw. The data is in the data.frame `employees`. 
Now, your task is to find John Insecure's login.
When you finally find out what John's login is, use `proton(action = "login", login="XYZ")` command, where XYZ is Insecure's login.

In `employees` dataset try to find a row which has `Insecure` value in the `surname` column.
Functions like `filter` or `arrange` from the `dplyr` package may be very useful.

proton documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:04 a.m.

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