
Defines functions psqn

Documented in psqn

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#' Partially Separable Function Optimization
#' @description
#' Optimization method for specially structured partially separable
#' functions. The \code{psqn_aug_Lagrang} function supports non-linear
#' equality constraints using an augmented Lagrangian method.
#' @param par Initial values for the parameters. It is a concatenated
#' vector of the global parameters and all the private parameters.
#' @param fn Function to compute the element functions and their
#' derivatives. Each call computes an element function. See the examples
#' section.
#' @param n_ele_func Number of element functions.
#' @param rel_eps Relative convergence threshold.
#' @param n_threads Number of threads to use.
#' @param max_it Maximum number of iterations.
#' @param c1,c2 Thresholds for the Wolfe condition.
#' @param use_bfgs Logical for whether to use BFGS updates or SR1 updates.
#' @param trace Integer where larger values gives more information during the
#' optimization.
#' @param cg_tol Threshold for the conjugate gradient method.
#' @param strong_wolfe \code{TRUE} if the strong Wolfe condition should be used.
#' @param env Environment to evaluate \code{fn} in. \code{NULL} yields the
#' global environment.
#' @param max_cg Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations in each
#' iteration. Use zero if there should not be a limit.
#' @param pre_method Preconditioning method in the conjugate gradient method.
#' Zero yields no preconditioning, one yields diagonal preconditioning,
#' two yields the incomplete Cholesky factorization from Eigen, and
#' three yields a block diagonal preconditioning. One and three are fast
#' options with three seeming to work well for some poorly conditioned
#' problems.
#' @param mask zero based indices for parameters to mask (i.e. fix).
#' @param gr_tol convergence tolerance for the Euclidean norm of the gradient. A negative
#' value yields no check.
#' @details
#' The function follows the method described by Nocedal and Wright (2006)
#' and mainly what is described in Section 7.4. Details are provided
#' in the psqn vignette. See \code{vignette("psqn", package = "psqn")}.
#' The partially separable function we consider are special in that the
#' function to be minimized is a sum of so-called element functions which
#' only depend on few shared (global) parameters and some
#' private parameters which are particular to each element function. A generic
#' method for other partially separable functions is available through the
#' \code{\link{psqn_generic}} function.
#' The optimization function is also available in C++ as a header-only
#' library. Using C++ may reduce the computation time substantially. See
#' the vignette in the package for examples.
#' You have to define the \code{PSQN_USE_EIGEN} macro variable in C++ if you want
#' to use the incomplete Cholesky factorization from Eigen. You will also have
#' to include Eigen or RcppEigen. This is not needed when you use the R
#' functions documented here. The incomplete Cholesky factorization comes
#' with some additional overhead because of the allocations of the
#' factorization,
#' forming the factorization, and the assignment of the sparse version of
#' the Hessian approximation.
#' However, it may substantially reduce the required number of conjugate
#' gradient iterations.
#' @return
#' \code{pqne}: An object with the following elements:
#' \item{par}{the estimated global and private parameters.}
#' \item{value}{function value at \code{par}.}
#' \item{info}{information code. 0 implies convergence.
#' -1 implies that the maximum number iterations is reached.
#' -2 implies that the conjugate gradient method failed.
#' -3 implies that the line search failed.
#' -4 implies that the user interrupted the optimization.}
#' \item{counts}{An integer vector with the number of function evaluations,
#' gradient evaluations, and the number of conjugate gradient iterations.}
#' \item{convergence}{\code{TRUE} if \code{info == 0}.}
#' @references
#' Nocedal, J. and Wright, S. J. (2006). \emph{Numerical Optimization}
#' (2nd ed.). Springer.
#' Lin, C. and Moré, J. J. (1999). \emph{Incomplete Cholesky factorizations
#' with limited memory}. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
#' @examples
#' # example with inner problem in a Taylor approximation for a GLMM as in the
#' # vignette
#' # assign model parameters, number of random effects, and fixed effects
#' q <- 2 # number of private parameters per cluster
#' p <- 1 # number of global parameters
#' beta <- sqrt((1:p) / sum(1:p))
#' Sigma <- diag(q)
#' # simulate a data set
#' set.seed(66608927)
#' n_clusters <- 20L # number of clusters
#' sim_dat <- replicate(n_clusters, {
#'   n_members <- sample.int(8L, 1L) + 2L
#'   X <- matrix(runif(p * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2), sqrt(6 / 2)),
#'               p)
#'   u <- drop(rnorm(q) %*% chol(Sigma))
#'   Z <- matrix(runif(q * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2 / q), sqrt(6 / 2 / q)),
#'               q)
#'   eta <- drop(beta %*% X + u %*% Z)
#'   y <- as.numeric((1 + exp(-eta))^(-1) > runif(n_members))
#'   list(X = X, Z = Z, y = y, u = u, Sigma_inv = solve(Sigma))
#' }, simplify = FALSE)
#' # evaluates the negative log integrand.
#' #
#' # Args:
#' #   i cluster/element function index.
#' #   par the global and private parameter for this cluster. It has length
#' #       zero if the number of parameters is requested. That is, a 2D integer
#' #       vector the number of global parameters as the first element and the
#' #       number of private parameters as the second element.
#' #   comp_grad logical for whether to compute the gradient.
#' r_func <- function(i, par, comp_grad){
#'   dat <- sim_dat[[i]]
#'   X <- dat$X
#'   Z <- dat$Z
#'   if(length(par) < 1)
#'     # requested the dimension of the parameter
#'     return(c(global_dim = NROW(dat$X), private_dim = NROW(dat$Z)))
#'   y <- dat$y
#'   Sigma_inv <- dat$Sigma_inv
#'   beta <- par[1:p]
#'   uhat <- par[1:q + p]
#'   eta <- drop(beta %*% X + uhat %*% Z)
#'   exp_eta <- exp(eta)
#'   out <- -sum(y * eta) + sum(log(1 + exp_eta)) +
#'     sum(uhat * (Sigma_inv %*% uhat)) / 2
#'   if(comp_grad){
#'     d_eta <- -y + exp_eta / (1 + exp_eta)
#'     grad <- c(X %*% d_eta,
#'               Z %*% d_eta + dat$Sigma_inv %*% uhat)
#'     attr(out, "grad") <- grad
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' # optimize the log integrand
#' res <- psqn(par = rep(0, p + q * n_clusters), fn = r_func,
#'             n_ele_func = n_clusters)
#' head(res$par, p)              # the estimated global parameters
#' tail(res$par, n_clusters * q) # the estimated private parameters
#' # compare with
#' beta
#' c(sapply(sim_dat, "[[", "u"))
#' # add equality constraints
#' idx_constrained <- list(c(2L, 19L), c(1L, 5L, 8L))
#' # evaluates the c(x) in equalities c(x) = 0.
#' #
#' # Args:
#' #   i constrain index.
#' #   par the constrained parameters. It has length zero if we need to pass the
#' #       one-based indices of the parameters that the i'th constrain depends on.
#' #   what integer which is zero if the function should be returned and one if the
#' #        gradient should be computed.
#' consts <- function(i, par, what){
#'   if(length(par) == 0)
#'     # need to return the indices
#'     return(idx_constrained[[i]])
#'   if(i == 1){
#'     # a linear equality constrain. It is implemented as a non-linear constrain
#'     # though
#'     out <- sum(par) - 3
#'     if(what == 1)
#'       attr(out, "grad") <- rep(1, length(par))
#'   } else if(i == 2){
#'     # the parameters need to be on a circle
#'     out <- sum(par^2) - 1
#'     if(what == 1)
#'       attr(out, "grad") <- 2 * par
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' # optimize with the constraints
#' res_consts <- psqn_aug_Lagrang(
#'   par = rep(0, p + q * n_clusters), fn = r_func, consts = consts,
#'   n_ele_func = n_clusters, n_constraints = length(idx_constrained))
#' res_consts
#' res_consts$multipliers # the estimated multipliers
#' res_consts$penalty # the penalty parameter
#' # the function value is higher (worse) as expected
#' res$value - res_consts$value
#' # the two constraints are satisfied
#' sum(res_consts$par[idx_constrained[[1]]]) - 3   # ~ 0
#' sum(res_consts$par[idx_constrained[[2]]]^2) - 1 # ~ 0
#' # we can also use another pre conditioner
#' res_consts_chol <- psqn_aug_Lagrang(
#'   par = rep(0, p + q * n_clusters), fn = r_func, consts = consts,
#'   n_ele_func = n_clusters, n_constraints = length(idx_constrained),
#'   pre_method = 2L)
#' res_consts_chol
#' @export
psqn <- function(par, fn, n_ele_func, rel_eps = .00000001, max_it = 100L, n_threads = 1L, c1 = .0001, c2 = .9, use_bfgs = TRUE, trace = 0L, cg_tol = .5, strong_wolfe = TRUE, env = NULL, max_cg = 0L, pre_method = 1L, mask = as.integer( c()), gr_tol = -1.) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn`, par, fn, n_ele_func, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, env, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol)

#' Computes the Hessian.
#' @description
#' Computes the Hessian using numerical differentiation with Richardson
#' extrapolation.
#' @inheritParams psqn
#' @param fn Function to compute the element functions and their derivatives.
#' See \code{\link{psqn}} and \code{\link{psqn_generic}}.
#' @param val Where to evaluate the function at.
#' @param eps Determines the step size. See the details.
#' @param scale Scaling factor in the Richardson extrapolation. See the
#' details.
#' @param tol Relative convergence criteria. See the details.
#' @param order Maximum number of iteration of the Richardson extrapolation.
#' @details
#' The function computes the Hessian using numerical differentiation with
#' centered differences and subsequent use of Richardson
#' extrapolation to refine the estimate.
#' The additional arguments are as follows: The numerical differentiation
#' is applied for each argument with a step size of
#' \code{s = max(eps, |x| * eps)}.
#' The Richardson extrapolation at iteration \code{i} uses a step size of
#' \code{s * scale^(-i)}. The convergence threshold for each comportment of
#' the gradient is \code{max(tol, |gr(x)[j]| * tol)}.
#' The numerical differentiation is done on each element function and thus
#' much more efficient then doing it on the whole gradient.
#' @examples
#' # assign model parameters, number of random effects, and fixed effects
#' q <- 2 # number of private parameters per cluster
#' p <- 1 # number of global parameters
#' beta <- sqrt((1:p) / sum(1:p))
#' Sigma <- diag(q)
#' # simulate a data set
#' set.seed(66608927)
#' n_clusters <- 20L # number of clusters
#' sim_dat <- replicate(n_clusters, {
#'   n_members <- sample.int(8L, 1L) + 2L
#'   X <- matrix(runif(p * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2), sqrt(6 / 2)),
#'               p)
#'   u <- drop(rnorm(q) %*% chol(Sigma))
#'   Z <- matrix(runif(q * n_members, -sqrt(6 / 2 / q), sqrt(6 / 2 / q)),
#'               q)
#'   eta <- drop(beta %*% X + u %*% Z)
#'   y <- as.numeric((1 + exp(-eta))^(-1) > runif(n_members))
#'   list(X = X, Z = Z, y = y, u = u, Sigma_inv = solve(Sigma))
#' }, simplify = FALSE)
#' # evaluates the negative log integrand.
#' #
#' # Args:
#' #   i cluster/element function index.
#' #   par the global and private parameter for this cluster. It has length
#' #       zero if the number of parameters is requested. That is, a 2D integer
#' #       vector the number of global parameters as the first element and the
#' #       number of private parameters as the second element.
#' #   comp_grad logical for whether to compute the gradient.
#' r_func <- function(i, par, comp_grad){
#'   dat <- sim_dat[[i]]
#'   X <- dat$X
#'   Z <- dat$Z
#'   if(length(par) < 1)
#'     # requested the dimension of the parameter
#'     return(c(global_dim = NROW(dat$X), private_dim = NROW(dat$Z)))
#'   y <- dat$y
#'   Sigma_inv <- dat$Sigma_inv
#'   beta <- par[1:p]
#'   uhat <- par[1:q + p]
#'   eta <- drop(beta %*% X + uhat %*% Z)
#'   exp_eta <- exp(eta)
#'   out <- -sum(y * eta) + sum(log(1 + exp_eta)) +
#'     sum(uhat * (Sigma_inv %*% uhat)) / 2
#'   if(comp_grad){
#'     d_eta <- -y + exp_eta / (1 + exp_eta)
#'     grad <- c(X %*% d_eta,
#'               Z %*% d_eta + dat$Sigma_inv %*% uhat)
#'     attr(out, "grad") <- grad
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' # compute the hessian
#' set.seed(1)
#' par <- runif(p + q * n_clusters, -1)
#' hess <- psqn_hess(val = par, fn = r_func, n_ele_func = n_clusters)
#' # compare with numerical differentiation from R
#' if(require(numDeriv)){
#'     hess_num <- jacobian(function(x){
#'         out <- numeric(length(x))
#'         for(i in seq_len(n_clusters)){
#'             out_i <- r_func(i, x[c(1:p, 1:q + (i - 1L) * q + p)], TRUE)
#'             out[1:p] <- out[1:p] + attr(out_i, "grad")[1:p]
#'             out[1:q + (i - 1L) * q + p] <- attr(out_i, "grad")[1:q + p]
#'         }
#'         out
#'     }, par)
#'     cat("Output of all.equal\n")
#'     print(all.equal(Matrix(hess_num, sparse = TRUE), hess))
#' }
#' @export
psqn_hess <- function(val, fn, n_ele_func, n_threads = 1L, env = NULL, eps = 0.001, scale = 2., tol = 0.000000001, order = 6L) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_hess`, val, fn, n_ele_func, n_threads, env, eps, scale, tol, order)

#' @rdname psqn
#' @param consts Function to compute the constraints which must be equal to
#' zero. See the example Section.
#' @param multipliers Staring values for the multipliers in the augmented
#' Lagrangian method. There needs to be the same number of multipliers as the
#' number of constraints. An empty vector, \code{numeric()}, yields zero as
#' the starting value for all multipliers.
#' @param penalty_start Starting value for the penalty parameterin the
#' augmented Lagrangian method.
#' @param max_it_outer Maximum number of augmented Lagrangian steps.
#' @param violations_norm_thresh Threshold for the norm of the constraint
#' violations.
#' @param tau Multiplier used for the penalty parameter between each outer
#' iterations.
#' @param n_constraints The number of constraints.
#' @return
#' \code{psqn_aug_Lagrang}: Like \code{psqn} with a few exceptions:
#' \item{multipliers}{final multipliers from the augmented Lagrangian
#' method.}
#' \item{counts}{has an additional element called \code{n_aug_Lagrang} with the
#' number of augmented Lagrangian iterations.}
#' \item{penalty}{the final penalty parameter from the augmented Lagrangian
#' method.}
#' @export
psqn_aug_Lagrang <- function(par, fn, n_ele_func, consts, n_constraints, multipliers = as.numeric( c()), penalty_start = 1L, rel_eps = .00000001, max_it = 100L, max_it_outer = 100L, violations_norm_thresh = 0.000001, n_threads = 1L, c1 = .0001, c2 = .9, tau = 1.5, use_bfgs = TRUE, trace = 0L, cg_tol = .5, strong_wolfe = TRUE, env = NULL, max_cg = 0L, pre_method = 1L, mask = as.integer( c()), gr_tol = -1.) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_aug_Lagrang`, par, fn, n_ele_func, consts, n_constraints, multipliers, penalty_start, rel_eps, max_it, max_it_outer, violations_norm_thresh, n_threads, c1, c2, tau, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, env, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol)

#' BFGS Implementation Used Internally in the psqn Package
#' @description
#' The method seems to mainly differ from \code{\link{optim}} by the line search
#' method. This version uses the interpolation method with a zoom phase
#' using cubic interpolation as described by Nocedal and Wright (2006).
#' @references
#' Nocedal, J. and Wright, S. J. (2006). \emph{Numerical Optimization}
#' (2nd ed.). Springer.
#' @return
#' An object like the object returned by \code{\link{psqn}}.
#' @inheritParams psqn
#' @param par Initial values for the parameters.
#' @param fn Function to evaluate the function to be minimized.
#' @param gr Gradient of \code{fn}. Should return the function value as an
#' attribute called \code{"value"}.
#' @param env Environment to evaluate \code{fn} and \code{gr} in.
#' \code{NULL} yields the global environment.
#' @param gr_tol Convergence tolerance for the Euclidean norm of the gradient. A negative
#' value yields no check.
#' @param abs_eps Absolute convergence threshold. A negative values yields no
#' check.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # declare function and gradient from the example from help(optim)
#' fn <- function(x) {
#'   x1 <- x[1]
#'   x2 <- x[2]
#'   100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
#' }
#' gr <- function(x) {
#'   x1 <- x[1]
#'   x2 <- x[2]
#'   c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1),
#'      200 *      (x2 - x1 * x1))
#' }
#' # we need a different function for the method in this package
#' gr_psqn <- function(x) {
#'   x1 <- x[1]
#'   x2 <- x[2]
#'   out <- c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1),
#'             200 *      (x2 - x1 * x1))
#'   attr(out, "value") <- 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
#'   out
#' }
#' # we get the same
#' optim    (c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr, method = "BFGS")
#' psqn_bfgs(c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr_psqn)
#' # compare the computation time
#' system.time(replicate(1000,
#'                       optim    (c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr, method = "BFGS")))
#' system.time(replicate(1000,
#'                       psqn_bfgs(c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr_psqn)))
#' # we can use an alternative convergence criterion
#' org <- psqn_bfgs(c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr_psqn, rel_eps = 1e-4)
#' sqrt(sum(gr_psqn(org$par)^2))
#' new_res <- psqn_bfgs(c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr_psqn, rel_eps = 1e-4, gr_tol = 1e-8)
#' sqrt(sum(gr_psqn(new_res$par)^2))
#' new_res <- psqn_bfgs(c(-1.2, 1), fn, gr_psqn, rel_eps = 1, abs_eps = 1e-2)
#' new_res$value - org$value # ~ there (but this is not guaranteed)
psqn_bfgs <- function(par, fn, gr, rel_eps = .00000001, max_it = 100L, c1 = .0001, c2 = .9, trace = 0L, env = NULL, gr_tol = -1., abs_eps = -1.) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_bfgs`, par, fn, gr, rel_eps, max_it, c1, c2, trace, env, gr_tol, abs_eps)

#' Generic Partially Separable Function Optimization
#' @description
#' Optimization method for generic partially separable functions.
#' @inheritParams psqn
#' @param par Initial values for the parameters.
#' @details
#' The function follows the method described by Nocedal and Wright (2006)
#' and mainly what is described in Section 7.4. Details are provided
#' in the psqn vignette. See \code{vignette("psqn", package = "psqn")}.
#' The partially separable function we consider can be quite general and the
#' only restriction is that we can write the function to be minimized as a sum
#' of so-called element functions each of which only depends on a small number
#' of the parameters. A more restricted version is available through the
#' \code{\link{psqn}} function.
#' The optimization function is also available in C++ as a header-only
#' library. Using C++ may reduce the computation time substantially. See
#' the vignette in the package for examples.
#' @return
#' A list like \code{\link{psqn}} and \code{\link{psqn_aug_Lagrang}}.
#' @references
#' Nocedal, J. and Wright, S. J. (2006). \emph{Numerical Optimization}
#' (2nd ed.). Springer.
#' Lin, C. and Moré, J. J. (1999). \emph{Incomplete Cholesky factorizations
#' with limited memory}. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
#' @examples
#' # example with a GLM as in the vignette
#' # assign the number of parameters and number of observations
#' set.seed(1)
#' K <- 20L
#' n <- 5L * K
#' # simulate the data
#' truth_limit <- runif(K, -1, 1)
#' dat <- replicate(
#'   n, {
#'     # sample the indices
#'     n_samp <- sample.int(5L, 1L) + 1L
#'     indices <- sort(sample.int(K, n_samp))
#'     # sample the outcome, y, and return
#'     list(y = rpois(1, exp(sum(truth_limit[indices]))),
#'          indices = indices)
#'   }, simplify = FALSE)
#' # we need each parameter to be present at least once
#' stopifnot(length(unique(unlist(
#'   lapply(dat, `[`, "indices")
#' ))) == K) # otherwise we need to change the code
#' # assign the function we need to pass to psqn_generic
#' #
#' # Args:
#' #   i cluster/element function index.
#' #   par the parameters that this element function depends on. It has length zero
#' #       if we need to pass the one-based indices of the parameters that the i'th
#' #       element function depends on.
#' #   comp_grad TRUE of the gradient should be computed.
#' r_func <- function(i, par, comp_grad){
#'   z <- dat[[i]]
#'   if(length(par) == 0L)
#'     # return the indices
#'     return(z$indices)
#'   eta <- sum(par)
#'   exp_eta <- exp(eta)
#'   out <- -z$y * eta + exp_eta
#'   if(comp_grad)
#'     attr(out, "grad") <- rep(-z$y + exp_eta, length(z$indices))
#'   out
#' }
#' # minimize the function
#' R_res <- psqn_generic(
#'   par = numeric(K), fn = r_func, n_ele_func = length(dat), c1 = 1e-4, c2 = .1,
#'   trace = 0L, rel_eps = 1e-9, max_it = 1000L, env = environment())
#' # get the same as if we had used optim
#' R_func <- function(x){
#'   out <- vapply(dat, function(z){
#'     eta <- sum(x[z$indices])
#'     -z$y * eta + exp(eta)
#'   }, 0.)
#'   sum(out)
#' }
#' R_func_gr <- function(x){
#'   out <- numeric(length(x))
#'   for(z in dat){
#'     idx_i <- z$indices
#'     eta <- sum(x[idx_i])
#'     out[idx_i] <- out[idx_i] -z$y + exp(eta)
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' opt <- optim(numeric(K), R_func, R_func_gr, method = "BFGS",
#'              control = list(maxit = 1000L))
#' # we got the same
#' all.equal(opt$value, R_res$value)
#' # also works if we fix some parameters
#' to_fix <- c(7L, 1L, 18L)
#' par_fix <- numeric(K)
#' par_fix[to_fix] <- c(-1, -.5, 0)
#' R_res <- psqn_generic(
#'   par = par_fix, fn = r_func, n_ele_func = length(dat), c1 = 1e-4, c2 = .1,
#'   trace = 0L, rel_eps = 1e-9, max_it = 1000L, env = environment(),
#'   mask = to_fix - 1L) # notice the -1L because of the zero based indices
#' # the equivalent optim version is
#' opt <- optim(
#'   numeric(K - length(to_fix)),
#'   function(par) { par_fix[-to_fix] <- par; R_func   (par_fix) },
#'   function(par) { par_fix[-to_fix] <- par; R_func_gr(par_fix)[-to_fix] },
#'   method = "BFGS", control = list(maxit = 1000L))
#' res_optim <- par_fix
#' res_optim[-to_fix] <- opt$par
#' # we got the same
#' all.equal(res_optim, R_res$par, tolerance = 1e-5)
#' all.equal(R_res$par[to_fix], par_fix[to_fix]) # the parameters are fixed
#' # add equality constraints
#' idx_constrained <- list(c(2L, 19L, 11L, 7L), c(3L, 5L, 8L), 9:7)
#' # evaluates the c(x) in equalities c(x) = 0.
#' #
#' # Args:
#' #   i constrain index.
#' #   par the constrained parameters. It has length zero if we need to pass the
#' #       one-based indices of the parameters that the i'th constrain depends on.
#' #   what integer which is zero if the function should be returned and one if the
#' #        gradient should be computed.
#' consts <- function(i, par, what){
#'   if(length(par) == 0)
#'     # need to return the indices
#'     return(idx_constrained[[i]])
#'   if(i == 1){
#'     out <- exp(sum(par[1:2])) + exp(sum(par[3:4])) - 1
#'     if(what == 1)
#'       attr(out, "grad") <- c(rep(exp(sum(par[1:2])), 2),
#'                              rep(exp(sum(par[3:4])), 2))
#'   } else if(i == 2){
#'     # the parameters need to be on a circle
#'     out <- sum(par^2) - 1
#'     if(what == 1)
#'       attr(out, "grad") <- 2 * par
#'   } else if(i == 3){
#'     out <- sum(par) - .5
#'     if(what == 1)
#'       attr(out, "grad") <- rep(1, length(par))
#'   }
#'   out
#' }
#' # optimize with the constraints and masking
#' res_consts <- psqn_aug_Lagrang_generic(
#'   par = par_fix, fn = r_func, n_ele_func = length(dat), c1 = 1e-4, c2 = .1,
#'   trace = 0L, rel_eps = 1e-8, max_it = 1000L, env = environment(),
#'   consts = consts, n_constraints = length(idx_constrained),
#'   mask = to_fix - 1L)
#' res_consts
#' # the constraints are satisfied
#' consts(1, res_consts$par[idx_constrained[[1]]], 0) # ~ 0
#' consts(2, res_consts$par[idx_constrained[[2]]], 0) # ~ 0
#' consts(3, res_consts$par[idx_constrained[[3]]], 0) # ~ 0
#' # compare with the alabama package
#' if(require(alabama)){
#'     ala_fit <- auglag(
#'       par_fix, R_func, R_func_gr,
#'       heq = function(x){
#'         c(x[to_fix] - par_fix[to_fix],
#'           consts(1, x[idx_constrained[[1]]], 0),
#'           consts(2, x[idx_constrained[[2]]], 0),
#'           consts(3, x[idx_constrained[[3]]], 0))
#'       }, control.outer = list(trace = 0L))
#'     cat(sprintf("Difference in objective value is %.6f. Parametes are\n",
#'                 ala_fit$value - res_consts$value))
#'     print(rbind(alabama = ala_fit$par,
#'                 psqn = res_consts$par))
#'     cat("\nOutput from all.equal\n")
#'     print(all.equal(ala_fit$par, res_consts$par))
#' }
#' # the overhead here is though quite large with the R interface from the psqn
#' # package. A C++ implementation is much faster as shown in
#' # vignette("psqn", package = "psqn"). The reason it is that it is very fast
#' # to evaluate the element functions in this case
#' @export
psqn_generic <- function(par, fn, n_ele_func, rel_eps = .00000001, max_it = 100L, n_threads = 1L, c1 = .0001, c2 = .9, use_bfgs = TRUE, trace = 0L, cg_tol = .5, strong_wolfe = TRUE, env = NULL, max_cg = 0L, pre_method = 1L, mask = as.integer( c()), gr_tol = -1.) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_generic`, par, fn, n_ele_func, rel_eps, max_it, n_threads, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, env, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol)

#' @rdname psqn_generic
#' @export
psqn_aug_Lagrang_generic <- function(par, fn, n_ele_func, consts, n_constraints, multipliers = as.numeric( c()), penalty_start = 1L, rel_eps = .00000001, max_it = 100L, max_it_outer = 100L, violations_norm_thresh = 0.000001, n_threads = 1L, c1 = .0001, c2 = .9, tau = 1.5, use_bfgs = TRUE, trace = 0L, cg_tol = .5, strong_wolfe = TRUE, env = NULL, max_cg = 0L, pre_method = 1L, mask = as.integer( c()), gr_tol = -1.) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_aug_Lagrang_generic`, par, fn, n_ele_func, consts, n_constraints, multipliers, penalty_start, rel_eps, max_it, max_it_outer, violations_norm_thresh, n_threads, c1, c2, tau, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, env, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol)

#' @rdname psqn_hess
#' @export
psqn_generic_hess <- function(val, fn, n_ele_func, n_threads = 1L, env = NULL, eps = 0.001, scale = 2., tol = 0.000000001, order = 6L) {
    .Call(`_psqn_psqn_generic_hess`, val, fn, n_ele_func, n_threads, env, eps, scale, tol, order)

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psqn documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:50 p.m.