API for psychTools
Tools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for Psychological Research

Global functions
Athenstaedt Man page
Athenstaedt.dictionary Man page
Athenstaedt.keys Man page
BFI.adjectives.dictionary Man page
Damian Man page
GERAS Man page
GERAS.dictionary Man page
GERAS.items Man page
GERAS.keys Man page
GERAS.scales Man page
ICC2latex Man page
Pollack Man page
Schutz Man page
Spengler Man page
Spengler.stat Man page
USAF Man page
Utility Man page
ability Man page
ability.keys Man page
affect Man page
all.income Man page
bfi Man page
bfi.adjectives Man page
bfi.adjectives.dictionary Man page
bfi.adjectives.keys Man page
bfi.dictionary Man page
bfi.keys Man page
big5.100.adjectives Man page
big5.adjectives.dictionary Man page
big5.adjectives.keys Man page
blant Man page
blot Man page
burt Man page
cities Man page
city.location Man page
colom Man page
colom.ed0 Man page
colom.ed1 Man page
colom.ed2 Man page
colom.ed3 Man page
combineMatrices Man page Source code
cor2latex Man page
cor2rtf Man page Source code
cubits Man page
cushny Man page
df2latex Man page
df2rtf Man page Source code
dfOrder Man page Source code
eminence Man page
epi Man page
epi.bfi Man page
epi.dictionary Man page
epi.keys Man page
epiR Man page
estress Man page
fa2latex Man page
fa2rtf Man page Source code
fileCreate Man page
fileScan Man page
filesInfo Man page
filesList Man page
flat Man page
galton Man page
glbwarm Man page
globalWarm Man page
heights Man page
holzinger.dictionary Man page
holzinger.raw Man page
holzinger.swineford Man page
income Man page
iqitems Man page
irt2latex Man page
maps Man page
msq Man page
msq.keys Man page
msqR Man page
neo Man page
omega2latex Man page
peas Man page
psychTools Man page
rd2html Man page
read.clipboard Man page
read.clipboard.csv Man page
read.clipboard.fwf Man page
read.clipboard.lower Man page
read.clipboard.tab Man page
read.clipboard.upper Man page
read.file Man page
read.file.csv Man page
read.https Man page
rearrange Man page
recode Man page
sai Man page
sai.dictionary Man page
salary Man page
sat.act Man page
selectBy Man page
spengler Man page
spi Man page
spi.dictionary Man page
spi.keys Man page
splitBy Man page
tai Man page
usaf Man page
vJoin Man page Source code
veg Man page
vegetables Man page
wide2long Man page
write.file Man page
write.file.csv Man page
zola Man page
zola.dictionary Man page
zola.keys Man page
psychTools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:47 a.m.