BFI.adjectives.dictionary: Dictionary for the 100 Big Five Adjectives

BFI.adjectives.dictionaryR Documentation

Dictionary for the 100 Big Five Adjectives


Lew Goldberg organized 100 adjectives to measure 5 factors of personality (The Big5). 500 hundred participants were given these adjectives along with other personality measures. This dictionary allows for easy item labeling of the results. ~




A data frame with 100 observations on the following 2 variables.


a character vector of the item label


a character vector of the actual adjectives


Keying information for the 100 adjectives:


Data collected at the Personality, Motivation, and Cognition Laboratory, Northwestern University.


Lewis R. Goldberg,(1992) The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure, Psychological Assessment, 4 (1) 26-42.

See Also

big5.100.adjectives for examples of the data. msqR for 3896 participants with scores on five scales of the EPI. affect for an example of the use of some of these adjectives in a mood manipulation study.


data(BFI.adjectives.dictionary) #this includes the bfi.adjectives.keys
bfi.adjectives.keys <- list(
Agreeableness =																				
psych::cs(V2,	-V11, V14, V15, -V19,	-V21, V29,	-V31, V32,	V48, V55,-V61,	-V63,	
V69, V76, -V78,	-V79, -V90,	-V94,	V99), 
Conscientiousness	= psych::cs(V9,	-V10,	V13, -V20,	V22, -V30, -V37, -V38, -V39,	
     V50,  -V51, V53, V56, V57, -V67,	V68, V70, V73, -V82, -V95),
Extraversion = psych::cs(V1,V5,	-V6,V7,	V17, V24, V26, -V40,-V45, -V58,	-V60,-V65,
     V71,  -V74,	-V77,	V92, -V96,	V97, V98, -V100),
Neuroticism= psych::cs(V3, V23, V25, V27,V28, V33,-V36, V42, V46,V47, V49, V52,-V59,V62,
 V72, V75, -V81,-V83,-V84, -V85),
Openness = psych::cs(V4,V8,V12, V16, V18,V34, -V35,V41, V43, V44, V54,	-V64,-V66, -V80,
-V86, -V87, -V88, -V89, -V91, -V93)

psychTools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:47 a.m.