about_documentation: psyosphere documentation guideline

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Guideline for creating 'psyosphere' documentation.


File names

  1. The file names of documentation about 'psyosphere' in general begins with "about ". Exception is the package documentation file.

  2. The file names cannot begin with "aa" or "ab" to prevent that they are listed before the "about" files..

  3. The file names for functions documentations are identical to the function names. Exception are private functions. See also about functions.

  4. The file name for data always begin with "psyo".


For each documentation 2 files will be created.

  1. A documentation file. A file that contains the documentation for the function and has the same file name as the function file. See also: about functions.

  2. A documentation example file. A file that contains the example code for the documentation. This file has the same file name as the function file with the prefix "man_" and is stored in the directory "code_examples/man".


If you use 'psyosphere' for commercial use or research, please support us by include one off the following references:


Benjamin Ziepert. Please send feedback to: feedback-psyosphere@analyse-gps.com.

psyosphere documentation built on July 2, 2020, 12:08 a.m.