psyfun.2asym: Fit Psychometric Functions and Upper and Lower Asymptotes

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psyfun.2asymR Documentation

Fit Psychometric Functions and Upper and Lower Asymptotes


Fits psychometric functions allowing for variation of both upper and lower asymptotes. Uses a procedure that alternates between fitting linear predictor with glm and estimating the asymptotes with optim until a minimum in -log likelihood is obtained within a tolerance.


psyfun.2asym(formula, data, link = logit.2asym, init.g = 0.01, 
	init.lam = 0.01, trace = FALSE, tol = 1e-06, 
	mxNumAlt = 50, ...)



a two sided formula specifying the response and the linear predictor


a data frame within which the formula terms are interpreted


a link function for the binomial family that allows specifying both upper and lower asymptotes


numeric specifying the initial estimate for the lower asymptote


numeric specifying initial estimate for 1 - upper asymptote


logical indicating whether to show the trace of the minimization of -log likelihood


numeric indicating change in -log likelihood as a criterion for stopping iteration.


integer indicating maximum number of alternations between glm and optim steps to perform if minimum not reached.


additional arguments passed to glm


The function is a wrapper for glm for fitting psychometric functions with the equation

P(x) = \gamma + (1 - \gamma - \lambda) p(x)

where \gamma is the lower asymptote and lambda is 1 - the upper asymptote, and p(x) is the base psychometric function, varying between 0 and 1.


list of class ‘lambda’ inheriting from classes ‘glm’ and ‘lm’ and containing additional components


numeric indicating 1 - upper asymptote


numeric indicating lower asymptote


numeric indicating standard error estimate for lambda based on the Hessian of the last interation of optim. The optimization is done on the value transformed by the function plogis and the value is stored in on this scale


numeric indicating standard error estimate for gam estimated in the same fashion as SElambda

If a diagonal element of the Hessian is sufficiently close to 0, NA is returned.


The cloglog.2asym and its alias, weib.2asym, don't converge on occasion. This can be observed by using the trace argument. One strategy is to modify the initial estimates.


Kenneth Knoblauch


Klein S. A. (2001) Measuring, estimating, and understanding the psychometric function: a commentary. Percept Psychophys., 63(8), 1421–1455.

Wichmann, F. A. and Hill, N. J. (2001) The psychometric function: I.Fitting, sampling, and goodness of fit. Percept Psychophys., 63(8), 1293–1313.

See Also

glm, optim, glm.lambda, mafc


#A toy example,
b <- 3
g <- 0.05 # simulated false alarm rate
d <- 0.03
a <- 0.04
p <- c(a, b, g, d) <- 160
cnt <- 10^seq(-2, -1, length = 6) # contrast levels

#simulated Weibull-Quick observer responses
truep <- g + (1 - g - d) * pweibull(cnt, b, a)
ny <- rbinom(length(cnt),, truep)
nn <- - ny
phat <- ny/(ny + nn)
resp.mat <- matrix(c(ny, nn), ncol = 2)

ddprob.glm <- psyfun.2asym(resp.mat ~ cnt, link = probit.2asym)
ddlog.glm <- psyfun.2asym(resp.mat ~ cnt, link = logit.2asym)
# Can fit a Weibull function, but use log contrast as variable
ddweib.glm <- psyfun.2asym(resp.mat ~ log(cnt), link = weib.2asym) 
ddcau.glm <- psyfun.2asym(resp.mat ~ cnt, link = cauchit.2asym)

plot(cnt, phat, log = "x", cex = 1.5, ylim = c(0, 1))
pcnt <- seq(0.01, 0.1, len = 100)
lines(pcnt, predict(ddprob.glm, data.frame(cnt = pcnt),
			type = "response"), lwd = 5)
lines(pcnt, predict(ddlog.glm, data.frame(cnt = pcnt),
			type = "response"), lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "blue")
lines(pcnt, predict(ddweib.glm, data.frame(cnt = pcnt),
			type = "response"), lwd = 3, col = "grey")
lines(pcnt, predict(ddcau.glm, data.frame(cnt = pcnt),
			type = "response"), lwd = 3, col = "grey", lty = 2)

psyphy documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:07 p.m.