dat.motyl2017: Effect Sizes from 875 Studies in Psychology.

dat.motyl2017R Documentation

Effect Sizes from 875 Studies in Psychology.


Effect sizes from 875 studies in psychology. Adopted from Motyl et al. (2017).




The tibble contains the following columns:

author character first author of study
year numeric publication year
study numeric the number given to the study in the original paper (0 = only one study was reported in the original paper;
journal character journal where the study was published
concealed character design of the study; "Between", "Within", or "Mixed"
experimental numeric TRUE for an experimental study
ni numeric sample size
yi numeric observed mean difference in outcome
vi numeric corresponding sampling variance




Motyl, M., Demos, A. P., Carsel, T. S., Hanson, B. E., Melton, Z. J., Mueller, A. B., ... & Yantis, C. (2017). The state of social and personality science: Rotten to the core, not so bad, getting better, or getting worse?. Journal of personality and social psychology, 113(1), 34.

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