Man pages for pwrFDR
FDR Power

Ch01-pwrFDREnsemble power or sample size under selected control of the...
Ch02-pwrFDR-gridEvaluate 'pwrFDR' on a grid.
Ch03-controlFDPHelper function for the BHCLT FDP control method
Ch04-distsThe Distribution family object
Ch05-detailThe detail extraction function for simulated power objects
Ch06-cCDF-RomComputes the complimentary CDF for the significant call...
Ch07-cCDF-ToMComputes the complimentary CDF for the true positive...
Ch08-cCDF-VoRComputes the complimentary CDF for the false discovery...
Ch09-CDF-PvalCDF of pooled (H0 and HA) population p-values
Ch10-CDF-Pval-HACDF of p-values for test statistics distribted under HA.
Ch11-sd-rtm-RomExtractor function for asymptotic sd[R_m/m] under selected...
Ch12-sd-rtm-ToMExtractor function for asymptotic sd[T_m/M_m] under selected...
Ch13-sd-rtm-VoRExtractor function for asymptotic sd[V_m/R_m] under selected...
Ch14-logitComputes the logit transform
Ch15-logitInvComputes the inverse logit transform
Ch16-overDivision operator with divide by zero clobbering
Ch17-concatThe paste operator
Ch18-gentempfilenmGenerate a tempfile name
Ch19-CDF-Pval-ua-eq-uFunction which solves the implicit equation u = G( u alpha)
Ch20-CDF-Pval-ar-eq-uCalculates the fixed point for the Romano procedure.
Ch21-cc-ROCComputes the optimal number of controls per case in...
Ch22-es-ROCComputes the equivalent Z-test effect size in hypothesis...
Ch23-criterionBH-FDR and Romano Criterion
Ch24-arg-valsExtracts the full argument list and call attribute.
Ch25-if-0-rmA helper function- remove if zero.
Ch26-if-na-xA helper function - substitute 'NA's with a specified 'x'.
Ch27-if-y-zA helper function - substitute 'y"s with a specified 'z'.
Ch28-nnaA helper function- turns a missing column into 'NA's inside...
Ch29-view-presentationCall this function (without arguments) to open a presentation...
pwrFDR documentation built on May 12, 2021, 5:07 p.m.