GrantQualification: Grant/Accept or Reject a Qualification Request

GrantQualificationR Documentation

Grant/Accept or Reject a Qualification Request


Gran/accept or reject a worker's request for a Qualification.


  reason = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("pyMTurkR.verbose", TRUE)



A character string containing a QualificationRequestId (for example, returned by GetQualificationRequests), or a vector of QualificationRequestIds.


A character string containing the value of the Qualification to be assigned to the worker, or a vector of values of length equal to the number of QualificationRequests.


An optional character string, or vector of character strings of length equal to length of the qual.requests parameter, supplying each worker with a reason for rejecting their request for the Qualification. Workers will see this message. Maximum of 1024 characters.


Optionally print the results of the API request to the standard output. Default is taken from getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose', TRUE).


Qualifications are publicly visible to workers on the MTurk website and workers can request Qualifications (e.g., when a HIT requires a QualificationType that they have not been assigned). QualificationRequests can be retrieved via GetQualificationRequests. GrantQualification grants the specified qualification requests. Requests can be rejected with RejectQualifications.

Note that granting a qualification may have the consequence of modifying a worker's existing qualification score. For example, if a worker already has a score of 100 on a given QualificationType and then requests the same QualificationType, a GrantQualification action might increase or decrease that worker's qualification score.

Similarly, rejecting a qualification is not the same as revoking a worker's Qualification. For example, if a worker already has a score of 100 on a given QualificationType and then requests the same QualificationType, a RejectQualification leaves the worker's existing Qualification in place. Use RevokeQualification to entirely remove a worker's Qualification.

GrantQualifications(), grantqual(), AcceptQualificationRequest() and acceptrequest() are aliases; RejectQualifications() and rejectrequest() are aliases.


A data frame containing the QualificationRequestId, reason for rejection (if applicable; only for RejectQualification), and whether each request was valid.


Tyler Burleigh, Thomas J. Leeper


API Reference: AcceptQualificationRequest

See Also


pyMTurkR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:13 a.m.