Man pages for qch
Query Composite Hypotheses

Copula.Hconfig_gaussian_densityGaussian copula density for each Hconfiguration.
EM_calibration_gaussianEM calibration in the case of the gaussian copula (unsigned)
EM_calibration_gaussian_memoryEM calibration in the case of the gaussian copula (unsigned)...
EM_calibration_indepEM calibration in the case of conditional independence
EM_calibration_indep_memoryEM calibration in the case of conditional independence with...
f1_separation_signedSigned case function: Separate f1 into f+ and f-
FastKerFdr_signedFastKerFdr signed
FastKerFdr_unsignedFastKerFdr unsigned
fHconfig_sum_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallelComputation of the sum sum_c(w_c*psi_c) using Gaussian copula...
fHconfig_sum_update_ptr_parallelComputation of the sum sum_c(w_c*psi_c) parallelized version
gaussian_copula_densityGaussian copula density
GetH1AtLeastSpecify the configurations corresponding to the composite H_1...
GetH1EqualSpecify the configurations corresponding to the composite H_1...
GetHconfigGenerate the H_0/H_1 configurations.
prior_update_arma_ptr_parallelUpdate of the prior estimate in EM algo parallelized version
prior_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallelUpdate of the prior estimate in EM algo using Gaussian...
PvalSetsSynthetic example to illustrate the main qch functions
PvalSets_corSynthetic example to illustrate the main qch functions using...
qch.fitInfer posterior probabilities of H_0/H_1 configurations.
qch-packageqch: Query Composite Hypotheses
qch.testPerform composite hypothesis testing.
R.MLEGaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum Likelihood...
R.MLE.checkCheck the Gaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum...
R.MLE.memoryGaussian copula correlation matrix Maximum Likelihood...
R_MLE_update_gaussian_copula_ptr_parallelUpdate the estimate of R correlation matrix of the gaussian...
qch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.