
# colstripalpha <- function(x)
# { 
#   apply(col2rgb(x, alpha = FALSE),2,function(x)do.call(rgb,as.list(x/255)))
# }
# # This function transforms a qgraph object into a D3 file.
# qgraphD3 <- function(
#   input, # Either a qgraph object, or qgraph is run on this object
#   D3width = 800,
#   D3height = 800,
#   D3file = "qgraph",
#   showFile = TRUE,
#   ... # Arguments sent to qgraph. If not empty and input is qgraph object qgraph is called again
# ){
#   if (is(input,"qgraph")){
#     if (length(list(...)) > 0){
#       qgraphObject <- qgraph(input, ..., DoNotPlot = TRUE)
#     } else {
#       qgraphObject <- input
#     }
#   } else {
#     qgraphObject <- qgraph(input, ..., DoNotPLot = TRUE)
#   }
#   # Construct edge dataframe:
#   Links <- data.frame(
#       source = qgraphObject$Edgelist$from-1,
#       target = qgraphObject$Edgelist$to-1,
#       value = abs(qgraphObject$Edgelist$weight)/ max(abs(qgraphObject$Edgelist$weight)),
#       color = colstripalpha(qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Edges$color),
#       width = qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Edges$width
#     )
#   Links <- Links[qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Graph$edgesort,]
#   # HTML file name:
#   Filename <- paste0(D3file,".html")
#   Nodes <- data.frame(
#     name =   qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Nodes$labels,
#     color =  colstripalpha(qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Nodes$color),
#     bcolor = colstripalpha(qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Nodes$border.color),
#     bwidth = qgraphObject$graphAttributes$Nodes$border.width,
#     group = 1
#       )
#   # Create D3network:
#   d3ForceNetwork(Links = Links, Nodes = Nodes, Source = "source",
#                  Target = "target", Value = "value", NodeID = "name",
#                  Group = "group",
#                  opacity = "1", file = Filename,
#                  linkWidth = "LINKREPLACEDUMMY",
#                   width = D3width,height =D3height)
#   # Read the created html:
#   lines <- readLines(Filename)
#   linksLine <- grep("var links =", lines)  
#   nodesLine <- grep("var nodes =", lines)  
#   # Replace links and ndoes with proper links:
#   lines[linksLine] <- paste("var links =", toJSONarray(Links), "; \n")
#   lines[nodesLine] <- paste("var nodes =", toJSONarray(Nodes), "; \n")
#   # Find var link:
#   linkAttrLine <- grep('LINKREPLACEDUMMY', lines)
#   # Append:
#   lines[linkAttrLine] <-
#     '.style("stroke", function(d) {return d.color;})
#     .style("stroke-width", function(d) {return d.width;})'
#   # NODES
#   nodesAttrLine <- grep('.style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.group); })', lines, fixed = TRUE)
#   # Append:
#   lines[nodesAttrLine] <-
#     '.style("opacity", 1)
#     .style("fill", function(d) {return d.color;})
#     .style("stroke", function(d) {return d.bcolor;})
#     .style("stroke-width", function(d) {return d.bwidth;})'
#   # Remove border white:
#   lines <- gsub("stroke: #fff;","",lines)
#   # Fill text:
#   lines <- gsub("text {","text {\nfill: #666;\n",lines,fixed=TRUE)
#   # Fix other things:
#   lines <- gsub("&quot;",'"',lines)
#   lines <- gsub("&lt;",'<',lines)
#   # Write file again:
#   # Fix and write:
#   writeLines(lines, Filename)
#   if (showFile){
#     browseURL(Filename)
#   }
# }

Try the qgraph package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

qgraph documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:07 p.m.