
## Funcion tableclass                                                                                        ##
##                                                                                                           ##
## Elaborado por: Martha Luc?a Corrales                                                                      ##
## Revisado y modificado por: Campo El?as Pardo INGL?S Fecha                                                 ##
## Universidad Nacional de Colombia                                                                          ##
##                                                                                                           ##
## tableclass (tabla = a data frame or matrix containing  coordinates of a factorial analysis,               ##
##           numaxes =  number of dimensions for the classification. Default 2,                              ##
##           numclass =  number of class. Default 2 )                                                        ##
##                                                                                                           ##


## Verificacion de los datos

  if (numaxes < 2) {
    stop("Number of axes must to be 2 or greater 2")
 if (numclass < 2) {
    stop("Number of classes must to be 2 or greater 2")

 if (ncol(tabla) < numaxes) {
    stop("Number of columns of tabla must to be greater than number of axes")

  # modificado por PardoCE ago 30 2016
 # numrows<-as.integer(numaxes+15)
 # if (ncol(tabla) < numrows) {numrows = ncol(tabla)-numaxes}
  numrows = ncol(tabla)-numaxes+1

  for(k in 1:numrows)
      W <- dist(coo)^2/nrow(coo)/2
      HW <- hclust(W,method="ward.D")
      memb <- cutree(HW, k = numclass)
colnames(tableclas)<-c("Axes","Individuals in the majority class")
Chosen <- tableclas[ ,2] == min(tableclas[ ,2])
tableclas <- cbind(tableclas, Chosen)

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qha documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:44 p.m.