API for quanteda.textplots
Plots for the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data

Global functions
apply_theme Source code
as.igraph Man page Source code
as.igraph.fcm Man page Source code
as.network Man page Source code
as.network.default Source code
as.network.fcm Man page Source code
check_font Man page Source code
get_docname Source code
get_fitted Source code
get_margin Source code
get_sefit Source code
plot_network Source code
qatd_cpp_is_overlap Source code
quanteda.textplots Man page
quanteda.textplots-package Man page
remove_edges Source code
textplot_keyness Man page Source code
textplot_keyness.default Source code
textplot_keyness.keyness Source code
textplot_network Man page Source code
textplot_network.dfm Source code
textplot_network.fcm Source code
textplot_scale1d Man page Source code
textplot_scale1d.default Source code
textplot_scale1d.predict.textmodel_wordscores Source code
textplot_scale1d.textmodel_ca Source code
textplot_scale1d.textmodel_wordfish Source code
textplot_scale1d.textmodel_wordscores Source code
textplot_scale1d_documents Source code
textplot_scale1d_features Source code
textplot_wordcloud Man page Source code
textplot_wordcloud.default Source code
textplot_wordcloud.dfm Source code
textplot_wordcloud.keyness Source code
textplot_xray Man page Source code
textplot_xray.default Source code
textplot_xray.kwic Source code
wordcloud Man page Source code
wordcloud_comparison Man page Source code
quanteda.textplots documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:35 p.m.