#' Plot a network of feature co-occurrences
#' Plot an [fcm][quanteda::fcm] object as a network, where edges show
#' co-occurrences of features.
#' @param x a [fcm][quanteda::fcm] or [dfm][quanteda::dfm] object
#' @param min_freq a frequency count threshold or proportion for co-occurrence
#' frequencies of features to be included.
#' @param omit_isolated if `TRUE`, features do not occur more frequent than
#' `min_freq` will be omitted.
#' @param edge_color colour of edges that connect vertices.
#' @param edge_alpha opacity of edges ranging from 0 to 1.0.
#' @param edge_size size of edges for most frequent co-occurrence The size of
#' other edges are determined proportionally to the 99th percentile frequency
#' instead of the maximum to reduce the impact of outliers.
#' @param vertex_size size of vertices
#' @param vertex_color colour of vertices.
#' @param vertex_labelcolor colour of texts. Defaults to the same as
#' `vertex_color`. If `NA` is given, texts are not rendered.
#' @param vertex_labelfont font-family of texts. Use default font if
#' `NULL`.
#' @param vertex_labelsize size of vertex labels in mm. Defaults to size 5.
#' Supports both integer values and vector values.
#' @param offset if `NULL`, the distance between vertices and texts are
#' determined automatically.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [network][network::network] or
#' [graph_from_adjacency_matrix][igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix]. Not
#' used for `as.igraph`.
#' @details Currently the size of the network is limited to 1000, because of the
#' computationally intensive nature of network formation for larger matrices.
#' When the [fcm][quanteda::fcm] is large, users should select features using
#' [fcm_select()][quanteda::fcm_select], set the threshold using `min_freq`,
#' or implement own plotting function using [``][].
#' @author Kohei Watanabe and Stefan Müller
#' @examples
#' set.seed(100)
#' library("quanteda")
#' toks <- data_char_ukimmig2010 |>
#' tokens(remove_punct = TRUE) |>
#' tokens_tolower() |>
#' tokens_remove(pattern = stopwords("english"), padding = FALSE)
#' fcmat <- fcm(toks, context = "window", tri = FALSE)
#' feat <- colSums(fcmat) |>
#' sort(decreasing = TRUE) |>
#' head(30) |>
#' names()
#' fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) |>
#' textplot_network(min_freq = 0.5)
#' fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) |>
#' textplot_network(min_freq = 0.8)
#' fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) |>
#' textplot_network(min_freq = 0.8, vertex_labelcolor = rep(c('gray40', NA), 15))
#' fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat) |>
#' textplot_network(vertex_labelsize = 10)
#' fcm_30 <- fcm_select(fcmat, pattern = feat)
#' textplot_network(fcm_30,
#' vertex_labelsize = Matrix::rowSums(fcm_30) / min(Matrix::rowSums(fcm_30)))
#' # Vector inputs to vertex_labelsize can be scaled if too small / large
#' textplot_network(fcm_30,
#' vertex_labelsize = 1.5 * Matrix::rowSums(fcm_30) /
#' min(Matrix::rowSums(fcm_30)))
#' @export
#' @seealso [fcm][quanteda::fcm()]
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords textplot
textplot_network <- function(x, min_freq = 0.5, omit_isolated = TRUE,
edge_color = "#1F78B4", edge_alpha = 0.5,
edge_size = 2,
vertex_color = "#4D4D4D", vertex_size = 2,
vertex_labelcolor = NULL,
vertex_labelfont = NULL,
vertex_labelsize = 5,
offset = NULL, ...) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom quanteda fcm
textplot_network.dfm <- function(x, min_freq = 0.5, omit_isolated = TRUE,
edge_color = "#1F78B4", edge_alpha = 0.5,
edge_size = 2,
vertex_color = "#4D4D4D", vertex_size = 2,
vertex_labelcolor = NULL,
vertex_labelfont = NULL,
vertex_labelsize = 5,
offset = NULL, ...) {
if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("dfm_empty"))
textplot_network(fcm(x), min_freq = min_freq, omit_isolated = omit_isolated,
edge_color = edge_color, edge_alpha = edge_alpha,
edge_size = edge_size,
vertex_color = vertex_color, vertex_size = vertex_size,
vertex_labelcolor = vertex_labelcolor,
vertex_labelfont = vertex_labelfont,
vertex_labelsize = vertex_labelsize,
offset = NULL, ...)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom quanteda featnames
textplot_network.fcm <- function(x, min_freq = 0.5, omit_isolated = TRUE,
edge_color = "#1F78B4", edge_alpha = 0.5,
edge_size = 2,
vertex_color = "#4D4D4D", vertex_size = 2,
vertex_labelcolor = NULL,
vertex_labelfont = NULL,
vertex_labelsize = 5,
offset = NULL,
...) {
if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("fcm_empty"))
font <- check_font(vertex_labelfont)
net <-, min_freq = min_freq, omit_isolated = omit_isolated, ...)
vertex <- data.frame(sna::gplot.layout.fruchtermanreingold(net, NULL))
colnames(vertex) <- c("x", "y")
vertex$label <- network::network.vertex.names(net)
weight <- network::get.edge.attribute(net, "weight")
weight <- weight / quantile(weight, 0.99)
# weight <- weight / mean(tail(sort(weight), 10))
index <- network::as.edgelist(net)
edge <- data.frame(x1 = vertex[, 1][index[, 1]],
y1 = vertex[, 2][index[, 1]],
x2 = vertex[, 1][index[, 2]],
y2 = vertex[, 2][index[, 2]],
weight = weight)
if (is.null(vertex_labelcolor))
vertex_labelcolor <- vertex_color
# drop colours of omitted vertices
l <- featnames(x) %in% network::network.vertex.names(net)
if (length(vertex_labelcolor) > 1) vertex_labelcolor <- vertex_labelcolor[l]
if (length(vertex_color) > 1) vertex_color <- vertex_color[l]
if (length(vertex_size) > 1) vertex_size <- vertex_size[l]
if (length(vertex_labelsize) > 1) vertex_labelsize <- vertex_labelsize[l]
edge$color <- edge_color
edge$alpha <- edge_alpha
edge$size <- edge_size
vertex$color <- vertex_color
vertex$size <- vertex_size
vertex$labelcolor <- vertex_labelcolor
vertex$labelsize <- vertex_labelsize
plot_network(edge, vertex, font, offset)
# ----------
#' redefinition of
#' @param x input object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @export <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export <- function(x, ...) {, ...)
#' @rdname textplot_network
#' @importFrom quanteda nfeat meta
#' @method fcm
#' @importFrom methods .hasSlot
#' @export
#' @seealso [network::network()] <- function(x, min_freq = 0.5, omit_isolated = TRUE, ...) {
if (nfeat(x) > 1000) stop("fcm is too large for a network plot")
f <- get_margin(x)
x <- remove_edges(x, min_freq, omit_isolated)
x <- network::network(as.matrix(x), matrix.type = "adjacency", directed = FALSE,
ignore.eval = FALSE, names.eval = "weight", ...)
network::set.vertex.attribute(x, "frequency", f[network::network.vertex.names(x)])
# as.igraph ----------
#' Convert an fcm to an igraph object
#' Convert an [fcm][quanteda::fcm] object to an \pkg{igraph} graph object.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
as.igraph <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.igraph")
#' @rdname textplot_network
#' @method as.igraph fcm
#' @export
#' @seealso [igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix()]
#' @examples
#' # as.igraph
#' if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' txt <- c("a a a b b c", "a a c e", "a c e f g")
#' mat <- fcm(tokens(txt))
#' as.igraph(mat, min_freq = 1, omit_isolated = FALSE)
#' }
as.igraph.fcm <- function(x, min_freq = 0.5, omit_isolated = TRUE, ...) {
f <- get_margin(x)
x <- remove_edges(x, min_freq, omit_isolated)
x <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, ...)
igraph::set_vertex_attr(x, "frequency", value = f[igraph::vertex_attr(x, "name")])
# internal ----------
# return the slot "margin" or get from object meta for quanteda >= v3
get_margin <- function(x) {
if (.hasSlot(x, "margin")) {
# pre-v3
} else {
# quanteda >= v3
meta(x, "margin", type = "object")
remove_edges <- function(x, min_freq, omit_isolated) {
Matrix::diag(x) <- 0
x <- methods::as(x, "TsparseMatrix")
# drop weak edges
if (min_freq > 0) {
if (min_freq < 1) {
min_freq <- stats::quantile(x@x, min_freq)
l <- x@x >= min_freq
x@i <- x@i[l]
x@j <- x@j[l]
x@x <- x@x[l]
# drop isolated vertices
if (omit_isolated) {
l <- Matrix::colSums(x) != 0 | Matrix::rowSums(x) != 0
x <- x[l, l, drop = FALSE]
if (length(x@x) == 0 || all(x@x == 0))
stop("There is no co-occurence higher than the threshold")
plot_network <- function(edge, vertex, font, offset) {
x <- NULL
label <- x1 <- x2 <- y <- y1 <- y2 <- NULL
plot <- ggplot() +
geom_curve(data = edge, aes(x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2),
color = edge$color, curvature = 0.2,
alpha = edge$alpha, lineend = "round",
linewidth = edge$weight * edge$size,
angle = 90) +
geom_point(data = vertex, aes(x, y), color = vertex$color,
size = vertex$size, shape = 19)
if (is.null(offset)) {
plot <- plot +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = vertex,
aes(x, y, label = label),
segment.color = vertex$color,
segment.size = 0.2,
color = vertex$labelcolor,
family = font,
size = vertex$labelsize)
} else {
plot <- plot +
geom_text(data = vertex, aes(x, y, label = label),
nudge_y = offset,
color = vertex$labelcolor,
family = font,
size = vertex$labelsize)
plot <- plot +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL) +
theme_void(base_family = font) +
plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0),
panel.background = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank())
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