
Defines functions `try.download.file` `quantmod.com` `quantmodComment` `quantmodBugs` `quantmodChanges` `quantmodNews` `quantmodVersion`

`quantmodVersion` <- function() {
  return(list(Version='0.3-7', Revision=433))

`quantmodNews` <- function() {


`quantmodChanges` <- function() {


`quantmodBugs` <- function() {


`quantmodComment` <- function() {


`quantmod.com` <- function() {

`try.download.file` <-
function(url, destfile, method, quiet = FALSE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE,
         extra = getOption("download.file.extra"), ...)
  # no longer used
  # appears to have only been callled by getSymbols.FRED() to handle https
  # downloads that are now handled by curl
  # leaving in place in case needed for some other scenario

  if (missing(method))
    method <- getOption("download.file.method", default="auto")

  # capture download.file errors (e.g. https not supported)
  try.download <- try({
    download.file(url, destfile, method, quiet, mode, cacheOK, extra)
  }, silent=TRUE)

  if (inherits(try.download, "try-error")) {
    if (requireNamespace("downloader", quietly=TRUE)) {
      # use downloader::download, if available
      # everything except 'url' is passed via '...', so name them; and
      # download automatically determines 'method' and errors if supplied
      # as an argument, so omit it
      downloader::download(url, destfile=destfile, quiet=quiet,
                           mode=mode, cacheOK=cacheOK, extra=extra)
    } else {
      # report original error, and provide recommendations
      errcond <- attr(try.download, "condition")
      stop("Failed to download file. Error message:\n", errcond$message, "\n",
           "If this is related to https, possible solutions are:\n",
           "1. Explicitly pass method= via the getSymbols call (or via setDefaults)\n",
           "2. Install downloader, which may be able to automagically determine a method\n",
           "3. Set the download.file.method global option", call.=FALSE)

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quantmod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.