frequenciesValidator: Validates if frequencies are Fourier frequencies from [0,pi].

View source: R/aux-functions.R

frequenciesValidatorR Documentation

Validates if frequencies are Fourier frequencies from [0,\pi].


Validation of the parameter freq is perfomed in six steps:

  1. Throw an error if parameter is not a vector or not numeric.

  2. Transform each element \omega of the vector to [0,2\pi), by replacing it with \omega \, \mbox{mod} \, 2\pi.

  3. Check whether all elements \omega of the vector are Fourier frequency 2 \pi j / T, j \in Z. If this is not the case issue a warning and round each frequency to the next Fourier frequency of the mentioned type; the smaller one, if there are two.

  4. Transform each element \omega with \pi < \omega < 2\pi of the vector to [0,\pi], by replacing it with 2\pi - \omega.

  5. Check for doubles and remove all but the first appearance.

  6. Sort in ascending order.

Any subset of the six steps can be chosen, but 1 should almost always be among the steps to be performed.


frequenciesValidator(freq, N, steps = 1:6)



the vector of frequencies to be validated.


the base of the Fourier frequencies against which the values in freq will be compared.


a vector containing a subset of \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}, indicating which of the steps are to be performed.


Returns a vector of Fourier frequencies that is yield by the transformations described above.


freq <- 2*pi*c(3,2,5,8,9)/10

res <- frequenciesValidator(freq, N=10, steps=1:3)
res * 10 / (2*pi) # Returns: [1] 3 2 5 8 9

res <- frequenciesValidator(freq, N=10, steps=1:4)
res * 10 / (2*pi) # Returns: [1] 3 2 5 2 1

res <- frequenciesValidator(freq, N=10, steps=1:5)
res * 10 / (2*pi) # Returns: [1] 3 2 5 1

res <- frequenciesValidator(freq, N=10, steps=1:6)
res * 10 / (2*pi) # Returns: [1] 1 2 3 5

quantspec documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:15 p.m.