BFBayesFactorConstraint-class: S4 class for representing Bayes factor model comparisons and...

Description Slots


BFBayesFactorConstraint is a S4 class that represents the Bayes factors of multiple model comparisons and the Bayes factor of all individual effects adhering to user-defined constraints. Furthermore, it also has slots defined for representing the design matrices of the constraints model, and for representing prior and posterior estimates.



an object of class BFBayesFactor representing the model comparisons. All S4 methods as defined in BFBayesFactor-class can be used.


an object of class BFConstraint-class.


a list containing a named vector for each level of the effect defined in the constraints. Effects are comprised of the common effect plus the individual deviation from it.


a named numeric giving the mean of the common effect.


a named numeric giving the standard deviation of individual effects.


a list containing a data.frame for each level of the effect defined in the constraints. Rows are sampling iterations and columns comprised of individual estimates plus the common effect estimates.


an object of class BFmcmc, containing the MCMC samples from the posterior.


a list giving the column indeces of the mcmcFull that were used to calculate the estimates of interest.


a list containing a named vector for each level of the effect defined in the constraints. Values are the mean observed effect for each individual.

quid documentation built on Dec. 9, 2021, 9:06 a.m.