
Defines functions municipality_search municipality_extract_ids municipality_id_to_name municipality_name_to_id

Documented in municipality_extract_ids municipality_id_to_name municipality_name_to_id municipality_search

#' Convert a vector of municipality names to municipality ids
#' Given a vector of names of municipalities or regions, return a named vector
#' of municipality IDs/codes. Codes of municipalities and regions follow
#' the Swedish standard for municipality codes. The codes extracted can be used
#' e.g. to pass as a parameter to \code{\link{get_values}}. This function is the
#' inverse to \code{\link{municipality_id_to_name}}.
#' @param munic_df A Kolada Municipality metadata table, as created by e.g.
#' \code{get_municipality}.
#' @param municipality Name of one or several municipalities. Case insensitive.
#' Allows repeats.
#' @param remove_na Should NA return values be removed?
#' @seealso \code{\link{municipality_extract_ids}},
#' \code{\link{municipality_id_to_name}}
#' @examples
#' if (kolada_available()) {
#' munic_df <- get_municipality()
#' munic_df %>%
#'   municipality_name_to_id(c("Arboga", "Lund", "Stockholm", "Arboga"))
#' }
#' @return A vector of Municipality IDs.
#' @export
municipality_name_to_id <- function(munic_df, municipality, remove_na = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(munic_df)) {
    warning("\nAn empty object was used as input to municipality_name_to_id().")

  munic_names <- tolower(municipality)

  res <- munic_df$id[match(munic_names, tolower(munic_df$title))]
  names(res) <- munic_df$title[match(munic_names, tolower(munic_df$title))]

  unused_names <- unique(municipality[which(
    !munic_names %in% tolower(munic_df$title)
  unused_names <- unused_names[!is.na(unused_names)]
  if (length(unused_names) > 0)
    warning("The following names were not found in municipality data:\n- ",
            paste(unused_names, collapse = "\n- "))

  if (isTRUE(remove_na))
    res <- res[!is.na(res)]


#' Convert a vector of municipality ids to municipality names
#' Given a vector of municipality IDs/codes, return a named vector
#' of names of municipalities or regions. Codes of municipalities and regions
#' follow
#' the Swedish standard for municipality codes. The codes extracted can be used
#' e.g. to pass as a parameter to \code{\link{get_values}}. This function is the
#' inverse to \code{\link{municipality_name_to_id}}.
#' @param munic_df A Kolada Municipality metadata table, as created by e.g.
#' \code{get_municipality}.
#' @param id ID ids of one or several municipalities. Allows repeats.
#' @param remove_na Should NA return values be removed?
#' @seealso \code{\link{municipality_extract_ids}},
#' \code{\link{municipality_name_to_id}}
#' @examples
#' if (kolada_available()) {
#' munic_df <- get_municipality()
#' municipality_id_to_name(munic_df, c("1280", "1281", "0180", "1280"))
#' }
#' @return A vector of Municipality names.
#' @export
municipality_id_to_name <- function(munic_df, id, remove_na = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(munic_df)) {
    warning("\nAn empty object was used as input to municipality_id_to_name().")

  res <- munic_df$title[match(id, tolower(munic_df$id))]
  names(res) <- munic_df$id[match(id, tolower(munic_df$id))]

  unused_names <- unique(id[which(!id %in% munic_df$id)])
  unused_names <- unused_names[!is.na(unused_names)]
  if (length(unused_names) > 0)
    warning("The following ids were not found in municipality data:\n- ",
            paste(unused_names, collapse = "\n- "))

  if (isTRUE(remove_na))
    res <- res[!is.na(res)]


#' Extract a vector of municipality ID strings from a Kolada municipality table
#' This function is primarily intended as a convenient way to pass a (filtered)
#' Kolada municipality metadata table to \code{\link{get_values}}.
#' @param munic_df A Kolada Municipality metadata table, as created by e.g.
#' \code{get_municipality}.
#' @examples
#' if (kolada_available()) {
#' # Download Kolada data for all municipalities of type "L"
#' # (regions and national total) for KPI "N45933"
#' munic_filter <- get_municipality() %>%
#'   municipality_search("L", column = "type")
#' kld_data <- get_values(
#'   kpi = "N45933",
#'   municipality = municipality_extract_ids(munic_filter),
#'   period = 2022
#' )
#' }
#' @export
municipality_extract_ids <- function(munic_df) {

  if (is.null(munic_df)) {
    warning("\nAn empty object was used as input to municipality_extract_ids().")


#' Search a Kolada municipality metadata table
#' Search a Kolada municipality metadata table. Only keep rows that contain the
#' search query. Note that some a quer might be both the name, or part of a
#' name, of a municipality and part of the name of a region. Thus, a search
#' might return rows for both municipalities and regions. To avoid this you can
#' use \code{\link[dplyr:filter]{dplyr::filter}} to filter the \code{type}
#' column to keep only "K" (municipalities) or "L" (regions) rows. See also
#' examples below for an alternative approach avoiding any direct calls to
#' \code{filter}.
#' @param munic_df A Kolada Municipality metadata table, as created by e.g.
#' \code{get_municipality}.
#' @param query A search term or a vector of search terms to filter by. Case
#' insensitive.
#' @param column (Optional) A string or character vector with the names of
#' columns in which to search for \code{query}.
#' @return A Kolada Municipality metadata table
#' @examples
#' if (kolada_available()) {
#' # Search for a single search term in a municipality table
#' munic_df <- get_municipality()
#' municipality_search(munic_df, "Arboga")
#' # Only keep columns with type == "K" (keep municipalities, drop regions)
#' munic_filter <- get_municipality(cache = TRUE) %>%
#'   municipality_search("K", column = "type")
#' }
#' @export
municipality_search <- function(munic_df, query, column = NULL) {

  if (is.null(munic_df)) {
    warning("\nAn empty object was used as input to municipality_search().")

  if (is.null(column))
    column <- names(munic_df)

  f <- function(obj, query) {
      tolower(as.character(paste(query, collapse = "|")))

  hits <- munic_df %>%
      .vars = dplyr::vars(column),
      .vars_predicate = dplyr::any_vars(f(., query))


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rKolada documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:09 a.m.