rLindo | R interface to LINDO API. |
rLSaddChanceConstraint | Add a new chance-constraint to the SP model. |
rLSaddCones | Add cones to a given model. |
rLSaddConstraints | Add constraints to a given model. |
rLSaddDiscreteBlocks | Add a new discrete stochastic block to the SP model. |
rLSaddDiscreteIndep | Add a new discrete independent stochastic parameter to the SP... |
rLSaddEmptySpacesAcolumns | Add empty space A, this can make inserting constraints more... |
rLSaddEmptySpacesNLPAcolumns | Add empty space A, this can make inserting constraints more... |
rLSaddInstruct | Add instruction lists into a model structure. |
rLSaddNLPAj | Add NLP elements to the specified column for the given model. |
rLSaddNLPobj | Add NLP elements to the objective function for the given... |
rLSaddParamDistIndep | Add a new independent stochastic parameter with a parametric... |
rLSaddQCterms | Add quadratic elements to the given model. |
rLSaddScenario | Add a new scenario block to the SP model. |
rLSaddSETS | Add sets to a given model. |
rLSaddVariables | Add variables to a given model. |
rLSaggregateStages | Load stage aggregation scheme for the SP model. |
rLScalinfeasMIPsolution | Calculate the feasibility of a MIP solution. |
rLScheckConvexity | Optimize a quadratic model with the best suitable solver. |
rLScopyParam | Copy model parameters to another model. |
rLScreateEnv | Create a new instance of LINDO API environment object. |
rLScreateModel | Create a new instance of LINDO API model object. |
rLScreateRG | Create a new instance of LINDO API random generator object. |
rLScreateRGMT | Create a new instance of LINDO API random generator object... |
rLSdeduceStages | Deduce constraints and variables stage info. |
rLSdeleteAj | Delete the elements at specified rows for the specified... |
rLSdeleteCones | Delete a set of cones in the given model. |
rLSdeleteConstraints | Delete a set of constraints in the given model. |
rLSdeleteEnv | Delete LINDO API environment object. |
rLSdeleteModel | Delete LINDO API model object. |
rLSdeleteNLPobj | Delete NLP elements from the objective function for the given... |
rLSdeleteQCterms | Delete the quadratic terms from a set of constraints in the... |
rLSdeleteSemiContVars | Delete a set of semi-continuous variables in the given model. |
rLSdeleteSETS | Delete the sets in the given model. |
rLSdeleteString | Delete the complete string data, including the string vector... |
rLSdeleteStringData | Delete the string values data. |
rLSdeleteVariables | Delete a set of variables in the given model. |
rLSdisposeRG | Delete the specified random generator object. |
rLSfillRGBuffer | Generate next batch of random numbers into random number... |
rLSfindBlockStructure | Examine the nonzero structure of the constraint matrix and... |
rLSfindIIS | Find an irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS) of constraints for... |
rLSfindIUS | Find an irreducibly unbounded set (IUS) of columns for an... |
rLSfreeGOPSolutionMemory | Free up the arrays associated with the GOP solution of a... |
rLSfreeHashMemory | Free up work arrays associated with a given model's variable... |
rLSfreeMIPSolutionMemory | Free up the arrays associated with the MIP solution of a... |
rLSfreeSolutionMemory | Free up the arrays associated with the solution of a given... |
rLSfreeSolverMemory | Free up solver work arrays associated with a given model. |
rLSfreeStocHashMemory | Free up Stoch Hashtable memory used in the model for fast... |
rLSfreeStocMemory | Free up stochastic memory. |
rLSgetBasis | Get information about the basis that was found after... |
rLSgetBestBounds | Finds the best implied variable bounds for the specified... |
rLSgetBlockStructure | Retrieve the block structure information. |
rLSgetBoundRanges | Retrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in the... |
rLSgetChanceConstraint | Get the stochastic data for the specified chance constraint. |
rLSgetConeDatai | Retrieve data for cone i. |
rLSgetConeIndex | Retrieve the name of a cone, given its index. |
rLSgetConeNamei | Get the name of a cone with a specified index. |
rLSgetConstraintDatai | Get data on a specified constraint. |
rLSgetConstraintIndex | Retrieve the index of a constraint, given its name. |
rLSgetConstraintNamei | Retrieve the name of a constraint, given its index number. |
rLSgetConstraintProperty | Return the property of the specified constraint of the given... |
rLSgetConstraintRanges | Retrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in the... |
rLSgetConstraintStages | Retrieve the stage indices of constraints. |
rLSgetCorrelationMatrix | Get the correlation structure between variables. |
rLSgetDeteqModel | Get the deterministic equivalent (DEQ) of the SP model. |
rLSgetDInfo | Return model or solution double information about the current... |
rLSgetDiscreteBlockOutcomes | Get the outcomes for the specified block-event at specified... |
rLSgetDiscreteBlocks | Get the stochastic data for the discrete block event at... |
rLSgetDiscreteIndep | Get the stochastic data for the (independent) discrete... |
rLSgetDistrRV | Get the next double random variate of underlying... |
rLSgetDoubleRV | Get the next standard uniform random variate in the stream. |
rLSgetDouParameterRange | Retrieve the range of a parameter of type double. |
rLSgetDualModel | Construct the explicit dual from a primal problem. |
rLSgetDualSolution | Return the dual solution values for a given model. |
rLSgetEnvDouParameter | Retrieves a double precision parameter for a specified... |
rLSgetEnvIntParameter | Retrieves a integer precision parameter for a specified... |
rLSgetEnvStocParameterChar | Get a stochastic parameter value of type characters from the... |
rLSgetEnvStocParameterDou | Get a stochastic parameter value of type double from the... |
rLSgetEnvStocParameterInt | Get a stochastic parameter value of type integer from the... |
rLSgetErrorMessage | Retrieves the error message associated with the given error... |
rLSgetErrorRowIndex | Retrieves the index of the row where a numeric error has... |
rLSgetFileError | Provides the line number and text of the line in which an... |
rLSgetIInfo | Return model or solution integer information about the... |
rLSgetIIS | Retrieve the irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS) of... |
rLSgetInitSeed | Get the seed initiated this random generator. |
rLSgetInt32RV | Get the next integer random variate in the stream. |
rLSgetIntParameterRange | Retrieve the range of a parameter of type integer. |
rLSgetIUS | Retrieve the irreducibly unbounded set (IUS) of columns for... |
rLSgetLPConstraintDatai | Retrieve the formulation data for a specified constraint in a... |
rLSgetLPData | Retrieve the formulation data for a given linear or mixed... |
rLSgetLPVariableDataj | Retrieve the formulation data for a specified variable. |
rLSgetMIPBasis | Get information about the basis that was found at the node... |
rLSgetMIPDualSolution | Get the current dual solution for a MIP model. |
rLSgetMIPPrimalSolution | Get the current primal solution for a MIP model. |
rLSgetMIPReducedCosts | Get the current reduced cost for a MIP model. |
rLSgetMIPSlacks | Get the current slack values for a MIP model. |
rLSgetMIPVarStartPoint | Retrieve the values of the initial MIP primal solution. |
rLSgetMIPVarStartPointPartial | Retrieve the resident initial point for MIP/MINLP models. |
rLSgetModelDouParameter | Retrieves a double precision parameter for a specified model. |
rLSgetModelIntParameter | Retrieves a integer precision parameter for a specified... |
rLSgetModelStocDouParameter | Get the current value of a double valued parameter for the... |
rLSgetModelStocIntParameter | Get the current value of an integer valued parameter for the... |
rLSgetModelStocParameterChar | Get a stochastic parameter value of type characters from the... |
rLSgetModelStocParameterDou | Get a stochastic parameter value of type double from the... |
rLSgetModelStocParameterInt | Get a stochastic parameter value of type integer from the... |
rLSgetNextBestMIPSol | Generate the next best (in terms of objective value) solution... |
rLSgetNLPConstraintDatai | Get data about the nonlinear structure of a specific row of... |
rLSgetNLPData | Get data about the nonlinear structure of a model. |
rLSgetNLPObjectiveData | Get the NLP data of the Objective. |
rLSgetNLPVariableDataj | Get data about the nonlinear structure of a specific column... |
rLSgetNodeDualSolution | Return the dual solution for the specified node. |
rLSgetNodeListByScenario | Retrieve the indices of the nodes that belong to a given... |
rLSgetNodePrimalSolution | Return the primal solution for the specified node. |
rLSgetNodeReducedCost | Return the reduced cost for the specified node. |
rLSgetNodeSlacks | Return the slack values for the specified node. |
rLSgetObjectiveRanges | Retrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in... |
rLSgetParamDistIndep | Get the stochastic data for the (independent) parametric... |
rLSgetParamLongDesc | Get the specified parameter's long description. |
rLSgetParamMacroID | Get the integer identifier and the data type of a parameter... |
rLSgetParamMacroName | Get the specified parameter's macro name. |
rLSgetParamShortDesc | Get the specified parameter's short description. |
rLSgetPrimalSolution | Return the primal solution values for a given model. |
rLSgetProbabilityByNode | Return the probability of a given node in the stochastic... |
rLSgetProbabilityByScenario | Return the probability of a given scenario. |
rLSgetQCData | Retrieve the quadratic data from a model data structure. |
rLSgetQCDatai | Retrieve the quadratic data associated with constraint i from... |
rLSgetRangeData | Get constraint ranges. |
rLSgetReducedCosts | Return the reduced cost of all variables for a given model. |
rLSgetReducedCostsCone | Return the reduced cost of all cone variables for a given... |
rLSgetRoundMIPsolution | Round the given MIP solution to nearest int solution. |
rLSgetSampleSizes | Retrieve the number of nodes to be sampled in all stages. |
rLSgetScenario | Get the outcomes for the specified specified scenario. |
rLSgetScenarioDualSolution | Return the dual solution for the specified scenario. |
rLSgetScenarioIndex | Get index of a scenario by its name. |
rLSgetScenarioModel | Get a copy of the scenario model. |
rLSgetScenarioName | Get scenario name by index. |
rLSgetScenarioObjective | Return the objective value for the specified scenario. |
rLSgetScenarioPrimalSolution | Return the primal solution for the specified scenario. |
rLSgetScenarioReducedCost | Return the reduced cost for the specified scenario. |
rLSgetScenarioSlacks | Return the primal slacks for the specified scenario. |
rLSgetSemiContData | Retrieve the semi continuous data from a model data... |
rLSgetSETSData | Retrieve sets data from a model data structure. |
rLSgetSETSDatai | Retrieve the data for set i from a model data structure. |
rLSgetSlacks | Return the value of the slack variable for each constraint of... |
rLSgetSolution | Get the solution specified by the second argument. |
rLSgetStageAggScheme | Get stage aggregation scheme for the SP model. |
rLSgetStageIndex | Get the index of a stage by its name. |
rLSgetStageName | Get scenario name by index. |
rLSgetStocCCPDInfo | Get double information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStocCCPIInfo | Get integer information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStocCCPSInfo | Get string information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStocDInfo | Get double information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStocIInfo | Get integer information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStocParData | Retrieve the data of stochastic parameters. |
rLSgetStocParIndex | Get the index of stochastic parameter by name. |
rLSgetStocParName | Get name of stochastic parameter by index. |
rLSgetStocParOutcomes | Retrieve the outcomes of stochastic parameters for the... |
rLSgetStocParSample | Get a sample object associated with the specified stochastic... |
rLSgetStocRowIndices | Retrieve the indices of stochastic rows. |
rLSgetStocSInfo | Get string information about the current state of the... |
rLSgetStringValue | Retrieve a string value for a specified string index. |
rLSgetVariableIndex | Retrieve the index of a variable, given its name. |
rLSgetVariableNamej | Retrieve the name of a variable, given its index number. |
rLSgetVariableStages | Retrieve the stage indices of variables. |
rLSgetVarStartPoint | Retrieve the values of the initial primal solution. |
rLSgetVarStartPointPartial | Retrieve the resident partial initial point for NLP models. |
rLSgetVarType | Retrieve the variable types and their respective counts in a... |
rLSloadBasis | Provide a starting basis for the simplex method. |
rLSloadBlockStructure | Provide a block structure for the constraint matrix by... |
rLSloadConeData | Load quadratic cone data into a model structure. |
rLSloadConstraintStages | Load stage structure of the constraints in the model. |
rLSloadCorrelationMatrix | Load a correlation matrix to be used by the sampling scheme... |
rLSloadGASolution | Loads the GA solution at specified index in the final... |
rLSloadInstruct | Load instruction lists into a model structure. |
rLSloadLPData | Load the given LP data into a model structure. |
rLSloadMIPVarStartPoint | Provide an initial starting point for 'LSsolveMIP'. |
rLSloadMIPVarStartPointPartial | Load a partial MIP initial point for MIP/MINLP models. |
rLSloadMultiStartSolution | Load the multistart solution at specified index to the main... |
rLSloadNameData | Load the given name data (e.g., row and column names), into a... |
rLSloadNLPData | Load a nonlinear program's data into the model data... |
rLSloadQCData | Load quadratic program data into a model structure. |
rLSloadSampleSizes | Load sample sizes per stage for the stochastic model. |
rLSloadSemiContData | Load semi-continuous data into a model structure. |
rLSloadSETSData | Load special sets data into a model structure. |
rLSloadStageData | Load stage structure for the model. |
rLSloadStocParData | Load stage structure of the stochastic parameters (SPARs) in... |
rLSloadStocParNames | Load name data for stochastic parameters into the specified... |
rLSloadString | Load a single string into a model structure. |
rLSloadStringData | Load a vector of strings into a model structure and get sort... |
rLSloadVariableStages | Load stage structure of the variables in the model. |
rLSloadVarPriorities | Provide priorities for each variable for use by mixed-integer... |
rLSloadVarStartPoint | Provide an initial starting point for nonlinear and... |
rLSloadVarStartPointPartial | Load a partial initial point for NLP models. |
rLSloadVarType | Load variable type data into a model structure. |
rLSmodifyAj | Modify the coefficients for a given column at specified... |
rLSmodifyCone | Modify the data for the specified cone. |
rLSmodifyConstraintType | Modify the type or direction of a set of constraints. |
rLSmodifyLowerBounds | Modify selected lower bounds in a given model. |
rLSmodifyObjective | Modify selected objective coefficients of a given model. |
rLSmodifyRHS | Modify selected constraint right-hand sides of a given model. |
rLSmodifySemiContVars | Modify data of a set of semi-continuous variables in the... |
rLSmodifySET | Modify the set for the specified cone. |
rLSmodifyUpperBounds | Modify selected upper bounds in a given model. |
rLSmodifyVariableType | Modify the types of the variables of the given model. |
rLSoptimize | Optimize a continuous model by a given method. |
rLSoptimizeQP | Optimize a quadratic model with the best suitable solver. |
rLSparam | LINDO API Parameters. |
rLSreadBasis | Read an initial basis from the given file in the specified... |
rLSreadEnvParameter | Reads environment parameters from a parameter file. |
rLSreadLINDOFile | Read the model in LINDO format from the given file and stores... |
rLSreadLINDOStream | Read from character stream in "LINDO LTX Format". |
rLSreadLPFile | Read from file stream in "CPLEX LP Format". |
rLSreadLPStream | Read from character stream in "CPLEX LP Format". |
rLSreadModelParameter | Reads model parameters from a parameter file. |
rLSreadMPIFile | Read a model in MPI format from the given file and stores the... |
rLSreadMPSFile | Read a model in MPS format from the given file and stores the... |
rLSreadSMPIFile | Read the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPI format. |
rLSreadSMPSFile | Read the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPS format. |
rLSreadVarPriorities | Read branching priorities of variables from a disk file. |
rLSreadVarStartPoint | Provide initial values for variables from a file. |
rLSsampCreate | Create an instance of a sample of specified distribution. |
rLSsampDelete | Delete the specified sample object. |
rLSsampEvalDistr | Evaluate the specified function associated with given... |
rLSsampEvalUserDistr | Evaluate the specified multivariate function associated with... |
rLSsampGenerate | Generate a sample of a given size with specified method from... |
rLSsampGetCIPoints | Get a copy of the correlation induced sample points. |
rLSsampGetDInfo | Get double information about the sample. |
rLSsampGetDiscretePdfTable | Get the PDF table from a discrete distribution sample. |
rLSsampGetDistrParam | Get the specified parameter of a given distribution. |
rLSsampGetIInfo | Get integer information about the sample. |
rLSsampGetPoints | Get a copy of the generated sample points. |
rLSsampLoadDiscretePdfTable | Load a PDF table for a user defined discrete distribution. |
rLSsampLoadPoints | Load a sample of given size to the specified sample. |
rLSsampSetDistrParam | Set the specified parameter of the given distribution. |
rLSsampSetRG | Set a random number generator object to the specified... |
rLSsetConstraintProperty | Set the property of the specified constraint of the given... |
rLSsetDistrParamRG | Set distribution parameters. |
rLSsetDistrRG | Set a distribution function for the random generator. |
rLSsetEnvDouParameter | Set a double precision parameter for a specified environment. |
rLSsetEnvIntParameter | Set an integer parameter for a specified environment. |
rLSsetEnvStocParameterChar | Set a stochastic parameter value of type string. |
rLSsetEnvStocParameterDou | Set a stochastic parameter value of type double. |
rLSsetEnvStocParameterInt | Set a stochastic parameter value of type integer. |
rLSsetModelDouParameter | Set a double precision parameter for a specified model. |
rLSsetModelIntParameter | Set an integer parameter for a specified model. |
rLSsetModelStocDouParameter | Set a double valued parameter for the given model. |
rLSsetModelStocIntParameter | Set an integer valued parameter for the given model. |
rLSsetModelStocParameterChar | Set a stochastic parameter value of type double. |
rLSsetModelStocParameterDou | Set a stochastic parameter value of type double. |
rLSsetModelStocParameterInt | Set a stochastic parameter value of type integer. |
rLSsetNumStages | Set number of stages in the model. |
rLSsetPrintLogNull | Disable the printing log function. |
rLSsetProbAllocSizes | Increase the allocated sizes. |
rLSsetProbNameAllocSizes | Increase the allocated sizes for how much space is needed for... |
rLSsetRGSeed | Set an initialization seed for the random number generator. |
rLSsetStocParRG | Set an RG object to the specified stochastic parameter. |
rLSsolveFileLP | Optimizes a large LP from an MPS file. |
rLSsolveGOP | Optimize a global optimization problem. |
rLSsolveHS | Solve the given model heuristically using the specified... |
rLSsolveMIP | Optimize a mixed integer programming model using... |
rLSsolveMipBnp | Solve the MIP model with the branch-and-price method. |
rLSsolveSBD | Optimize a given LP or MILP model with Benders'... |
rLSsolveSP | Solve the SP models. |
rLSwriteBasis | Writes the resident basis to the given file in the specified... |
rLSwriteDeteqLINDOFile | Write the deterministic equivalent (DEQ) of the SP models in... |
rLSwriteDeteqMPSFile | Write the deterministic equivalent for the SP model in MPS... |
rLSwriteDualMPSFile | Writes the given problem to a specified file in MPS format. |
rLSwriteIIS | Writes the IIS of an infeasible LP to a file in LINDO file... |
rLSwriteIUS | Writes the IUS of an unbounded LP to a file in LINDO file... |
rLSwriteLINDOFile | Writes the given problem to a file in LINDO format. |
rLSwriteLINGOFile | Writes the given problem to a file in LINGO format. |
rLSwriteModelParameter | Writes model parameters to a parameter file. |
rLSwriteMPIFile | Writes the given problem to a specified file in MPI format. |
rLSwriteMPSFile | Writes the given problem to a specified file in MPS format. |
rLSwriteNodeSolutionFile | Write the node solution to a file. |
rLSwriteScenarioLINDOFile | Write scenario model in LINDO format. |
rLSwriteScenarioMPIFile | Write scenario model in MPI format. |
rLSwriteScenarioMPSFile | Write scenario model in MPS format. |
rLSwriteScenarioSolutionFile | Write the scenario solution to a file. |
rLSwriteSMPIFile | Write the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPI format. |
rLSwriteSMPSFile | Write the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPS format. |
rLSwriteSolution | Writes the LP solution to a file. |
rLSwriteSolutionOfType | Write the solution of a given problem to a file in a specific... |
rLSwriteWithSetsAndSC | Writes the given problem to a specified file in MPS format... |
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