Man pages for rLindo
R Interface to LINDO API

rLindoR interface to LINDO API.
rLSaddChanceConstraintAdd a new chance-constraint to the SP model.
rLSaddConesAdd cones to a given model.
rLSaddConstraintsAdd constraints to a given model.
rLSaddDiscreteBlocksAdd a new discrete stochastic block to the SP model.
rLSaddDiscreteIndepAdd a new discrete independent stochastic parameter to the SP...
rLSaddEmptySpacesAcolumnsAdd empty space A, this can make inserting constraints more...
rLSaddEmptySpacesNLPAcolumnsAdd empty space A, this can make inserting constraints more...
rLSaddInstructAdd instruction lists into a model structure.
rLSaddNLPAjAdd NLP elements to the specified column for the given model.
rLSaddNLPobjAdd NLP elements to the objective function for the given...
rLSaddParamDistIndepAdd a new independent stochastic parameter with a parametric...
rLSaddQCtermsAdd quadratic elements to the given model.
rLSaddScenarioAdd a new scenario block to the SP model.
rLSaddSETSAdd sets to a given model.
rLSaddVariablesAdd variables to a given model.
rLSaggregateStagesLoad stage aggregation scheme for the SP model.
rLScalinfeasMIPsolutionCalculate the feasibility of a MIP solution.
rLScheckConvexityOptimize a quadratic model with the best suitable solver.
rLScopyParamCopy model parameters to another model.
rLScreateEnvCreate a new instance of LINDO API environment object.
rLScreateModelCreate a new instance of LINDO API model object.
rLScreateRGCreate a new instance of LINDO API random generator object.
rLScreateRGMTCreate a new instance of LINDO API random generator object...
rLSdeduceStagesDeduce constraints and variables stage info.
rLSdeleteAjDelete the elements at specified rows for the specified...
rLSdeleteConesDelete a set of cones in the given model.
rLSdeleteConstraintsDelete a set of constraints in the given model.
rLSdeleteEnvDelete LINDO API environment object.
rLSdeleteModelDelete LINDO API model object.
rLSdeleteNLPobjDelete NLP elements from the objective function for the given...
rLSdeleteQCtermsDelete the quadratic terms from a set of constraints in the...
rLSdeleteSemiContVarsDelete a set of semi-continuous variables in the given model.
rLSdeleteSETSDelete the sets in the given model.
rLSdeleteStringDelete the complete string data, including the string vector...
rLSdeleteStringDataDelete the string values data.
rLSdeleteVariablesDelete a set of variables in the given model.
rLSdisposeRGDelete the specified random generator object.
rLSfillRGBufferGenerate next batch of random numbers into random number...
rLSfindBlockStructureExamine the nonzero structure of the constraint matrix and...
rLSfindIISFind an irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS) of constraints for...
rLSfindIUSFind an irreducibly unbounded set (IUS) of columns for an...
rLSfreeGOPSolutionMemoryFree up the arrays associated with the GOP solution of a...
rLSfreeHashMemoryFree up work arrays associated with a given model's variable...
rLSfreeMIPSolutionMemoryFree up the arrays associated with the MIP solution of a...
rLSfreeSolutionMemoryFree up the arrays associated with the solution of a given...
rLSfreeSolverMemoryFree up solver work arrays associated with a given model.
rLSfreeStocHashMemoryFree up Stoch Hashtable memory used in the model for fast...
rLSfreeStocMemoryFree up stochastic memory.
rLSgetBasisGet information about the basis that was found after...
rLSgetBestBoundsFinds the best implied variable bounds for the specified...
rLSgetBlockStructureRetrieve the block structure information.
rLSgetBoundRangesRetrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in the...
rLSgetChanceConstraintGet the stochastic data for the specified chance constraint.
rLSgetConeDataiRetrieve data for cone i.
rLSgetConeIndexRetrieve the name of a cone, given its index.
rLSgetConeNameiGet the name of a cone with a specified index.
rLSgetConstraintDataiGet data on a specified constraint.
rLSgetConstraintIndexRetrieve the index of a constraint, given its name.
rLSgetConstraintNameiRetrieve the name of a constraint, given its index number.
rLSgetConstraintPropertyReturn the property of the specified constraint of the given...
rLSgetConstraintRangesRetrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in the...
rLSgetConstraintStagesRetrieve the stage indices of constraints.
rLSgetCorrelationMatrixGet the correlation structure between variables.
rLSgetDeteqModelGet the deterministic equivalent (DEQ) of the SP model.
rLSgetDInfoReturn model or solution double information about the current...
rLSgetDiscreteBlockOutcomesGet the outcomes for the specified block-event at specified...
rLSgetDiscreteBlocksGet the stochastic data for the discrete block event at...
rLSgetDiscreteIndepGet the stochastic data for the (independent) discrete...
rLSgetDistrRVGet the next double random variate of underlying...
rLSgetDoubleRVGet the next standard uniform random variate in the stream.
rLSgetDouParameterRangeRetrieve the range of a parameter of type double.
rLSgetDualModelConstruct the explicit dual from a primal problem.
rLSgetDualSolutionReturn the dual solution values for a given model.
rLSgetEnvDouParameterRetrieves a double precision parameter for a specified...
rLSgetEnvIntParameterRetrieves a integer precision parameter for a specified...
rLSgetEnvStocParameterCharGet a stochastic parameter value of type characters from the...
rLSgetEnvStocParameterDouGet a stochastic parameter value of type double from the...
rLSgetEnvStocParameterIntGet a stochastic parameter value of type integer from the...
rLSgetErrorMessageRetrieves the error message associated with the given error...
rLSgetErrorRowIndexRetrieves the index of the row where a numeric error has...
rLSgetFileErrorProvides the line number and text of the line in which an...
rLSgetIInfoReturn model or solution integer information about the...
rLSgetIISRetrieve the irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS) of...
rLSgetInitSeedGet the seed initiated this random generator.
rLSgetInt32RVGet the next integer random variate in the stream.
rLSgetIntParameterRangeRetrieve the range of a parameter of type integer.
rLSgetIUSRetrieve the irreducibly unbounded set (IUS) of columns for...
rLSgetLPConstraintDataiRetrieve the formulation data for a specified constraint in a...
rLSgetLPDataRetrieve the formulation data for a given linear or mixed...
rLSgetLPVariableDatajRetrieve the formulation data for a specified variable.
rLSgetMIPBasisGet information about the basis that was found at the node...
rLSgetMIPDualSolutionGet the current dual solution for a MIP model.
rLSgetMIPPrimalSolutionGet the current primal solution for a MIP model.
rLSgetMIPReducedCostsGet the current reduced cost for a MIP model.
rLSgetMIPSlacksGet the current slack values for a MIP model.
rLSgetMIPVarStartPointRetrieve the values of the initial MIP primal solution.
rLSgetMIPVarStartPointPartialRetrieve the resident initial point for MIP/MINLP models.
rLSgetModelDouParameterRetrieves a double precision parameter for a specified model.
rLSgetModelIntParameterRetrieves a integer precision parameter for a specified...
rLSgetModelStocDouParameterGet the current value of a double valued parameter for the...
rLSgetModelStocIntParameterGet the current value of an integer valued parameter for the...
rLSgetModelStocParameterCharGet a stochastic parameter value of type characters from the...
rLSgetModelStocParameterDouGet a stochastic parameter value of type double from the...
rLSgetModelStocParameterIntGet a stochastic parameter value of type integer from the...
rLSgetNextBestMIPSolGenerate the next best (in terms of objective value) solution...
rLSgetNLPConstraintDataiGet data about the nonlinear structure of a specific row of...
rLSgetNLPDataGet data about the nonlinear structure of a model.
rLSgetNLPObjectiveDataGet the NLP data of the Objective.
rLSgetNLPVariableDatajGet data about the nonlinear structure of a specific column...
rLSgetNodeDualSolutionReturn the dual solution for the specified node.
rLSgetNodeListByScenarioRetrieve the indices of the nodes that belong to a given...
rLSgetNodePrimalSolutionReturn the primal solution for the specified node.
rLSgetNodeReducedCostReturn the reduced cost for the specified node.
rLSgetNodeSlacksReturn the slack values for the specified node.
rLSgetObjectiveRangesRetrieves the maximum allowable decrease and increase in...
rLSgetParamDistIndepGet the stochastic data for the (independent) parametric...
rLSgetParamLongDescGet the specified parameter's long description.
rLSgetParamMacroIDGet the integer identifier and the data type of a parameter...
rLSgetParamMacroNameGet the specified parameter's macro name.
rLSgetParamShortDescGet the specified parameter's short description.
rLSgetPrimalSolutionReturn the primal solution values for a given model.
rLSgetProbabilityByNodeReturn the probability of a given node in the stochastic...
rLSgetProbabilityByScenarioReturn the probability of a given scenario.
rLSgetQCDataRetrieve the quadratic data from a model data structure.
rLSgetQCDataiRetrieve the quadratic data associated with constraint i from...
rLSgetRangeDataGet constraint ranges.
rLSgetReducedCostsReturn the reduced cost of all variables for a given model.
rLSgetReducedCostsConeReturn the reduced cost of all cone variables for a given...
rLSgetRoundMIPsolutionRound the given MIP solution to nearest int solution.
rLSgetSampleSizesRetrieve the number of nodes to be sampled in all stages.
rLSgetScenarioGet the outcomes for the specified specified scenario.
rLSgetScenarioDualSolutionReturn the dual solution for the specified scenario.
rLSgetScenarioIndexGet index of a scenario by its name.
rLSgetScenarioModelGet a copy of the scenario model.
rLSgetScenarioNameGet scenario name by index.
rLSgetScenarioObjectiveReturn the objective value for the specified scenario.
rLSgetScenarioPrimalSolutionReturn the primal solution for the specified scenario.
rLSgetScenarioReducedCostReturn the reduced cost for the specified scenario.
rLSgetScenarioSlacksReturn the primal slacks for the specified scenario.
rLSgetSemiContDataRetrieve the semi continuous data from a model data...
rLSgetSETSDataRetrieve sets data from a model data structure.
rLSgetSETSDataiRetrieve the data for set i from a model data structure.
rLSgetSlacksReturn the value of the slack variable for each constraint of...
rLSgetSolutionGet the solution specified by the second argument.
rLSgetStageAggSchemeGet stage aggregation scheme for the SP model.
rLSgetStageIndexGet the index of a stage by its name.
rLSgetStageNameGet scenario name by index.
rLSgetStocCCPDInfoGet double information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStocCCPIInfoGet integer information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStocCCPSInfoGet string information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStocDInfoGet double information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStocIInfoGet integer information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStocParDataRetrieve the data of stochastic parameters.
rLSgetStocParIndexGet the index of stochastic parameter by name.
rLSgetStocParNameGet name of stochastic parameter by index.
rLSgetStocParOutcomesRetrieve the outcomes of stochastic parameters for the...
rLSgetStocParSampleGet a sample object associated with the specified stochastic...
rLSgetStocRowIndicesRetrieve the indices of stochastic rows.
rLSgetStocSInfoGet string information about the current state of the...
rLSgetStringValueRetrieve a string value for a specified string index.
rLSgetVariableIndexRetrieve the index of a variable, given its name.
rLSgetVariableNamejRetrieve the name of a variable, given its index number.
rLSgetVariableStagesRetrieve the stage indices of variables.
rLSgetVarStartPointRetrieve the values of the initial primal solution.
rLSgetVarStartPointPartialRetrieve the resident partial initial point for NLP models.
rLSgetVarTypeRetrieve the variable types and their respective counts in a...
rLSloadBasisProvide a starting basis for the simplex method.
rLSloadBlockStructureProvide a block structure for the constraint matrix by...
rLSloadConeDataLoad quadratic cone data into a model structure.
rLSloadConstraintStagesLoad stage structure of the constraints in the model.
rLSloadCorrelationMatrixLoad a correlation matrix to be used by the sampling scheme...
rLSloadGASolutionLoads the GA solution at specified index in the final...
rLSloadInstructLoad instruction lists into a model structure.
rLSloadLPDataLoad the given LP data into a model structure.
rLSloadMIPVarStartPointProvide an initial starting point for 'LSsolveMIP'.
rLSloadMIPVarStartPointPartialLoad a partial MIP initial point for MIP/MINLP models.
rLSloadMultiStartSolutionLoad the multistart solution at specified index to the main...
rLSloadNameDataLoad the given name data (e.g., row and column names), into a...
rLSloadNLPDataLoad a nonlinear program's data into the model data...
rLSloadQCDataLoad quadratic program data into a model structure.
rLSloadSampleSizesLoad sample sizes per stage for the stochastic model.
rLSloadSemiContDataLoad semi-continuous data into a model structure.
rLSloadSETSDataLoad special sets data into a model structure.
rLSloadStageDataLoad stage structure for the model.
rLSloadStocParDataLoad stage structure of the stochastic parameters (SPARs) in...
rLSloadStocParNamesLoad name data for stochastic parameters into the specified...
rLSloadStringLoad a single string into a model structure.
rLSloadStringDataLoad a vector of strings into a model structure and get sort...
rLSloadVariableStagesLoad stage structure of the variables in the model.
rLSloadVarPrioritiesProvide priorities for each variable for use by mixed-integer...
rLSloadVarStartPointProvide an initial starting point for nonlinear and...
rLSloadVarStartPointPartialLoad a partial initial point for NLP models.
rLSloadVarTypeLoad variable type data into a model structure.
rLSmodifyAjModify the coefficients for a given column at specified...
rLSmodifyConeModify the data for the specified cone.
rLSmodifyConstraintTypeModify the type or direction of a set of constraints.
rLSmodifyLowerBoundsModify selected lower bounds in a given model.
rLSmodifyObjectiveModify selected objective coefficients of a given model.
rLSmodifyRHSModify selected constraint right-hand sides of a given model.
rLSmodifySemiContVarsModify data of a set of semi-continuous variables in the...
rLSmodifySETModify the set for the specified cone.
rLSmodifyUpperBoundsModify selected upper bounds in a given model.
rLSmodifyVariableTypeModify the types of the variables of the given model.
rLSoptimizeOptimize a continuous model by a given method.
rLSoptimizeQPOptimize a quadratic model with the best suitable solver.
rLSparamLINDO API Parameters.
rLSreadBasisRead an initial basis from the given file in the specified...
rLSreadEnvParameterReads environment parameters from a parameter file.
rLSreadLINDOFileRead the model in LINDO format from the given file and stores...
rLSreadLINDOStreamRead from character stream in "LINDO LTX Format".
rLSreadLPFileRead from file stream in "CPLEX LP Format".
rLSreadLPStreamRead from character stream in "CPLEX LP Format".
rLSreadModelParameterReads model parameters from a parameter file.
rLSreadMPIFileRead a model in MPI format from the given file and stores the...
rLSreadMPSFileRead a model in MPS format from the given file and stores the...
rLSreadSMPIFileRead the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPI format.
rLSreadSMPSFileRead the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPS format.
rLSreadVarPrioritiesRead branching priorities of variables from a disk file.
rLSreadVarStartPointProvide initial values for variables from a file.
rLSsampCreateCreate an instance of a sample of specified distribution.
rLSsampDeleteDelete the specified sample object.
rLSsampEvalDistrEvaluate the specified function associated with given...
rLSsampEvalUserDistrEvaluate the specified multivariate function associated with...
rLSsampGenerateGenerate a sample of a given size with specified method from...
rLSsampGetCIPointsGet a copy of the correlation induced sample points.
rLSsampGetDInfoGet double information about the sample.
rLSsampGetDiscretePdfTableGet the PDF table from a discrete distribution sample.
rLSsampGetDistrParamGet the specified parameter of a given distribution.
rLSsampGetIInfoGet integer information about the sample.
rLSsampGetPointsGet a copy of the generated sample points.
rLSsampLoadDiscretePdfTableLoad a PDF table for a user defined discrete distribution.
rLSsampLoadPointsLoad a sample of given size to the specified sample.
rLSsampSetDistrParamSet the specified parameter of the given distribution.
rLSsampSetRGSet a random number generator object to the specified...
rLSsetConstraintPropertySet the property of the specified constraint of the given...
rLSsetDistrParamRGSet distribution parameters.
rLSsetDistrRGSet a distribution function for the random generator.
rLSsetEnvDouParameterSet a double precision parameter for a specified environment.
rLSsetEnvIntParameterSet an integer parameter for a specified environment.
rLSsetEnvStocParameterCharSet a stochastic parameter value of type string.
rLSsetEnvStocParameterDouSet a stochastic parameter value of type double.
rLSsetEnvStocParameterIntSet a stochastic parameter value of type integer.
rLSsetModelDouParameterSet a double precision parameter for a specified model.
rLSsetModelIntParameterSet an integer parameter for a specified model.
rLSsetModelStocDouParameterSet a double valued parameter for the given model.
rLSsetModelStocIntParameterSet an integer valued parameter for the given model.
rLSsetModelStocParameterCharSet a stochastic parameter value of type double.
rLSsetModelStocParameterDouSet a stochastic parameter value of type double.
rLSsetModelStocParameterIntSet a stochastic parameter value of type integer.
rLSsetNumStagesSet number of stages in the model.
rLSsetPrintLogNullDisable the printing log function.
rLSsetProbAllocSizesIncrease the allocated sizes.
rLSsetProbNameAllocSizesIncrease the allocated sizes for how much space is needed for...
rLSsetRGSeedSet an initialization seed for the random number generator.
rLSsetStocParRGSet an RG object to the specified stochastic parameter.
rLSsolveFileLPOptimizes a large LP from an MPS file.
rLSsolveGOPOptimize a global optimization problem.
rLSsolveHSSolve the given model heuristically using the specified...
rLSsolveMIPOptimize a mixed integer programming model using...
rLSsolveMipBnpSolve the MIP model with the branch-and-price method.
rLSsolveSBDOptimize a given LP or MILP model with Benders'...
rLSsolveSPSolve the SP models.
rLSwriteBasisWrites the resident basis to the given file in the specified...
rLSwriteDeteqLINDOFileWrite the deterministic equivalent (DEQ) of the SP models in...
rLSwriteDeteqMPSFileWrite the deterministic equivalent for the SP model in MPS...
rLSwriteDualMPSFileWrites the given problem to a specified file in MPS format.
rLSwriteIISWrites the IIS of an infeasible LP to a file in LINDO file...
rLSwriteIUSWrites the IUS of an unbounded LP to a file in LINDO file...
rLSwriteLINDOFileWrites the given problem to a file in LINDO format.
rLSwriteLINGOFileWrites the given problem to a file in LINGO format.
rLSwriteModelParameterWrites model parameters to a parameter file.
rLSwriteMPIFileWrites the given problem to a specified file in MPI format.
rLSwriteMPSFileWrites the given problem to a specified file in MPS format.
rLSwriteNodeSolutionFileWrite the node solution to a file.
rLSwriteScenarioLINDOFileWrite scenario model in LINDO format.
rLSwriteScenarioMPIFileWrite scenario model in MPI format.
rLSwriteScenarioMPSFileWrite scenario model in MPS format.
rLSwriteScenarioSolutionFileWrite the scenario solution to a file.
rLSwriteSMPIFileWrite the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPI format.
rLSwriteSMPSFileWrite the CORE,TIME,STOCH files for SP models in SMPS format.
rLSwriteSolutionWrites the LP solution to a file.
rLSwriteSolutionOfTypeWrite the solution of a given problem to a file in a specific...
rLSwriteWithSetsAndSCWrites the given problem to a specified file in MPS format...
rLindo documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:11 p.m.