Man pages for rPACI
Placido Analysis of Corneal Irregularity

analyzeDatasetAnalysis of a single corneal topography dataset
analyzeEvolutionAnalysis of repeated measures of the same patient over time
analyzeFileAnalysis of a single corneal topography file
analyzeFolderAnalysis of all corneal topography files in a folder
computePlacidoIndicesCompute the Placido irregularity indices of a corneal dataset
plotSingleCorneaPlot the corneal topography and a summary plot of the Placido...
readCSORead a corneal topography file in CSO format
readFileRead a corneal topography file in any available format...
readrPACIRead a corneal topography file in rPACI format
simulateDataSimulate data as measured by a Placido disk corneal...
writerPACISave to disk a dataset in the format used by rPACI
rPACI documentation built on Nov. 4, 2021, 1:08 a.m.