mcnp_scan_save: Copy and paste MCNP output spectral data for use with...

View source: R/mcnp_scan_save.R

mcnp_scan_saveR Documentation

Copy and paste MCNP output spectral data for use with mcnp_plot_out_spec()


Provides quick copy-and-paste conversion to data frame. Paste either a source histogram distribution or tally spectrum from MCNP outputs. Three-column output tally spectra have columns of maximum energy, bin tally, and relative Monte Carlo uncertainty for the bin tally value. Four-column source histogram distributions have columns of entry number, maximum energy, cumulative probability, and bin probability. Seven-column biased histogram distributions have columns of entry number, maximum energy, cumulative probability, biased cumulative probability, probability of bin, biased probability, and weight multiplier. In all cases, only the maximum energy and bin probability or result values are used.




spectrum file with maximum energy and MCNP bin value

See Also

Other mcnp tools: mcnp_cone_angle(), mcnp_est_nps(), mcnp_matrix_rotations(), mcnp_mesh_bins(), mcnp_plot_out_spec(), mcnp_scan2plot(), mcnp_sdef_erg_hist(), mcnp_sdef_erg_line(), mcnp_si_sp_RD(), mcnp_si_sp_hist_scan(), mcnp_si_sp_hist()


# Since this function requires the user
# to copy and paste input, this example
# is set up to provide data for this purpose.
# To run the example, copy and paste the following
# into an input file and delete the hash tags to run.
# my_hist_data <- mcnp_scan_save()
# 0.1000000 3.133122e-05 0.3348260
# 0.4222222 6.731257e-05 0.2017546
# 0.7444444 5.249198e-05 0.4524577
# 1.0666667 2.046046e-04 0.4201954
# 1.3888889 1.525125e-03 0.8049388
# 1.7111111 2.922743e-05 0.7985399
# 2.0333333 5.162954e-03 0.1974694
# 2.3555556 2.048186e-05 0.5011170
# 2.6777778 1.468040e-04 0.7248116
# 3.0000000 1.037092e-04 0.7659850

radsafer documentation built on July 26, 2023, 6:03 p.m.