Man pages for rags2ridges
Ridge Estimation of Precision Matrices from High-Dimensional Data

ADdataR-objects related to metabolomics data on patients with...
adjacentMatTransform real matrix into an adjacency matrix
CNplotVisualize the spectral condition number against the...
CommunitiesSearch and visualize community-structures
conditionNumberPlotVisualize the spectral condition number against the...
covMLMaximum likelihood estimation of the covariance matrix
covMLknownMaximum likelihood estimation of the covariance matrix with...
createSSimulate sample covariances or datasets
default.penaltyConstruct commonly used penalty matrices
default.targetGenerate a (data-driven) default target for usage in... data-driven targets for fused ridge estimation
DiffGraphVisualize the differential graph
dot-armaRidgePCore ridge precision estimators
edgeHeatVisualize (precision) matrix as a heatmap
evaluateSEvaluate numerical properties square matrix
evaluateSfitVisual inspection of the fit of a regularized precision...
fullMontySWrapper function
fused.testTest the necessity of fusion
getKEGGPathwayDownload KEGG pathway
GGMblockNullPenaltyGenerate the distribution of the penalty parameter under the...
GGMblockTestTest for block-indepedence
GGMmutualInfoMutual information between two sets of variates within a...
GGMnetworkStatsGaussian graphical model network statistics
GGMnetworkStats.fusedGaussian graphical model network statistics
GGMpathStatsGaussian graphical model node pair path statistics
GGMpathStats.fusedFused gaussian graphical model node pair path statistics
isSymmetricPDTest for symmetric positive (semi-)definiteness
is.XlistTest if fused list-formats are correctly used
kegg.targetConstruct target matrix from KEGG
KLdivKullback-Leibler divergence between two multivariate normal...
KLdiv.fusedFused Kullback-Leibler divergence for sets of distributions
lossEvaluate regularized precision under various loss functions
momentSMoments of the sample covariance matrix.
NLLEvaluate the (penalized) (fused) likelihood
optPenalty.aLOOCVSelect optimal penalty parameter by approximate leave-one-out...
optPenalty.fusedIdentify optimal ridge and fused ridge penalties
optPenalty.kCVSelect optimal penalty parameter by K-fold cross-validation
optPenalty.kCVautoAutomatic search for optimal penalty parameter
optPenalty.LOOCVSelect optimal penalty parameter by leave-one-out...
optPenalty.LOOCVautoAutomatic search for optimal penalty parameter
pcorCompute partial correlation matrix or standardized precision...
plot.ptestPlot the results of a fusion test
pooledSCompute the pooled covariance or precision matrix estimate
print.optPenaltyFusedGridPrint and plot functions for fused grid-based...
print.ptestPrint and summarize fusion test
pruneMatrixPrune square matrix to those variables having nonzero entries
rags2ridges-packageRidge estimation for high-dimensional precision matrices
ridgePRidge estimation for high-dimensional precision matrices
ridgePathSVisualize the regularization path
ridgeP.fusedFused ridge estimation
ridgeSRidge estimation for high-dimensional precision matrices
rmvnormalMultivariate Gaussian simulation
sparsifyDetermine the support of a partial correlation/precision...
sparsify.fusedDetermine support of multiple partial correlation/precision...
symmSymmetrize matrix
UgraphVisualize undirected graph
UnionSubset 2 square matrices to union of variables having nonzero...
rags2ridges documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:06 p.m.