optPenalty.kCVauto: Automatic search for optimal penalty parameter

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optPenalty.kCVautoR Documentation

Automatic search for optimal penalty parameter


Function that performs an 'automatic' search for the optimal penalty parameter for the ridgeP call by employing Brent's method to the calculation of a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score.


  lambdaInit = (lambdaMin + lambdaMax)/2,
  fold = nrow(Y),
  cor = FALSE,
  target = default.target(covML(Y)),
  type = "Alt"



Data matrix. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.


A numeric giving the minimum value for the penalty parameter.


A numeric giving the maximum value for the penalty parameter.


A numeric giving the initial (starting) value for the penalty parameter.


A numeric or integer specifying the number of folds to apply in the cross-validation.


A logical indicating if the evaluation of the LOOCV score should be performed on the correlation scale.


A target matrix (in precision terms) for Type I ridge estimators.


A character indicating the type of ridge estimator to be used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".


The function determines the optimal value of the penalty parameter by application of the Brent algorithm (1971) to the K-fold cross-validated negative log-likelihood score (using a regularized ridge estimator for the precision matrix). The search for the optimal value is automatic in the sense that in order to invoke the root-finding abilities of the Brent method, only a minimum value and a maximum value for the penalty parameter need to be specified as well as a starting penalty value. The value at which the K-fold cross-validated negative log-likelihood score is minimized is deemed optimal. The function employs the Brent algorithm as implemented in the optim function.


An object of class list:


A numeric giving the optimal value for the penalty parameter.


A matrix representing the precision matrix of the chosen type (see ridgeP) under the optimal value of the penalty parameter.


When cor = TRUE correlation matrices are used in the computation of the (cross-validated) negative log-likelihood score, i.e., the K-fold sample covariance matrix is a matrix on the correlation scale. When performing evaluation on the correlation scale the data are assumed to be standardized. If cor = TRUE and one wishes to used the default target specification one may consider using target = default.target(covML(Y, cor = TRUE)). This gives a default target under the assumption of standardized data.

Under the default setting of the fold-argument, fold = nrow(Y), one performes leave-one-out cross-validation.


Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@wur.nl>


Brent, R.P. (1971). An Algorithm with Guaranteed Convergence for Finding a Zero of a Function. Computer Journal 14: 422-425.

See Also

GGMblockNullPenalty, GGMblockTest, ridgeP, optPenalty.aLOOCV, optPenalty.kCV,
default.target, covML


## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
p = 25
n = 10
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]

## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty using K = n
OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30); OPT
OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty

## Another example with standardized data
X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30, cor = TRUE,
                          target = default.target(covML(X, cor = TRUE))); OPT
OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty

## Another example using K = 5
OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30, fold = 5); OPT
OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty

rags2ridges documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:06 p.m.