
Defines functions DiffGraph Communities Union pruneMatrix momentS fullMontyS GGMpathStats GGMnetworkStats Ugraph edgeHeat evaluateSfit KLdiv loss sparsify GGMmutualInfo GGMblockNullPenalty CNplot optPenalty.kCVauto optPenalty.kCV optPenalty.aLOOCV ridgeP default.target pcor evaluateS covMLknown covML adjacentMat symm .blockTestStat .lambdaNullDist .kcvl .cvl .pathAndStats .path2string .pathContribution .ridgeSi .eigShrink .QuadraticLoss .RelativeFrobeniusLoss .FrobeniusLoss .Frobenius .LL .is.int .trace

Documented in adjacentMat CNplot Communities covML covMLknown default.target DiffGraph edgeHeat evaluateS evaluateSfit fullMontyS GGMblockNullPenalty GGMmutualInfo GGMnetworkStats GGMpathStats KLdiv loss momentS optPenalty.aLOOCV optPenalty.kCV optPenalty.kCVauto pcor pruneMatrix ridgeP sparsify symm Ugraph Union

## Name: rags2ridges
## Authors: Carel F.W. Peeters, Anders E. Bilgrau, and Wessel N. van Wieringen
## Code files: rags2ridges.R      >> master file/core module
##             rags2ridgesFused.R >> fused module
##             rags2ridgesMisc.R  >> miscellaneous module
##             rags2ridgesDepr.R  >> deprecated function collection
##             rags2ridges.cpp    >> C++ work horses
## Publications:
##   [1] van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016).
##       "Ridge Estimation of Inverse Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional
##       Data", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, vol 103: 284-303.
##   [2] van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2015).
##       "Application of a New Ridge Estimator of the Inverse Covariance Matrix
##       to the Reconstruction of Gene-Gene Interaction Networks", in: di Serio,
##       C., Lio, P., Nonis, A., and Tagliaferri, R. (Eds.) Computational
##       Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. Lecture
##       Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8623. Springer, pp. 170-179.
##   [3] Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., &
##       van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).
##       "Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse Covariance Matrices from
##       Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes", Journal of Machine Learning
##       Research, vol. 21(26): 1-52.
## 	 [4] Peeters, C.F.W., van de Wiel, M.A., & van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).
##       "The Spectral Condition Number Plot for Regularization Parameter
##       Evaluation", Computational Statistics, vol. 35: 629-646.

## Module A: rags2ridges Core

## Hidden support functions

.trace <- function(M){
  # - Internal function to compute the trace of a matrix
  # - Faster support function (as opposed to 'matrix.trace') when input M is
  #   already forced to 'matrix'
  # - M > matrix input


.is.int <- function(x, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps){
  # - Logical function that checks if a number is an integer within machine
  #   precision
  # - x         > input number
  # - tolerance > tolerance threshold for determining integer quality

  #return(all.equal(x, as.integer(x), ...)) # Faster(?), safer
  return(abs(x - round(x)) < tolerance)

.LL <- function(S, P){
  # - Function that computes the value of the (negative) log-likelihood
  # - S > sample covariance matrix
  # - P > precision matrix (possibly regularized inverse of covariance or
  #       correlation matrix)

  LL <- -log(det(P)) + sum(S*P) #.trace(S %*% P)

.Frobenius <- function(X) {
  # - Function computing squared Frobenius norm - the sum of the squarred
  #   entries.
  # - X > A numeric


.FrobeniusLoss <- function(O, P){
  # - Function computing Frobenius loss
  # - O > Estimated (possibly regularized) precision matrix
  # - P > True (population) precision matrix

  return(.Frobenius(O - P))

.RelativeFrobeniusLoss <- function(O, P) {
  # - Function computing the frobenius loss relative to the (frobenious) norm
  #   of P.
  # - O > Estimated (possibly regularized) precision matrix
  # - P > True (population) precision matrix

  return(.FrobeniusLoss(O, P)/.Frobenius(P))

.QuadraticLoss <- function(O, C){
  # - Function computing Quadratic loss
  # - O > Estimated (possibly regularized) precision matrix
  # - C > True (population) covariance matrix

  return((sum(((O %*% C - diag(ncol(O))))^2)))

.eigShrink <- function(dVec, lambda, const = 0){
  # - Function that shrinks the eigenvalues in an eigenvector
  # - Shrinkage is that of rotation equivariant alternative ridge estimator
  # - Main use is in avoiding expensive matrix square root when choosing a
  #   target that leads to a rotation equivariant version of the alternative
  #   ridge estimator
  # - dVec   > numeric vector containing the eigenvalues of a matrix S
  # - lambda > penalty parameter
  # - const  > a constant, default = 0

  Evector <- (dVec - lambda * const)
  return(sqrt(lambda + Evector^2/4) + Evector/2)

.ridgeSi <- function(S, lambda, type = "Alt", target = default.target(S)){
  # - Hidden function that calculates Ridge estimators of a covariance matrix
  # - Function is mirror image main routine 'ridgeS'
  # - Main use is to circumvent (unnecessary) inversion (especially in
  #   'conditionNumberPlot' function)
  # - S       > sample covariance matrix
  # - lambda  > penalty parameter (choose in accordance with type of Ridge
  #             estimator)
  # - type    > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}, default = "Alt"
  # - Alt     > van Wieringen-Peeters alternative ridge estimator of a
  #             covariance matrix
  # - ArchI   > Archetypal I ridge estimator of a covariance matrix
  # - ArchII  > Archetypal II ridge estimator of a covariance matrix
  # - target  > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators,
  #             default = default.target(S)
  # - NOTES:
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is p.d., one obtains the
  #   van Wieringen-Peeters type I estimator
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is null-matrix, one obtains the
  #   van Wieringen-Peeters type II estimator
  # - When target is not the null-matrix it is expected to be p.d. for the vWP
  #   type I estimator
  # - The target is always expected to be p.d. in case of the archetypal I
  #   estimator
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is null matrix or of form c * diag(p), a
  #   rotation equivariant estimator ensues. In these cases the expensive
  #   matrix square root can be circumvented

  # Alternative estimator
  if (type == "Alt"){
    if (all(target == 0)){
      Spectral  <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
      Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambda)
      C_Alt     <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
      colnames(C_Alt) = rownames(C_Alt) <- colnames(S)
    } else if (all(target[!diag(nrow(target))] == 0) &
                 (length(unique(diag(target))) == 1)){
      varPhi    <- unique(diag(target))
      Spectral  <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
      Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambda, const = varPhi)
      C_Alt     <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
      colnames(C_Alt) = rownames(C_Alt) <- colnames(S)
    } else {
      D     <- (S - lambda * target)
      C_Alt <- D/2 + sqrtm((D %*% D)/4 + lambda * diag(nrow(S)))

  # Archetypal I
  if (type == "ArchI"){
    C_ArchI <- (1-lambda) * S + lambda * solve(target)

  # Archetypal II
  if (type == "ArchII"){
    C_ArchII <- S + lambda * diag(nrow(S))

.pathContribution <- function(sparseP, path, detSparseP){
  # - Function calculating the contribution of a path to the covariance between
  #   begin and end node
  # - sparseP    > sparse precision/partial correlation matrix
  # - path       > path between two nodes (start and end node)
  # - detSparseP > determinant of 'sparseP'

  if (length(path) < nrow(sparseP)){
    return((-1)^(1+length(path)) *
             prod(sparseP[cbind(path[-1], path[-length(path)])]) *
             det(sparseP[-path, -path]) / detSparseP)
  if (length(path) == nrow(sparseP)){
    return((-1)^(1+length(path)) *
             prod(sparseP[cbind(path[-1], path[-length(path)])]) / detSparseP)

.path2string <- function(path){
  # - Function converting a numeric or character vector into a single string
  # - path > path between two nodes (start and end node)

  pName <- sprintf("%s--%s", path[1], path[2])
  if (length(path) > 2){
    for (w in 3:(length(path))){ pName <- sprintf("%s--%s", pName, path[w]) }

.pathAndStats <- function(Gt, node1t, node2t, nei1t, nei2t, P0t, detP0t,
  # - Function determining shortest paths (and their contribution) between
  #   node 1 and node 2
  # - It does so via the neighborhoods 1 and 2
  # - Gt        > graphical object
  # - node1t    > start node of the path
  # - node2t    > end node of the path
  # - nei1t     > neighborhood around the start node
  # - nei2t     > neighborhood around the end node
  # - p0t       > sparse precision/partial correlation matrix
  # - detP0t    > determinant of 'p0t'
  # - pathNames > named path represented as string

  pathsTemp <- list()
  pathStatsTemp <- numeric()
  for (v1 in 1:length(nei1t)){
    for (v2 in 1:length(nei2t)){
      slhNo1Ne1 <- get.all.shortest.paths(Gt, node1t, nei1t[v1])$res
      slhNe1Ne2 <- get.all.shortest.paths(Gt, nei1t[v1], nei2t[v2])$res
      slhNe2No2 <- get.all.shortest.paths(Gt, nei2t[v2], node2t)$res
      for (uNo1Ne1 in 1:length(slhNo1Ne1)){
        for (uNe1Ne2 in 1:length(slhNe1Ne2)){
          for (uNe2No2 in 1:length(slhNe2No2)){
            fullPath <- c(slhNo1Ne1[[uNo1Ne1]], slhNe1Ne2[[uNe1Ne2]][-1],
            if (length(unique(fullPath)) == (length(fullPath))){
              pName <- .path2string(fullPath)
              if (!(pName %in% c(pathNames, rownames(pathStatsTemp)))){
                pathsTemp[[length(pathsTemp)+1]] <- fullPath
                pathStatsTemp <-
                          .pathContribution(P0t, fullPath, detP0t)))
                rownames(pathStatsTemp)[nrow(pathStatsTemp)] <- pName
  return(list(paths=pathsTemp, pathStats=pathStatsTemp))

.cvl <- function(lambda, Y, cor = FALSE, target = default.target(covML(Y)),
                 type = "Alt"){
  # - Function that calculates a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score
  #   for single penalty value
  # - lambda > value penalty parameter
  # - Y      > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - cor    > logical indicating if evaluation of the LOOCV score should be
  #            performed on the correlation matrix
  # - target > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators,
  #            default = default.target(covML(Y))
  # - type   > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}, default = "Alt"

  slh <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:nrow(Y)){
    S   <- covML(Y[-i, ], cor = cor)
    slh <- c(slh, .LL(t(Y[i, , drop = FALSE]) %*% Y[i, , drop = FALSE],
                      ridgeP(S, lambda, target = target, type = type)))

.kcvl <- function(lambda, Y, cor, target, type, folds){
  # - Function that calculates a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score
  #   for single penalty value
  # - lambda > value penalty parameter
  # - Y      > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - cor    > logical indicating if evaluation of the LOOCV score should be
  #            performed on the correlation matrix
  # - target > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators,
  #            default = default.target(covML(Y))
  # - type   > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}, default = "Alt"
  # - folds  > cross-validation sample splits

  cvLL <- 0
  for (f in 1:length(folds)){
    S   <- covML(Y[-folds[[f]], , drop=FALSE], cor = cor)
    cvLL <- cvLL + .LL(crossprod(Y[folds[[f]], , drop=FALSE]) / length(folds[[f]]),
                       ridgeP(S, lambda, target=target, type=type))
  return(cvLL / length(folds))

.lambdaNullDist <- function(i, Y, id, lambdaMin, lambdaMax,
                            lambdaInit, target, type){
  # - Function that determines the optimal value of the penalty parameter for a
  #   single permutation
  # - Optimal penalty determined using the 'optPenalty.LOOCVauto' function
  # - i          > number of permutations; passed by nPerm in
  #                'GGMblockNullPenalty'
  # - Y          > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - id         > indicator variable for the two blocks of the precision matrix
  # - lambdaMin  > minimum value penalty parameter (dependent on 'type')
  # - lambdaMax  > maximum value penalty parameter (dependent on 'type')
  # - lambdaInit > initial value for lambda for starting optimization
  # - target     > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators
  # - type       > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}

  reshuffle    <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
  Y[, id == 1] <- Y[reshuffle, id == 1]
  return(optPenalty.LOOCVauto(Y, lambdaMin, lambdaMax, lambdaInit,
                              target = target, type = type)$optLambda)

.blockTestStat <- function(i, Y, id, lambda, target, type){
  # - Function that calculates logratio statistic for block independence
  # - i      > number of permutations; passed by nPerm in 'GGMblockTest'
  # - Y      > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - id     > indicator variable for the two blocks of the precision matrix
  # - lambda > value penalty parameter
  # - target > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators
  # - type   > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}

  reshuffle    <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
  Y[, id == 1] <- Y[reshuffle, id == 1]
  S <- solve(ridgeP(covML(Y), lambda = lambda, target = target, type = type))
  return(log(det(S[id == 0, id == 0])) +
           log(det(S[id == 1, id == 1])) - log(det(S)))

## Support functions

#' Symmetrize matrix
#' Function that symmetrizes matrices.
#' Large objects that are symmetric sometimes fail to be recognized as such by
#' R due to rounding under machine precision. This function symmetrizes for
#' computational purposes matrices that are symmetric in numeric ideality.
#' @param M (In numeric ideality symmetric) square \code{matrix}.
#' @return A symmetric \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, 10, 30, 10, target = diag(diag(1/covML(X))))
#' ## Check symmetry
#' ## OPT$optPrec is symmetric by definition
#' ## But is not recognized as such due to rounding peculiarities
#' isSymmetric(OPT$optPrec)
#' ## Symmetrize
#' symm(OPT$optPrec)
#' @export symm
symm <- function(M){
  if (!is.matrix(M)){
    stop("M should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M) != ncol(M)){
    stop("M should be a square matrix")
  else {
    # Symmetrize
    Msym <- (M + t(M))/2

#' Transform real matrix into an adjacency matrix
#' Function that transforms a real matrix into an adjacency matrix. Intended
#' use: Turn sparsified precision matrix into an adjacency matrix for
#' undirected graphical representation.
#' @param M (Possibly sparsified precision) \code{matrix}.
#' @param diag A \code{logical} indicating if the diagonal elements should be
#' retained.
#' @return Function returns an adjacency \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{sparsify}},
#' \code{\link{edgeHeat}}, \code{\link{Ugraph}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision matrix
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = "Alt")
#' ## Obtain sparsified partial correlation matrix
#' PC0 <- sparsify(P, threshold = "localFDR", FDRcut = .8)
#' ## Obtain adjacency matrix
#' adjacentMat(PC0$sparsePrecision)
#' @export
adjacentMat <- function(M, diag = FALSE){
  if (!is.matrix(M)){
    stop("M should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M) != ncol(M)){
    stop("M should be square matrix")
  else {
    # Create adjacency matrix
    AM <- M
    AM[AM != 0] <- 1
    diag(AM) <- 0

    if (diag){
      diag(AM) <- 1


#' Maximum likelihood estimation of the covariance matrix
#' Function that gives the maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance
#' matrix.
#' The function gives the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the covariance
#' matrix. The input matrix \code{Y} assumes that the variables are represented
#' by the columns. Note that when the input data is standardized, the ML
#' covariance matrix of the scaled data is computed. If a correlation matrix is
#' desired, use \code{cor = TRUE}.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param cor A \code{logical} indicating if the correlation matrix should be
#' returned
#' @return Function returns the maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance
#' \code{matrix}. In case \code{cor = TRUE}, the correlation matrix is
#' returned.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain ML estimate covariance matrix
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain correlation matrix
#' Cx <- covML(X, cor = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export covML
covML <- function(Y, cor = FALSE){
  if (!is.matrix(Y)){
    stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
  else if (!is.logical(cor)){
    stop("Input (cor) is of wrong class")
  else {
    if (cor){
      Sml <- cor(Y)
    else {
      Ys  <- scale(Y, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
      Sml <- crossprod(Ys)/nrow(Ys)  # (t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys)

    # Return

#' Maximum likelihood estimation of the covariance matrix with assumptions on
#' its structure
#' Function that performs maximum likelihood estimation of the covariance
#' matrix, with various types of assumptions on its structure.
#' The function gives the maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance matrix.
#' The input matrix \code{Y} assumes that the variables are represented by the
#' columns.
#' When simultaneously \code{covMat=NULL}, \code{corMat=NULL},
#' \code{corType="none"} and \code{varType="none"} the \code{covML}-function is
#' invoked and the regular maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance matrix
#' is returned.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param covMat A positive-definite covariance \code{matrix}. When specified,
#' the to-be-estimated covariance matrix is assumed to be proportional to the
#' specified covariance matrix. Hence, only a constant needs to estimated.
#' @param corMat A positive-definite correlation \code{matrix}. When specified,
#' the to-be-estimated covariance matrix is assumed to have this correlation
#' structure. Hence, only the marginal variances need to be estimated.
#' @param corType A \code{character}, either \code{"none"} (no structure on the
#' correlation among variate assumed) or \code{"equi"} (variates are
#' equi-correlated).
#' @param varType A \code{character}, either \code{"none"} (no structure on the
#' marginal variances of the variates assumed) or \code{"common"} (variates
#' have equal marginal variances).
#' @param nInit An \code{integer} specifying the maximum number of iterations
#' for likelihood maximization when \code{corType="equi"} .
#' @return The maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance \code{matrix}
#' under the specified assumptions on its structure.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some data
#' p = 10
#' n = 100
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:10] = letters[1:10]
#' ## Obtain maximum likelihood estimate covariance matrix
#' Cx <- covMLknown(X, corType="equi", varType="common")
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @export
covMLknown <- function(Y, covMat = NULL, corMat = NULL,
                       corType = "none", varType = "none", nInit = 100){

  # TODO: Future version should a.o. also allow a first order autoregressive
  #   correlation assumption.

  # center data
  Ys <- scale(Y, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

  # equicorrelated covariance: parameter estimation
  if (corType=="equi" & varType !="none"){

    # initial variance estimate
    sds <- sqrt(apply(Ys^2, 2, mean))
    rho <- 0
    llNew <- 10^(-10)
    for (k in 1:nInit){
      # update current log-likelihood
      llPrev <- llNew

      # estimate rho
      Sml <- diag(1/sds) %*% ((t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys)) %*% diag(1/sds)
      a1 <- sum(diag(Sml))
      a2 <- (ncol(Ys)-1) * a1 - sum(Sml)
      p <- nrow(Sml)
      minLoglikEqui <- function(rho, p, a1, a2) {
        (p-1) * log(1-rho) +  log((p-1) * rho + 1) +
          ((1-rho) * ((p-1) * rho + 1))^(-1) * (a1 + a2 * rho)
      rho <- optim(par=0.1, fn=minLoglikEqui, method="Brent", lower=-1/(p-1)
                   + .Machine$double.eps, upper=1-.Machine$double.eps, p=ncol(Ys),
                   a1=a1, a2=a2)$par
      llNew <- minLoglikEqui(rho, p, a1, a2)
      if (abs(llNew - llPrev) < 0.0001){ break }

      # estimate variance(s)
      Sml <- matrix(rho, ncol(Ys), ncol(Ys))
      diag(Sml) <- 1
      if (varType!="common"){
        V <- eigen(Sml)
        D <- abs(V$values)
        V <- V$vectors
        Vinner <- eigen(diag(1/sqrt(D)) %*% t(V) %*% ((t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys))
                        %*% V %*% diag(1/sqrt(D)))
        Vinner$values <- sqrt(abs(Re(Vinner$values)))
        sds <- Re(diag(V %*% diag(sqrt(D)) %*% Vinner$vectors
                       %*% diag(Vinner$values) %*% t(Vinner$vectors)
                       %*% diag(sqrt(D)) %*% t(V)))
      if (varType=="common"){
        sds <- rep(sum(diag(solve(Sml) %*% (t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys))) /
                     ncol(Ys), ncol(Ys))

    # equicorrelated covariance: matrix construction
    Sml <- matrix(rho, ncol(Ys), ncol(Ys))
    diag(Sml) <- 1
    Sml <- diag(sds) %*% Sml %*% diag(sds)
  if (!is.null(covMat)){
    # covariance known up to a constant
    c <- sum(diag(solve(covMat) %*% (t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys))) / ncol(Ys)
    Sml <- c * covMat
  if (!is.null(corMat)){
    # correlation matrix known, variances unknown
    V <- eigen(corMat)
    D <- abs(V$values)
    V <- V$vectors
    Vinner <- eigen(diag(1/sqrt(D)) %*% t(V) %*% ((t(Ys) %*% Ys)/nrow(Ys))
                    %*% V %*% diag(1/sqrt(D)))
    Vinner$values <- sqrt(abs(Re(Vinner$values)))
    sds <- Re(diag(V %*% diag(sqrt(D)) %*% Vinner$vectors
                   %*% diag(Vinner$values) %*% t(Vinner$vectors)
                   %*% diag(sqrt(D)) %*% t(V)))
    Sml <- diag(sds) %*% corMat %*% diag(sds)
  if (!is.null(covMat) & !is.null(corMat) & corType=="none" & varType=="none"){

#' Evaluate numerical properties square matrix
#' Function that evaluates various numerical properties of a square input
#' matrix. The intended use is to evaluate the various numerical properties of
#' what is assumed to be a covariance matrix. Another use is to evaluate the
#' various numerical properties of a (regularized) precision matrix.
#' The function evaluates various numerical properties of a covariance or
#' precision input matrix. The function assesses if the input matrix is
#' symmetric, if all its eigenvalues are real, if all its eigenvalues are
#' strictly positive, and if it is a diagonally dominant matrix. In addition,
#' the function calculates the trace, the determinant, and the spectral
#' condition number of the input matrix. See, e.g., Harville (1997) for more
#' details on the mentioned (numerical) matrix properties.
#' @param S Covariance or (regularized) precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if output should be printed on
#' screen.
#' @return \item{symm}{A \code{logical} indicating if the matrix is symmetric.}
#' \item{realEigen}{A \code{logical} indicating if the eigenvalues are real.}
#' \item{posEigen}{A \code{logical} indicating if the eigenvalues are strictly
#' positive.} \item{dd}{A \code{logical} indicating if the matrix is diagonally
#' dominant.} \item{trace}{A \code{numerical} giving the value of the trace.}
#' \item{det}{A \code{numerical} giving the value of the determinant.}
#' \item{condNumber}{A \code{numerical} giving the value of the spectral
#' condition number.}
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}}
#' @references Harville, D.A.(1997). Matrix algebra from a statistician's
#' perspective. New York: Springer-Verlag.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Evaluate numerical properties covariance matrix
#' ## Obtain, e.g., value trace
#' Seval <- evaluateS(Cx); Seval
#' Seval$trace
#' ## Evaluate numerical properties precision matrix after regularization
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = 'Alt')
#' Peval <- evaluateS(P); Peval
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor
#' @export evaluateS
evaluateS <- function(S, verbose = TRUE){
  if (!is.matrix(S)){
    stop("S should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(S) != ncol(S)){
    stop("S should be a square matrix")
  else if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  else {
    Sproperties <- list()

    # Is S symmetric?
    Sproperties$symm <- isSymmetric(S)

    # Are eigenvalues S real and positive?
    evs                   <- eigen(S)$values
    Sproperties$realEigen <- all(Im(evs) == 0)
    Sproperties$posEigen  <- all(evs > 0)

    # Is S diagonally dominant?
    Sproperties$diagDom <- all(abs(cov2cor(S)[upper.tri(S)]) < 1)

    # Trace and determinant S
    Sproperties$trace <- sum(diag(S))
    Sproperties$det   <- det(S)

    # Spectral condition number S
    Sproperties$condNumber <- abs(max(evs) / min(evs))

    if (verbose){
      cat("Properties of input matrix:\n")
      cat("       symmetric : ", Sproperties$symm, "\n", sep="")
      cat("eigenvalues real : ", Sproperties$realEigen, "\n", sep="")
      cat(" eigenvalues > 0 : ", Sproperties$posEigen, "\n", sep="")
      cat("  diag. dominant : ", Sproperties$diagDom, "\n\n", sep="")
      cat("           trace : ", round(Sproperties$trace, 5), "\n", sep="")
      cat("     determinant : ", round(Sproperties$det, 5), "\n", sep="")
      cat(" l2 cond. number : ", round(Sproperties$condNumber, 5), "\n", sep="")

    # Return

#' Compute partial correlation matrix or standardized precision matrix
#' Function computing the partial correlation matrix or standardized precision
#' matrix from an input precision matrix.
#' The function assumes that the input \code{matrix} is a precision matrix. If
#' \code{pc = FALSE} the standardized precision matrix, rather than the partial
#' correlation matrix, is given as the output value. The standardized precision
#' matrix is equal to the partial correlation matrix up to the sign of
#' off-diagonal entries.
#' @param P (Possibly regularized) precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param pc A \code{logical} indicating if the partial correlation matrix
#' should be computed.
#' @return A partial correlation \code{matrix} or a standardized precision
#' \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision matrix
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = "Alt")
#' ## Obtain partial correlation matrix
#' pcor(P)
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor
#' @export pcor
pcor <- function(P, pc = TRUE){
  if (!is.matrix(P)){
    stop("P should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(P)){
    stop("P should be a symmetric matrix")
  else {
    # Compute partial correlation matrix
    if (pc){
      P       <- -P
      diag(P) <- -diag(P)
      Pcor    <- cov2cor(P)

    # Compute standardized precision matrix
    else {
      SP <- cov2cor(P)

#' Generate a (data-driven) default target for usage in ridge-type shrinkage
#' estimation
#' Function that generates a (data-driven) default target for usage in (type I)
#' ridge shrinkage estimation of the precision matrix (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}). The target that is generated is to be understood in
#' precision terms. Most options for target generation result in a target that
#' implies a situation of rotation equivariant estimation (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}).
#' The function can generate the following default target matrices:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{DAIE}: Diagonal matrix with average of inverse nonzero
#' eigenvalues of S as entries;
#' \item \code{DIAES}: Diagonal matrix with
#' inverse of average of eigenvalues of S as entries;
#' \item \code{DUPV}:
#' Diagonal matrix with unit partial variance as entries (identity matrix);
#' \item \code{DAPV}: Diagonal matrix with average of inverse variances of
#' \code{S} as entries;
#' \item \code{DCPV}: Diagonal matrix with constant
#' partial variance as entries. Allows one to use other constant than DAIE,
#' DIAES, DUPV, DAPV, and in a sense Null;
#' \item \code{DEPV}: Diagonal matrix
#' with the inverse variances of \code{S} as entries;
#' \item \code{Null}: Null matrix.
#' }
#' The targets \code{DUPV}, \code{DCPV}, and \code{Null} are not
#' data-driven in the sense that the input matrix \code{S} only provides
#' information on the size of the desired target. The targets \code{DAIE},
#' \code{DIAES}, \code{DAPV}, and \code{DEPV} are data-driven in the sense that
#' the input matrix \code{S} provides the information for the diagonal entries.
#' The argument \code{fraction} is only used when \code{type = "DAIE"}. The
#' argument \code{const} is only used when \code{type = "DCPV"}. All types
#' except \code{DEPV} and \code{Null} lead to rotation equivariant alternative
#' and archetypal Type I ridge estimators. The target \code{Null} also leads to
#' a rotation equivariant alternative Type II ridge estimator (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}). Note that the \code{DIAES}, \code{DAPV}, and
#' \code{DEPV} targets amount to the identity matrix when the sample covariance
#' matrix \code{S} is standardized to be the correlation matrix. The same goes,
#' naturally, for the \code{DCPV} target when \code{const} is specified to be
#' 1.
#' @param S Sample covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param type A \code{character} determining the type of default target. Must
#' be one of: "DAIE", "DIAES", "DUPV", "DAPV", "DCPV", "DEPV", "Null".
#' @param fraction A \code{numeric} indicating the fraction of the largest
#' eigenvalue below which an eigenvalue is considered zero.
#' @param const A \code{numeric} constant representing the partial variance.
#' @return Function returns a target \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}}
#' @references van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016).  Ridge Estimation
#' of Inverse Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational
#' Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303.  Also available as
#' arXiv:1403.0904v3 [stat.ME].
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain default diagonal target matrix
#' default.target(Cx)
#' @export
default.target <- function(S, type = "DAIE", fraction = 1e-04, const){
  # Notes:
  # - The van Wieringen-Peeters type I estimator and the archetypal I estimator
  #   utilize a p.d. target
  # - DAIE: diagonal average inverse eigenvalue
  #   Diagonal matrix with average of inverse nonzero eigenvalues of S as
  #   entries
  # - DIAES: diagonal inverse average eigenvalue S
  #   Diagonal matrix with inverse of average of eigenvalues of S as entries
  # - DUPV: diagonal unit partial variance
  #   Diagonal matrix with unit partial variance as entries (identity matrix)
  # - DAPV: diagonal average partial variance
  #   Diagonal matrix with average of inverse variances of S as entries
  # - DCPV: diagonal constant partial variance
  #   Diagonal matrix with constant partial variance as entries. Allows one to
  #   use other constant than [DAIE, DUPV, DAPV, and in a sense Null]
  # - DEPV: diagonal empirical partial variance
  #   Diagonal matrix with the inverse of variances of S as entries
  # - Null: Null matrix
  #   Matrix with only zero entries
  # - All but DEPV and Null lead to rotation equivariant alternative and
  #   archetype I ridge estimators
  # - Null also leads to a rotation equivariant alternative Type II estimator

  if (!is.matrix(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (!inherits(type, "character")){
    stop("Input (type) is of wrong class")
  else if (!(type %in% c("DAIE", "DIAES", "DUPV", "DAPV",
                         "DCPV", "DEPV", "Null"))){
    stop("Input (type) should be one of {'DAIE', 'DIAES', 'DUPV', 'DAPV', ",
         "'DCPV', 'DEPV', 'Null'}")
  else {
    # Compute and return a default target matrix
    # Diagonal matrix with average of inverse nonzero eigenvalues of S as
    # entries
    if (type == "DAIE"){
      if (!inherits(fraction, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (fraction) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(fraction) != 1){
        stop("Length input (fraction) must be one")
      } else if (fraction < 0 | fraction > 1){
        stop("Input (fraction) is expected to be in the interval [0,1]")
      } else {
        Eigs   <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
        const  <- mean(1/(Eigs[Eigs >= Eigs[1]*fraction]))
        target <- const * diag(ncol(S))

    # Diagonal matrix with inverse of average of eigenvalues of S as entries
    if (type == "DIAES"){
      Eigs   <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
      const  <- 1/mean(Eigs)
      target <- const * diag(ncol(S))

    # Diagonal matrix with unit partial variance as entries
    if (type == "DUPV"){
      target <- diag(ncol(S))

    # Diagonal matrix with average empirical partial variances as entries
    if (type == "DAPV"){
      apv    <- mean(1/diag(S))
      target <- apv * diag(ncol(S))

    # Diagonal matrix with constant partial variance as entries
    if (type == "DCPV"){
      if (!inherits(const, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (const) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(const) != 1){
        stop("Length input (const) must be one")
      } else if (const <= 0 | const > .Machine$double.xmax){
        stop("Input (const) is expected to be in the interval (0, Inf)")
      } else {
        target <- const * diag(ncol(S))

    # Diagonal matrix with empirical partial variances as entries
    if (type == "DEPV"){
      target <- diag(1/diag(S))

    # Null matrix
    if (type == "Null"){
      target <- matrix(0, ncol(S), nrow(S))

    colnames(target) <- rownames(target) <- rownames(S)

## Function for Ridge Estimation of the Precision matrix

#' Ridge estimation for high-dimensional precision matrices
#' Function that calculates various Ridge estimators for high-dimensional
#' precision matrices.
#' @details
#' The function can calculate various ridge estimators for high-dimensional
#' precision matrices. Current (well-known) ridge estimators can be roughly
#' divided in two archetypes. The first archetypal form employs a convex
#' combination of \eqn{\mathbf{S}} and a positive definite (p.d.) target matrix
#'   \eqn{\mathbf{T}}:
#'   \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{I}}(\lambda_{\mathrm{I}})
#'   = [(1-\lambda_{\mathrm{I}}) \mathbf{S} + \lambda_{\mathrm{I}}\mathbf{T}]^{-1}},
#' with \eqn{\lambda_{\mathrm{I}} \in (0,1]}.
#' A common target choice is for \eqn{\mathbf{T}} to be diagonal with
#'   \eqn{(\mathbf{T})_{jj} = (\mathbf{S})_{jj}} for \eqn{j=1, \ldots, p}.
#' The second archetypal form can be given as
#'   \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{II}}(\lambda_{\mathrm{II}})
#'    = (\mathbf{S} + \lambda_{\mathrm{II}} \mathbf{I}_{p})^{-1}}
#' with \eqn{\lambda_{\mathrm{II}} \in (0, \infty)}. Viewed from a penalized
#' estimation perspective, the two archetypes utilize penalties that do not
#' coincide with the matrix-analogue of the common ridge penalty. van Wieringen
#' and Peeters (2015) derive analytic expressions for alternative Type I and
#' Type II ridge precision estimators based on a proper L2-penalty. Their
#' alternative Type I estimator (target shrinkage) takes the form
#'   \deqn{
#'     \hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{I}a}(\lambda_{a})
#'     = \left\{
#'         \left[\lambda_{a}\mathbf{I}_{p} + \frac{1}{4}(\mathbf{S} -
#'               \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})^{2}\right]^{1/2} +
#'         \frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{S} - \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})
#'       \right\}^{-1},
#'   }
#' while their alternative Type II estimator can be given as a special case of
#' the former:
#'   \deqn{
#'     \hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{II}a}(\lambda_{a}) =
#'     \left\{
#'       \left[\lambda_{a}\mathbf{I}_{p} +
#'               \frac{1}{4}\mathbf{S}^{2}\right]^{1/2} +
#'       \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{S}
#'     \right\}^{-1}.
#'   }
#' These alternative estimators were shown to be superior to the archetypes in
#' terms of risk under various loss functions (van Wieringen and Peeters, 2015).
#' The \code{lambda} parameter in \code{ridgeP} generically indicates the
#' penalty parameter. It must be chosen in accordance with the type of ridge
#' estimator employed. The domains for the penalty parameter in the archetypal
#' estimators are given above. The domain for \code{lambda} in the alternative
#' estimators is \eqn{(0, \infty)}. The \code{type} parameter specifies the type
#' of ridge estimator. Specifying \code{type = "ArchI"} leads to usage of the
#' archetypal I estimator while specifying \code{type = "ArchII"} leads to usage
#' of the archetypal II estimator. In the latter situation the argument
#' \code{target} remains unused. Specifying \code{type = "Alt"} enables usage of
#' the alternative ridge estimators: when \code{type = "Alt"} and the
#' \code{target} matrix is p.d. one obtains the alternative Type I estimator;
#' when \code{type = "Alt"} and the \code{target} matrix is specified to be the
#' null-matrix one obtains the alternative Type II estimator.
#' The Type I estimators thus employ target shrinkage. The default target for
#' both the archetype and alternative is \code{default.target(S)}. When
#' \code{target} is not the null-matrix it is expected to be p.d. for the
#' alternative type I estimator. The target is always expected to be p.d. in
#' case of the archetypal I estimator. The archetypal Type I ridge estimator is
#' rotation equivariant when the target is of the form \eqn{\mu\mathbf{I}_{p}}
#' with \eqn{\mu \in (0,\infty)}. The archetypal Type II estimator is rotation
#' equivariant by definition. When the target is of the form
#' \eqn{\varphi\mathbf{I}_{p}} with \eqn{\varphi \in [0,\infty)}, then the
#' alternative ridge estimator is rotation equivariant. Its analytic computation
#' is then particularly speedy as the (relatively) expensive matrix square root
#' can then be circumvented.
#' @param S Sample covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param lambda A \code{numeric} representing the value of the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @return Function returns a regularized precision \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Anders E. Bilgrau
#' @seealso \code{\link{default.target}}
#' @references van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016). Ridge Estimation
#' of Inverse Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational
#' Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303. Also available as
#' arXiv:1403.0904v3 [stat.ME].
#' van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2015). Application of a New Ridge
#' Estimator of the Inverse Covariance Matrix to the Reconstruction of
#' Gene-Gene Interaction Networks. In: di Serio, C., Lio, P., Nonis, A., and
#' Tagliaferri, R. (Eds.) `Computational Intelligence Methods for
#' Bioinformatics and Biostatistics'. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.
#' 8623. Springer, pp. 170-179.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(333)
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p <- 25
#' n <- 10
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:p] = letters[1:p]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision matrix
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = "Alt")
#' summary(P)
#' print(P)
#' plot(P)
#' @export
ridgeP <- function(S, lambda, type = "Alt", target = default.target(S)){
  # - NOTES:
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is p.d., one obtains the
  #   van Wieringen-Peeters type I estimator
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is null-matrix, one obtains the
  #   van Wieringen-Peeters type II estimator
  # - When target is not the null-matrix it is expected to be p.d. for the
  #   vWP type I estimator
  # - The target is always expected to be p.d. in case of the archetypal I
  #   estimator
  # - When type = "Alt" and target is null matrix or of form c * diag(p), a
  #   rotation equivariant estimator ensues. In these cases the expensive
  #   matrix square root can be circumvented

  if (!isSymmetric(S)) {
    stop("S should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (lambda <= 0) {
    stop("lambda should be positive")
  else if (!(type %in% c("Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"))){
    stop("type should be one of {'Alt', 'ArchI', 'ArchII'}")

  # Calculate Ridge estimator
  # Alternative estimator
  if (type == "Alt"){
    if (!isSymmetric(target)) {
      stop("Shrinkage target should be symmetric")
    } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]) {
      stop("S and target should be of the same dimension")
    } else {
      P <- .armaRidgeP(S, target, lambda)
    dimnames(P) <- dimnames(S)

  # Archetypal I
  if (type == "ArchI"){
    if (lambda > 1){
      stop("lambda should be in (0,1] for this type of Ridge estimator")
    } else if (!isSymmetric(target)){
      stop("Shrinkage target should be symmetric")
    } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
      stop("S and target should be of the same dimension")
    } else if (any(eigen(target, symmetric = TRUE,
                         only.values = TRUE)$values <= 0)){
      stop("Target should always be p.d. for this type of ridge estimator")
    } else {
      P <- solve((1 - lambda) * S + lambda * solve(target))

  # Archetypal II
  if (type == "ArchII"){
    P <- solve(S + lambda * diag(nrow(S)))

  # Set class and return
  attr(P, "lambda") <- lambda
  class(P) <- c("ridgeP", class(P))

## Functions for Penalty Parameter selection

#' Select optimal penalty parameter by approximate leave-one-out
#' cross-validation
#' Function that selects the optimal penalty parameter for the
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}} call by usage of approximate leave-one-out
#' cross-validation. Its output includes (a.o.) the precision matrix under the
#' optimal value of the penalty parameter.
#' The function calculates an approximate leave-one-out cross-validated
#' (aLOOCV) negative log-likelihood score (using a regularized ridge estimator
#' for the precision matrix) for each value of the penalty parameter contained
#' in the search grid. The utilized aLOOCV score was proposed by Lian (2011)
#' and Vujacic et al. (2014). The aLOOCV negative log-likeliho od score is
#' computationally more efficient than its non-approximate counterpart (see
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}}). For details on the aLOOCV negative
#' log-likelihood score see Lian (2011) and Vujacic et al (2014). For scalar
#' matrix targets (see \code{\link{default.target}}) the complete solution path
#' of the alternative Type I and II ridge estimators (see \code{\link{ridgeP}})
#' depends on only 1 eigendecomposition and 1 matrix inversion, making the
#' determination of the optimal penalty value particularly efficient (see van
#' Wieringen and Peeters, 2015).
#' The value of the penalty parameter that achieves the lowest aLOOCV negative
#' log-likelihood score is deemed optimal. The penalty parameter must be
#' positive such that \code{lambdaMin} must be a positive scalar. The maximum
#' allowable value of \code{lambdaMax} depends on the type of ridge estimator
#' employed. For details on the type of ridge estimator one may use (one of:
#' "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII") see \code{\link{ridgeP}}. The ouput consists of an
#' object of class list (see below). When \code{output = "light"} (default)
#' only the \code{optLambda} and \code{optPrec} elements of the list are given.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param step An \code{integer} determining the number of steps in moving
#' through the grid [\code{lambdaMin}, \code{lambdaMax}].
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param cor A \code{logical} indicating if the evaluation of the approximate
#' LOOCV score should be performed on the correlation scale.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param output A \code{character} indicating if the output is either heavy or
#' light. Must be one of: "all", "light".
#' @param graph A \code{logical} indicating if the grid search for the optimal
#' penalty parameter should be visualized.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information on progress should
#' be printed on screen.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{optLambda}{A \code{numeric} giving
#' the optimal value of the penalty parameter.} \item{optPrec}{A \code{matrix}
#' representing the precision matrix of the chosen type (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeS}}) under the optimal value of the penalty parameter.}
#' \item{lambdas}{A \code{numeric} vector representing all values of the
#' penalty parameter for which approximate cross-validation was performed; Only
#' given when \code{output = "all"}.} \item{aLOOCVs}{A \code{numeric} vector
#' representing the approximate cross-validated negative log-likelihoods for
#' each value of the penalty parameter given in \code{lambdas}; Only given when
#' \code{output = "all"}.}
#' @note When \code{cor = TRUE} correlation matrices are used in the
#' computation of the approximate (cross-validated) negative log-likelihood
#' score, i.e., the sample covariance matrix is a matrix on the correlation
#' scale. When performing evaluation on the correlation scale the data are
#' assumed to be standardized. If \code{cor = TRUE} and one wishes to used the
#' default target specification one may consider using \code{target =
#' default.target(covML(Y, cor = TRUE))}. This gives a default target under the
#' assumption of standardized data.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}}, \cr \code{\link{default.target}},
#' \code{\link{covML}}
#' @references Lian, H. (2011). Shrinkage tuning parameter selection in
#' precision matrices estimation. Journal of Statistical Planning and
#' Inference, 141: 2839-2848.
#' van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016). Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#' Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational Statistics &
#' Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303. Also available as arXiv:1403.0904v3
#' [stat.ME].
#' Vujacic, I., Abbruzzo, A., and Wit, E.C. (2014). A computationally fast
#' alternative to cross-validation in penalized Gaussian graphical models.
#' arXiv: 1309.6216v2 [stat.ME].
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.aLOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30, step = 400); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda	# Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec	  # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' ## Another example with standardized data
#' X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.aLOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30,
#'                           step = 400, cor = TRUE,
#'                           target = default.target(covML(X, cor = TRUE))); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda	# Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec	  # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' @export
optPenalty.aLOOCV <- function(Y, lambdaMin, lambdaMax, step, type = "Alt",
                              cor = FALSE, target = default.target(covML(Y)),
                              output = "light", graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("graphics")
  # require("sfsmisc")

  if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  if (verbose){
    cat("Perform input checks...", "\n")
  if (!is.matrix(Y)){
    stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMin) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMin <= 0){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMax) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than lambdaMin")
  else if (!inherits(step, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (step) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(step)){
    stop("Input (step) should be integer")
  else if (step <= 0){
    stop("Input (step) should be a positive integer")
  else if (!is.logical(cor)){
    stop("Input (cor) is of wrong class")
  else if (!(output %in% c("all", "light"))){
    stop("Input (output) should be one of {'all', 'light'}")
  else if (!inherits(graph, "logical")){
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Set preliminaries
    S       <- covML(Y, cor = cor)
    n       <- nrow(Y)
    lambdas <- lseq(lambdaMin, lambdaMax, length = step)
    aLOOCVs <- numeric()

    # Calculate approximate LOOCV scores
    if (verbose){cat("Calculating approximate LOOCV scores...", "\n")}
    if (type == "Alt" & all(target == 0)){
      if (!isSymmetric(target)){
        stop("Shrinkage target should be symmetric")
      } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
        stop("Covariance matrix based on data input (Y) and target should be ",
             "of the same dimension")
      } else {
        Spectral <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambdas[k])
          P         <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(1/Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
          nLL       <- .5 * .LL(S, P)
          isum      <- numeric()

          for (i in 1:n){
            S1   <- t(Y[i,,drop = FALSE]) %*% Y[i,,drop = FALSE]
            isum <- c(isum, sum((solve(P) - S1) * (P %*% (S - S1) %*% P)))

          aLOOCVs <- c(aLOOCVs, nLL + 1/(2 * n^2 - 2 * n) * sum(isum))
          if (verbose){cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done\n", sep = ""))}
    } else if (type == "Alt" & all(target[!diag(nrow(target))] == 0) &
               (length(unique(diag(target))) == 1)) {
      if (!isSymmetric(target)){
        stop("Shrinkage target should be symmetric")
      } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
        stop("Covariance matrix based on data input (Y) and target should be ",
             "of the same dimension")
      } else if (any(diag(target) <= 0)){
        stop("Input (target) should be p.d.")
      } else {
        varPhi   <- unique(diag(target))
        Spectral <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambdas[k], const = varPhi)
          P         <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(1/Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
          nLL       <- .5 * .LL(S, P)
          isum      <- numeric()

          for (i in 1:n){
            S1   <- t(Y[i,,drop = FALSE]) %*% Y[i,,drop = FALSE]
            isum <- c(isum, sum((solve(P) - S1) * (P %*% (S - S1) %*% P)))

          aLOOCVs <- c(aLOOCVs, nLL + 1/(2 * n^2 - 2 * n) * sum(isum))
          if (verbose){cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done\n", sep = ""))}
    } else {
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        P    <- ridgeP(S, lambdas[k], type = type, target = target)
        nLL  <- .5 * .LL(S, P)
        isum <- numeric()

        for (i in 1:n){
          S1   <- t(Y[i,,drop = FALSE]) %*% Y[i,,drop = FALSE]
          isum <- c(isum, sum((solve(P) - S1) * (P %*% (S - S1) %*% P)))

        aLOOCVs <- c(aLOOCVs, nLL + 1/(2 * n^2 - 2 * n) * sum(isum))
        if (verbose){cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done\n", sep = ""))}

    # Visualization
    optLambda <- min(lambdas[which(aLOOCVs == min(aLOOCVs))])
    if (graph){
      if (type == "Alt"){Main = "Alternative ridge estimator"}
      if (type == "ArchI"){Main = "Archetypal I ridge estimator"}
      if (type == "ArchII"){Main = "Archetypal II ridge estimator"}
      plot(log(lambdas), type = "l", aLOOCVs, axes = FALSE,
           xlab = "ln(penalty value)",
           ylab = "Approximate LOOCV neg. log-likelihood", main = Main)
      axis(2, ylim = c(min(aLOOCVs),max(aLOOCVs)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
      axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
      par(xpd = FALSE)
      abline(h = min(aLOOCVs), v = log(optLambda), col = "red")
             legend = c(paste("min. approx. LOOCV neg. LL: ",
                              round(min(aLOOCVs),3), sep = ""),
                        paste("Opt. penalty: ", optLambda, sep = "")), cex = .8)

    # Return
    if (output == "all"){
      return(list(optLambda = optLambda,
                  optPrec = ridgeP(S, optLambda, type = type, target = target),
                  lambdas = lambdas, aLOOCVs = aLOOCVs))
    if (output == "light"){
      return(list(optLambda = optLambda,
                  optPrec = ridgeP(S, optLambda, type = type, target = target)))

#' Select optimal penalty parameter by \eqn{K}-fold cross-validation
#' Function that selects the optimal penalty parameter for the
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}} call by usage of \eqn{K}-fold cross-validation. Its
#' output includes (a.o.) the precision matrix under the optimal value of the
#' penalty parameter.
#' The function calculates a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score
#' (using a regularized ridge estimator for the precision matrix) for each
#' value of the penalty parameter contained in the search grid by way of
#' \eqn{K}-fold cross-validation. The value of the penalty parameter that
#' achieves the lowest cross-validated negative log-likelihood score is deemed
#' optimal. The penalty parameter must be positive such that \code{lambdaMin}
#' must be a positive scalar. The maximum allowable value of \code{lambdaMax}
#' depends on the type of ridge estimator employed. For details on the type of
#' ridge estimator one may use (one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII") see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}. The ouput consists of an object of class list (see
#' below). When \code{output = "light"} (default) only the \code{optLambda} and
#' \code{optPrec} elements of the list are given.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param step An \code{integer} determining the number of steps in moving
#' through the grid [\code{lambdaMin}, \code{lambdaMax}].
#' @param fold A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} specifying the number of
#' folds to apply in the cross-validation.
#' @param cor A \code{logical} indicating if the evaluation of the LOOCV score
#' should be performed on the correlation scale.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param output A \code{character} indicating if the output is either heavy or
#' light. Must be one of: "all", "light".
#' @param graph A \code{logical} indicating if the grid search for the optimal
#' penalty parameter should be visualized.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information on progress should
#' be printed on screen.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{optLambda}{A \code{numeric} giving
#' the optimal value of the penalty parameter.} \item{optPrec}{A \code{matrix}
#' representing the precision matrix of the chosen type (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}) under the optimal value of the penalty parameter.}
#' \item{lambdas}{A \code{numeric} vector representing all values of the
#' penalty parameter for which cross-validation was performed; Only given when
#' \code{output = "all"}.} \item{LLs}{A \code{numeric} vector representing the
#' mean of cross-validated negative log-likelihoods for each value of the
#' penalty parameter given in \code{lambdas}; Only given when \code{output =
#' "all"}.}
#' @note When \code{cor = TRUE} correlation matrices are used in the
#' computation of the (cross-validated) negative log-likelihood score, i.e.,
#' the \eqn{K}-fold sample covariance matrix is a matrix on the correlation
#' scale. When performing evaluation on the correlation scale the data are
#' assumed to be standardized. If \code{cor = TRUE} and one wishes to used the
#' default target specification one may consider using \code{target =
#' default.target(covML(Y, cor = TRUE))}. This gives a default target under the
#' assumption of standardized data.
#' Under the default setting of the fold-argument, \code{fold = nrow(Y)}, one
#' performes leave-one-out cross-validation.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.kCVauto}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}}, \cr \code{\link{default.target}},
#' \code{\link{covML}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty using K = n
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.kCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda	# Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec	  # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' ## Another example with standardized data
#' X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.kCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100, cor = TRUE,
#'                        target = default.target(covML(X, cor = TRUE))); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda	# Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec	  # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' ## Another example using K = 5
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.kCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100, fold = 5); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda	# Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec	  # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' @export
optPenalty.kCV <- function(Y, lambdaMin, lambdaMax, step, fold = nrow(Y),
                           cor = FALSE, target = default.target(covML(Y)),
                           type = "Alt", output = "light", graph = TRUE,
                           verbose = TRUE) {

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("graphics")
  # require("sfsmisc")

  if (!inherits(verbose, "logical"))
  { stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") }
  if (verbose){ cat("Perform input checks...", "\n") }
  if (!is.matrix(Y))
  { stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix") }
  if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric"))
  { stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class") }
  if (length(lambdaMin) != 1)
  { stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar") }
  if (lambdaMin <= 0)
  { stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive") }
  if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric"))
  { stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class") }
  if (length(lambdaMax) != 1)
  { stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar") }
  if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin)
  { stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than lambdaMin") }
  if (!inherits(step, "numeric"))
  { stop("Input (step) is of wrong class") }
  if (!.is.int(step))
  { stop("Input (step) should be integer") }
  if (step <= 0)
  { stop("Input (step) should be a positive integer") }
  if (!is.logical(cor))
  { stop("Input (cor) is of wrong class") }
  if (!(output %in% c("all", "light")))
  { stop("Input (output) should be one of {'all', 'light'}") }
  if (!inherits(graph, "logical"))
  { stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class") }
  if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer"))
  { stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") }
  if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y)))
  { stop("Input (fold) out of range") }

  # make k-folds as list
  fold <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
  fold <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
  shuffle <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
  folds <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))

  # Set preliminaries
  LLs     <- numeric()
  lambdas <- lseq(lambdaMin, lambdaMax, length=step)

  # Calculate CV scores
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Calculating cross-validated negative log-likelihoods...\n")
  for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
    LLs <- c(LLs, .kcvl(lambdas[k], Y, cor, target, type, folds))
    if (verbose){cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done", sep = ""), "\n")}

  # Visualization
  optLambda <- min(lambdas[which(LLs == min(LLs))])
  if (graph){
    if (type == "Alt"){Main = "Alternative ridge estimator"}
    if (type == "ArchI"){Main = "Archetypal I ridge estimator"}
    if (type == "ArchII"){Main = "Archetypal II ridge estimator"}
    plot(log(lambdas), type = "l", LLs, axes = FALSE,
         xlab = "ln(penalty value)",
         ylab = "LOOCV neg. log-likelihood", main = Main)
    axis(2, ylim = c(min(LLs),max(LLs)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    par(xpd = FALSE)
    abline(h = min(LLs), v = log(optLambda), col = "red")
           legend = c(paste("min. LOOCV neg. LL: ", round(min(LLs),3),sep=""),
                      paste("Opt. penalty: ", optLambda, sep = "")), cex = .8)

  # Return
  S <- covML(Y, cor = cor)
  if (output == "all"){
    return(list(optLambda = optLambda,
                optPrec = ridgeP(S, optLambda, type = type, target = target),
                lambdas = lambdas, LLs = LLs))
  if (output == "light"){
    return(list(optLambda = optLambda,
                optPrec = ridgeP(S, optLambda, type = type, target = target)))

#' Automatic search for optimal penalty parameter
#' Function that performs an 'automatic' search for the optimal penalty
#' parameter for the \code{\link{ridgeP}} call by employing Brent's method to
#' the calculation of a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score.
#' The function determines the optimal value of the penalty parameter by
#' application of the Brent algorithm (1971) to the \eqn{K}-fold
#' cross-validated negative log-likelihood score (using a regularized ridge
#' estimator for the precision matrix). The search for the optimal value is
#' automatic in the sense that in order to invoke the root-finding abilities of
#' the Brent method, only a minimum value and a maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter need to be specified as well as a starting penalty value. The
#' value at which the \eqn{K}-fold cross-validated negative log-likelihood
#' score is minimized is deemed optimal. The function employs the Brent
#' algorithm as implemented in the
#' \href{https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/optim.html}{optim}
#' function.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaInit A \code{numeric} giving the initial (starting) value for
#' the penalty parameter.
#' @param fold A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} specifying the number of
#' folds to apply in the cross-validation.
#' @param cor A \code{logical} indicating if the evaluation of the LOOCV score
#' should be performed on the correlation scale.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @return An object of class \code{list}: \item{optLambda}{A \code{numeric}
#' giving the optimal value for the penalty parameter.} \item{optPrec}{A
#' \code{matrix} representing the precision matrix of the chosen type (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}) under the optimal value of the penalty parameter.}
#' @note When \code{cor = TRUE} correlation matrices are used in the
#' computation of the (cross-validated) negative log-likelihood score, i.e.,
#' the \eqn{K}-fold sample covariance matrix is a matrix on the correlation
#' scale. When performing evaluation on the correlation scale the data are
#' assumed to be standardized. If \code{cor = TRUE} and one wishes to used the
#' default target specification one may consider using \code{target =
#' default.target(covML(Y, cor = TRUE))}. This gives a default target under the
#' assumption of standardized data.
#' Under the default setting of the fold-argument, \code{fold = nrow(Y)}, one
#' performes leave-one-out cross-validation.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{GGMblockNullPenalty}}, \code{\link{GGMblockTest}},
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.kCV}}, \cr \code{\link{default.target}},
#' \code{\link{covML}}
#' @references Brent, R.P. (1971). An Algorithm with Guaranteed Convergence for
#' Finding a Zero of a Function. Computer Journal 14: 422-425.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty using K = n
#' OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' ## Another example with standardized data
#' X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#' OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30, cor = TRUE,
#'                           target = default.target(covML(X, cor = TRUE))); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' ## Another example using K = 5
#' OPT <- optPenalty.kCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .001, lambdaMax = 30, fold = 5); OPT
#' OPT$optLambda # Optimal penalty
#' OPT$optPrec   # Regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @export
optPenalty.kCVauto <- function(Y, lambdaMin, lambdaMax,
                               lambdaInit = (lambdaMin + lambdaMax)/2,
                               fold = nrow(Y), cor = FALSE,
                               target = default.target(covML(Y)),
                               type = "Alt") {
    # input checks
    if (!is.matrix(Y))
      { stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix") }
    if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric"))
      { stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class") }
    if (length(lambdaMin) != 1)
      { stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar") }
    if (lambdaMin <= 0)
      { stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive") }
    if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric"))
      { stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class") }
    if (length(lambdaMax) != 1)
      { stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar") }
    if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin)
      { stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than lambdaMin") }
    if (!inherits(lambdaInit, "numeric"))
      { stop("Input (lambdaInit) is of wrong class") }
    if (length(lambdaInit) != 1)
      { stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be a scalar") }
    if (lambdaInit <= lambdaMin)
      { stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be larger than lambdaMin") }
    if (lambdaInit > lambdaMax)
      { stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be smaller than lambdaMax") }
    if (!is.logical(cor))
      { stop("Input (cor) is of wrong class") }
    if (!inherits(fold, "numeric") & !inherits(fold, "integer"))
      { stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") }
    if ((fold <=  1) | (fold > nrow(Y)))
      { stop("Input (fold) out of range") }

    # make k-folds as list
    fold <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(Y)), 2)
    fold <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(Y)/fold))[1:nrow(Y)]
    shuffle <- sample(1:nrow(Y), nrow(Y))
    folds <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))

    # determine optimal value of ridge penalty parameter
    optLambda <- optim(lambdaInit, .kcvl, method = "Brent", lower = lambdaMin,
                       upper = lambdaMax, Y = Y, cor = cor, target = target,
                       type = type, folds = folds)$par

    # Return
    return(list(optLambda = optLambda,
                optPrec = ridgeP(covML(Y, cor = cor), optLambda,
                                 type = type, target = target)))

#' Visualize the spectral condition number against the regularization parameter
#' Function that visualizes the spectral condition number of the regularized
#' precision matrix against the domain of the regularization parameter. The
#' function can be used to heuristically determine an acceptable (minimal)
#' value for the penalty parameter.
#' Under certain target choices the proposed ridge estimators (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}) are rotation equivariant, i.e., the eigenvectors of
#' \eqn{\mathbf{S}} are left intact. Such rotation equivariant situations help
#' to understand the effect of the ridge penalty on the precision estimate: The
#' effect can be understood in terms of shrinkage of the eigenvalues of the
#' unpenalized precision estimate \eqn{\mathbf{S}^{-1}}. Maximum shrinkage
#' implies that all eigenvalues are forced to be equal (in the rotation
#' equivariant situation). The spectral condition number w.r.t. inversion
#' (ratio of maximum to minimum eigenvalue) of the regularized precision matrix
#' may function as a heuristic in determining the (minimal) value of the
#' penalty parameter. A matrix with a high condition number is near-singular
#' (the relative distance to the set of singular matrices equals the reciprocal
#' of the condition number; Demmel, 1987) and its inversion is numerically
#' unstable. Such a matrix is said to be ill-conditioned. Numerically,
#' ill-conditioning will mean that small changes in the penalty parameter lead
#' to dramatic changes in the condition number. From a numerical point of view
#' one can thus track the domain of the penalty parameter for which the
#' regularized precision matrix is ill-conditioned. When plotting the condition
#' number against the (domain of the) penalty parameter, there is a point of
#' relative stabilization (when working in the \eqn{p > n} situation) that can
#' be characterized by a leveling-off of the acceleration along the curve when
#' plotting the condition number against the (chosen) domain of the penalty
#' parameter. This suggest the following fast heuristic for determining the
#' (minimal) value of the penalty parameter: The value of the penalty parameter
#' for which the spectral condition number starts to stabilize may be termed an
#' acceptable (minimal) value.
#' The function outputs a graph of the (spectral) matrix condition number over
#' the domain [\code{lambdaMin}, \code{lambdaMax}]. When \code{norm = "2"} the
#' spectral condition number is calculated. It is determined by exact
#' calculation using the spectral decomposition. For most purposes this exact
#' calculation is fast enough, especially when considering rotation equivariant
#' situations (see \code{\link{ridgeP}}). For such situations the amenities for
#' fast eigenvalue calculation as provided by
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RSpectra}{RSpectra} are used
#' internally. When exact computation of the spectral condition number is
#' deemed too costly one may approximate the computationally friendly
#' L1-condition number. This approximation is accessed through the
#' \link[base:kappa]{rcond} function (Anderson et al. 1999).
#' When \code{Iaids = TRUE} the basic condition number plot is amended/enhanced
#' with two additional plots (over the same domain of the penalty parameter as
#' the basic plot): The approximate loss in digits of accuracy (for the
#' operation of inversion) and an approximation to the second-order derivative
#' of the curvature in the basic plot. These interpretational aids can enhance
#' interpretation of the basic condition number plot and may support choosing a
#' value for the penalty parameter (see Peeters, van de Wiel, & van Wieringen,
#' 2016). When \code{vertical = TRUE} a vertical line is added at the constant
#' \code{value}. This option can be used to assess if the optimal penalty
#' obtained by, e.g., the routines \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}} or
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}}, has led to a precision estimate that is
#' well-conditioned.
#' @param S Sample covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param step An \code{integer} determining the number of steps in moving
#' through the grid [\code{lambdaMin}, \code{lambdaMax}].
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param norm A \code{character} indicating the norm under which the condition
#' number is to be calculated/estimated. Must be one of: "1", "2".
#' @param Iaids A \code{logical} indicating if the basic condition number plot
#' should be amended with interpretational aids.
#' @param vertical A \code{logical} indicating if output graph should come with
#' a vertical line at a pre-specified value for the penalty parameter.
#' @param value A \code{numeric} indicating a pre-specified value for the
#' penalty parameter.
#' @param main A \code{character} with which to specify the main title of the
#' output graph.
#' @param nOutput A \code{logical} indicating if numeric output should be
#' returned.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information on progress should
#' be printed on screen.
#' @param suppressChecks A \code{logical} indicating if the input checks should
#' be suppressed.
#' @return The function returns a graph. If \code{nOutput = TRUE} the function
#' also returns an object of class \code{list}: \item{lambdas}{A \code{numeric}
#' vector representing all values of the penalty parameter for which the
#' condition number was calculated. The values of the penalty parameter are
#' log-equidistant.} \item{conditionNumbers}{A \code{numeric} vector containing
#' the condition number for each value of the penalty parameter given in
#' \code{lambdas}.}
#' @note The condition number of a (regularized) covariance matrix is
#' equivalent to the condition number of its corresponding inverse, the
#' (regularized) precision matrix. Please note that the \code{target} argument
#' (for Type I ridge estimators) is assumed to be specified in precision terms.
#' In case one is interested in the condition number of a Type I estimator
#' under a covariance target, say \eqn{\mathbf{\Gamma}}, then just specify
#' \code{target = solve}(\eqn{\mathbf{\Gamma}}).
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{default.target}}
#' @references Anderson, E, Bai, Z., ..., Sorenson, D. (1999). LAPACK Users'
#' Guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA, USA: Society for Industrial and Applied
#' Mathematics.
#' Demmel, J.W. (1987). On condition numbers and the distance to the nearest
#' ill-posed problem. Numerische Mathematik, 51: 251--289.
#' Peeters, C.F.W., van de Wiel, M.A., & van Wieringen, W.N. (2020). The
#' spectral condition number plot for regularization parameter evaluation.
#' Computational Statistics, 35: 629--646.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Assess spectral condition number across grid of penalty parameter
#' CNplot(Cx, lambdaMin = .0001, lambdaMax = 50, step = 1000)
#' ## Include interpretational aids
#' CNplot(Cx, lambdaMin = .0001, lambdaMax = 50, step = 1000, Iaids = TRUE)
#' @export
CNplot <- function(S, lambdaMin, lambdaMax, step, type = "Alt",
                   target = default.target(S, type = "DUPV"), norm = "2",
                   Iaids = FALSE, vertical = FALSE, value = 1e-100,
                   main = "", nOutput = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                   suppressChecks = FALSE){
  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("graphics")
  # require("Hmisc")
  # require("sfsmisc")
  # require("RSpectra")

  if (!suppressChecks){
    if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
      stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
    if (verbose){
      cat("Perform input checks...", "\n")
    if (!is.matrix(S)){
      stop("S should be a matrix")
    else if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){
      stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class")
    else if (length(lambdaMin) != 1){
      stop("lambdaMin must be a scalar")
    else if (lambdaMin <= 0){
      stop("lambdaMin must be positive")
    else if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){
      stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class")
    else if (length(lambdaMax) != 1){
      stop("lambdaMax must be a scalar")
    else if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin){
      stop("lambdaMax must be larger than lambdaMin")
    else if (!inherits(step, "numeric")){
      stop("Input (step) is of wrong class")
    else if (!.is.int(step)){
      stop("step should be integer")
    else if (step <= 0){
      stop("step should be a positive integer")
    else if (!(type %in% c("Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"))){
      stop("type should be one of {'Alt', 'ArchI', 'ArchII'}")
    else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
      stop("S and target should be of the same dimension")
    else if (type == "ArchI" & lambdaMax > 1){
      stop("lambda should be in (0,1] for this type of Ridge estimator")
    else if (!(norm %in% c("2", "1"))){
      stop("norm should be one of {'2', '1'}")
    else if (!inherits(Iaids, "logical")){
      stop("Input (Iaids) is of wrong class")
    else if (!inherits(vertical, "logical")){
      stop("Input (vertical) is of wrong class")
    else if (vertical & !inherits(value, "numeric")){
      stop("Input (value) is of wrong class")
    else if (vertical & (any(value <= 0))){
      stop("Input (value) must be strictly positive")
    else if (vertical & (length(value) != 1)){
      stop("Input (value) must be a scalar")
    else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
      stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
    else if (!inherits(nOutput, "logical")){
      stop("Input (nOutput) is of wrong class")

  # Set preliminaries
  lambdas <- lseq(lambdaMin, lambdaMax, length = step)
  condNR  <- numeric()

  if (norm == "2"){
    # Calculate spectral condition number ridge estimate on lambda grid
    if (verbose){cat("Calculating spectral condition numbers...", "\n")}
    if (type == "Alt" & all(target == 0)){
      Spectral <- eigs_sym(S, 2, which = "BE",
                           opts = list(retvec = FALSE, maxitr = 1000000))$values
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        Eigshrink <- .armaEigShrink(Spectral, lambdas[k])
        condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigshrink)/min(Eigshrink))
    } else if (type == "Alt" & all(target[!diag(nrow(target))] == 0) &
               (length(unique(diag(target))) == 1)){
      varPhi   <- unique(diag(target))
      Spectral <- eigs_sym(S, 2, which = "BE",
                           opts = list(retvec = FALSE, maxitr = 1000000))$values
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        Eigshrink <- .armaEigShrink(Spectral, lambdas[k], cons = varPhi)
        condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigshrink)/min(Eigshrink))
    } else {
      if (type == "Alt"){
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigs      <- .armaEigShrinkAnyTarget(S, target = target, lambdas[k])
          condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigs)/min(Eigs))
      } else if (type == "ArchI" & all(target[!diag(nrow(target))] == 0) &
                 (length(unique(diag(target))) == 1)){
        varPhi   <- unique(diag(target))
        Spectral <- eigs_sym(S, 2, which = "BE",
                             opts = list(retvec = FALSE, maxitr = 1000000))$values
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigshrink <- .armaEigShrinkArchI(Spectral, lambdas[k], cons = varPhi)
          condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigshrink)/min(Eigshrink))
      } else {
        if (type == "ArchI"){
          for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
            P         <- .ridgeSi(S, lambdas[k], type = type, target = target)
            Eigs      <- eigs_sym(P, 2, which = "BE",
                                  opts = list(retvec = FALSE, maxitr = 1000000))$values
            condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigs)/min(Eigs))
        if (type == "ArchII"){
          Spectral <- eigs_sym(S, 2, which = "BE",
                               opts = list(retvec = FALSE, maxitr = 1000000))$values
          for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
            Eigs      <- Spectral + lambdas[k]
            condNR[k] <- as.numeric(max(Eigs)/min(Eigs))

  if (norm == "1"){
    # Calculate approximation to condition number under 1-norm
    if (verbose){cat("Approximating condition number under 1-norm...", "\n")}
    if (type == "Alt"){
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        P         <- .armaRidgeP(S, target = target, lambdas[k])
        condNR[k] <- as.numeric(1/rcond(P, norm = "O"))
    if (type != "Alt"){
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        P         <- .ridgeSi(S, lambdas[k], type = type, target = target)
        condNR[k] <- as.numeric(1/rcond(P, norm = "O"))

  if (Iaids) {
    # Make calculations for interpretational aids
    if (verbose){cat("Calculating interpretational aids...", "\n")}
    dLoss   <- floor(log10(condNR))
    logLamb <- log(lambdas)
    delta   <- logLamb[2] - logLamb[1]
    which   <- c(1, length(condNR))
    Core    <- condNR[-which]
    up      <- condNR[-c(which[2]-1, which[2])]
    down    <- condNR[-c(which[1], which[1]+1)]
    cdapp   <- (down - (2 * Core) + up)/(delta^2)

  # Visualization
  if (verbose){cat("Plotting...", "\n")}
  if (norm == "2"){Ylab = "spectral condition number"}
  if (norm == "1"){Ylab = "condition number under 1-norm"}
  if (Iaids){par(mfrow=c(1,3))}
  plot(log(lambdas), type = "l", condNR, axes = FALSE, col = "blue4",
       xlab = "ln(penalty value)", ylab = Ylab, main = main)
  axis(2, ylim = c(0,max(condNR)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
  axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  minor.tick(nx = 10, ny = 0, tick.ratio = .4)
  if (vertical){abline(v = log(value), col = "red")}
  par(xpd = FALSE)
  if (Iaids){
    plot(log(lambdas), dLoss, axes = FALSE, type = "l",
         col = "green3", xlab = "ln(penalty value)",
         ylab = "approximate loss in digits of accuracy")
    axis(2, ylim = c(0,max(dLoss)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    minor.tick(nx = 10, ny = 0, tick.ratio = .4)
    if (vertical){abline(v = log(value), col = "red")}
    xlimits <- range(log(lambdas))
    plot(log(lambdas[-which]), cdapp, axes = FALSE, type = "l",
         col = "orange", xlim = xlimits, xlab = "ln(penalty value)",
         ylab = "approximation of acceleration")
    axis(2, ylim = c(0,max(cdapp)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    minor.tick(nx = 10, ny = 0, tick.ratio = .4)
    if (vertical){abline(v = log(value), col = "red")}

  # Possible output
  if (nOutput){
    return(list(lambdas = lambdas, conditionNumbers = condNR))

## Functions for Block Independence Testing and Mutual Information

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables("rags2ridges")

#' Generate the distribution of the penalty parameter under the null hypothesis
#' of block-independence
#' Function that serves as a precursor function to the block-independence test
#' (see \code{\link{GGMblockTest}}). It generates an empirical distribution of
#' the penalty parameter under the null hypothesis of block independence (in
#' the regularized precision matrix).
#' This function can be viewed as a precursor to the function for the
#' block-independence test (see \code{\link{GGMblockTest}}). The mentioned test
#' evaluates the null hypothesis of block-independence against the alternative
#' of block-dependence (presence of non-zero elements in the off-diagonal
#' block) in the precision matrix using high-dimensional data. To accommodate
#' the high-dimensionality the parameters of interest are estimated in a
#' penalized manner (ridge-type penalization, see \code{\link{ridgeP}}).
#' Penalization involves a degree of freedom (the penalty parameter) which
#' needs to be fixed before testing. This function then generates an empirical
#' distribution of this penalty parameter. Hereto the samples are permutated
#' within block. The resulting permuted data sets represent the null
#' hypothesis. To avoid the dependence on a single permutation, many permuted
#' data sets are generated. For each permutation the optimal penalty parameter
#' is determined by means of cross-validation (see
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}}). The resulting optimal penalty
#' parameters are returned. An estimate of the location (such as the median) is
#' recommended for use in the block-independence test.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param id A \code{numeric} vector acting as an indicator variable for two
#' blocks of the precision matrix. The blocks should be coded as \code{0} and
#' \code{1}.
#' @param nPerm A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} determining the number of
#' permutations.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaInit A \code{numeric} giving the initial value for the penalty
#' parameter for starting optimization.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param ncpus A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} indicating the desired
#' number of cpus to be used.
#' @return A \code{numeric} vector, representing the distribution of the (LOOCV
#' optimal) penalty parameter under the null hypothesis of block-independence.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}},
#' \code{\link{default.target}}, \code{\link{GGMblockTest}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 15
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:15] = letters[1:15]
#' id <- c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 5))
#' ## Generate null distribution of the penalty parameter
#' lambda0dist <- GGMblockNullPenalty(X, id, 5, 0.001, 10)
#' ## Location of null distribution
#' lambdaNull <- median(lambda0dist)
#' @export GGMblockNullPenalty
GGMblockNullPenalty <- function(Y, id, nPerm = 25, lambdaMin, lambdaMax,
                                lambdaInit = (lambdaMin+lambdaMax)/2,
                                target = default.target(covML(Y)),
                                type = "Alt", ncpus = 1){
  # - Function generating the distribution of the penalty parameter
  # - It does so under the null hypothesis of block independence
  # - The optimal value of the penalty parameter is determined under multiple
  #   permutations
  # - Optimal penalty determined using the 'optPenalty.LOOCVauto' function
  # - Y          > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - id         > indicator variable for the two blocks of the precision matrix
  # - nPerm      > desired number of permutations
  # - lambdaMin  > minimum value penalty parameter (dependent on 'type')
  # - lambdaMax  > maximum value penalty parameter (dependent on 'type')
  # - lambdaInit > initial value for lambda for starting optimization
  # - target     > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators,
  #                default = default.target(covML(Y))
  # - type       > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}, default = "Alt"
  # - ncpus      > desired number of cpus
  # Notes:
  # - Dependency on 'snowfall' when ncpus > 1

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("snowfall")

  if (!is.matrix(Y)){
    stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
  else if (sum(is.na(Y)) != 0){
    stop("Input (Y) should not contain missings")
  else if (!inherits(id, "numeric") & !inherits(id, "integer")){
    stop("Input (id) is of wrong class")
  else if (!(all(unique(id) %in% c(0, 1)))){
    stop("Input (id) has unlawful entries")
  else if (length(id) != ncol(Y)){
    stop("Column dimension input (Y) does not match with length input (id)")
  else if (!inherits(nPerm, "numeric") & !inherits(nPerm, "integer")){
    stop("Input (nPerm) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(nPerm)){
    stop("Input (nPerm) is expected to be a (numeric) integer")
  else if (nPerm <= 0){
    stop("Input (nPerm) must be strictly positive")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMin) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMin <= 0){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be strictly positive")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMax) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be larger than input (lambdaMin)")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaInit, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaInit) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaInit) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaInit <= lambdaMin){
    stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be larger than input (lambdaMin)")
  else if (lambdaMax <= lambdaInit){
    stop("Input (lambdaInit) must be smaller than input (lambdaMax)")
  else if (!inherits(ncpus, "numeric") & !inherits(ncpus, "integer")){
    stop("Input (ncpus) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(ncpus)){
    stop("Input (ncpus) is expected to be a (numeric) integer")
  else if (ncpus <= 0){
    stop("Input (ncpus) must be strictly positive")
  else {
    # Determine null distribution
    if (ncpus == 1){
      lambdaNull <- sapply(1:nPerm, .lambdaNullDist, Y = Y, id = id,
                           lambdaMin = lambdaMin, lambdaMax = lambdaMax,
                           lambdaInit = lambdaInit, target = target,
                           type = type)
    if (ncpus > 1){
      sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = ncpus)
      sfLibrary(rags2ridges, verbose = FALSE)
      lambdaNull <- sfSapply(1:nPerm, .lambdaNullDist, Y = Y, id = id,
                             lambdaMin = lambdaMin, lambdaMax = lambdaMax,
                             lambdaInit = lambdaInit, target = target,
                             type = type)

    # Return

#' Test for block-indepedence
#' Function performing a test that evaluates the null hypothesis of
#' block-independence against the alternative of block-dependence (presence of
#' non-zero elements in the off-diagonal block) in the precision matrix using
#' high-dimensional data. The mentioned test is a permutation-based test (see
#' details).
#' The function performs a permutation test for the null hypothesis of
#' block-independence against the alternative of block-dependence (presence of
#' non-zero elements in the off-diagonal block) in the precision matrix using
#' high-dimensional data. In the low-dimensional setting the common test
#' statistic under multivariate normality (cf. Anderson, 2003) is:
#' \deqn{
#'   \log( \| \hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_a \| ) +
#'   \log( \| \hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_b \| ) -
#'   \log( \| \hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}   \| ),
#' }
#' where the
#' \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_a},
#' \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}_b},
#' \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Sigma}}}
#' are the estimates of the covariance matrix in the sub- and whole group(s),
#' respectively.
#' To accommodate the high-dimensionality the parameters of interest are
#' estimated in a penalized manner (ridge-type penalization, see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}). Penalization involves a degree of freedom (the
#' penalty parameter: \code{lambda}) which needs to be fixed before testing. To
#' decide on the penalty parameter for testing we refer to the
#' \code{\link{GGMblockNullPenalty}} function. With an informed choice on the
#' penalty parameter at hand, the null hypothesis is evaluated by permutation.
#' Hereto the samples are permutated within block. The resulting permuted data
#' set represents the null hypothesis. Many permuted data sets are generated.
#' For each permutation the test statistic is calculated. The observed test
#' statistic is compared to the null distribution from the permutations.
#' The function implements an efficient permutation resampling algorithm (see
#' van Wieringen et al., 2008, for details.): If the probability of a p-value
#' being below \code{lowCiThres} is smaller than 0.001 (read: the test is
#' unlikely to become significant), the permutation analysis is terminated and
#' a p-value of unity (1) is reported.
#' When \code{verbose = TRUE} also graphical output is generated: A histogram
#' of the null-distribution. Note that, when \code{ncpus} is larger than 1,
#' functionalities from
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=snowfall}{snowfall} are imported.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param id A \code{numeric} vector acting as an indicator variable for two
#' blocks of the precision matrix. The blocks should be coded as \code{0} and
#' \code{1}.
#' @param nPerm A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} determining the number of
#' permutations.
#' @param lambda A \code{numeric} representing the penalty parameter employed
#' in the permutation test.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param lowCiThres A \code{numeric} taking a value between 0 and 1.
#' Determines speed of efficient p-value calculation.
#' @param ncpus A \code{numeric} or \code{integer} indicating the desired
#' number of cpus to be used.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information on progress and
#' output should be printed on screen.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{statistic}{A \code{numeric}
#' representing the observed test statistic (i.e., likelihood ratio).}
#' \item{pvalue}{A \code{numeric} giving the p-value for the block-independence
#' test.} \item{nulldist}{A \code{numeric} vector representing the permutation
#' null distribution for the test statistic.} \item{nperm}{A \code{numeric}
#' indicating the number of permutations used for p-value calculation.}
#' \item{remark}{A \code{"character"} that states whether the permutation
#' algorithm was terminated prematurely or not.}
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}},
#' \code{\link{default.target}}, \code{\link{GGMblockNullPenalty}}
#' @references Anderson, T.W. (2003). An Introduction to Multivariate
#' Statistical Analysis, 3rd Edition. John Wiley.
#' van Wieringen, W.N., van de Wiel, M.A., and van der Vaart, A.W. (2008). A
#' Test for Partial Differential Expression. Journal of the American
#' Statistical Association 103: 1039-1049.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 15
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:15] = letters[1:15]
#' id <- c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 5))
#' ## Generate null distribution of the penalty parameter
#' lambda0dist <- GGMblockNullPenalty(X, id, 5, 0.001, 10)
#' ## Location of null distribution
#' lambdaNull <- median(lambda0dist)
#' ## Perform test
#' testRes <- GGMblockTest(X, id, nPerm = 100, lambdaNull)
#' @export
GGMblockTest <- function (Y, id, nPerm = 1000, lambda,
                          target = default.target(covML(Y)), type = "Alt",
                          lowCiThres = 0.1, ncpus = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
  # - Function performing a permutation test for block structure in the
  #   precision matrix
  # - The setting is a high-dimensional one
  # - Y          > (raw) Data matrix, variables in columns
  # - id         > indicator variable for the two blocks of the precision matrix
  # - nPerm      > desired number of permutations, default = 1000
  # - lambda     > the penalty parameter employed in the permutation test
  # - target     > target (precision terms) for Type I estimators,
  #                default = default.target(covML(Y))
  # - type       > must be one of {"Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII"}, default = "Alt"
  # - lowCiThres > A value between 0 and 1, determining speed of efficient
  #                p-value calculation
  # - ncpus      > desired number of cpus
  # - verbose    > logical indicating if progress/output should be printed on
  #                screen
  # Notes:
  # - Dependency on 'snowfall' when ncpus > 1
  # - When verbose = TRUE, also graphical output is given: a histogram of the
  #   null-distribution
  # - The value for 'lambda' ideally stems from 'GGMblockNullPenalty'
  # - If the probability of a p-value being below 'lowCiThres' is smaller than
  #   0.001 (meaning: the test is unlikely to become significant), the
  #   permutation analysis is terminated and a p-value of unity (1) is reported

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("snowfall")
  # require("graphics")

  if (!is.matrix(Y)){
    stop("Input (Y) should be a matrix")
  else if (sum(is.na(Y)) != 0){
    stop("Input (Y) should not contain missings")
  else if (!inherits(id, "numeric") & !inherits(id, "integer")){
    stop("Input (id) is of wrong class")
  else if (!(all(unique(id) %in% c(0, 1)))){
    stop("Input (id) has unlawful entries")
  else if (length(id) != ncol(Y)){
    stop("Column dimension input (Y) does not match with length input (id)")
  else if (!inherits(nPerm, "numeric") & !inherits(nPerm, "integer")){
    stop("Input (nPerm) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(nPerm)){
    stop("Input (nPerm) is expected to be a (numeric) integer")
  else if (nPerm <= 0){
    stop("Input (nPerm) must be strictly positive")
  else if (!inherits(lambda, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambda) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambda) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambda) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambda <= 0){
    stop("Input (lambda) must be strictly positive")
  else if (!inherits(lowCiThres, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lowCiThres) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lowCiThres) != 1){
    stop("Input (lowCiThres) must be a scalar")
  else if (lowCiThres <= 0 | lowCiThres >= 1){
    stop("Input (lowCiThres) must be in the interval (0,1)")
  else if (!inherits(ncpus, "numeric") & !inherits(ncpus, "integer")){
    stop("Input (ncpus) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(ncpus)){
    stop("Input (ncpus) is expected to be a (numeric) integer")
  else if (ncpus <= 0){
    stop("Input (ncpus) must be strictly positive")
  else if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Observed test statistics
    S <- solve(ridgeP(covML(Y), lambda = lambda,
                      target = target, type = type))
    llObs <- log(det(S[id == 0, id == 0, drop = FALSE])) +
      log(det(S[id == 1, id == 1, drop = FALSE])) - log(det(S))

    # Define steps at which the possibility of significance should be evaluated
    steps <- sort(unique(c(0, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200,
                           seq(from = 250, to = 2750, by = 250),
                           seq(from = 3000, to = 10000, by = 500),
                           seq(from = 11000, to = 50000, by = 1000), nPerm)))
    steps <- steps[steps <= nPerm]

    # Generate null distribution
    nullDist <- numeric()
    if (ceiling(ncpus) > 1){
      sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = ncpus)
      sfLibrary(rags2ridges, verbose = FALSE)

    for (j in 1:(length(steps) - 1)){
      if (verbose){
        cat(paste(steps[j], " of ", steps[length(steps)],
                  " permutations done, and counting...\n", sep = ""))
      if (ncpus == 1){
        nullDistPart <- sapply(c((steps[j] + 1):steps[j + 1]), .blockTestStat,
                               Y = Y, id = id, lambda = lambda, target = target,
                               type = type)
      if (ncpus > 1){
        nullDistPart <- sfSapply(c((steps[j] + 1):steps[j + 1]), .blockTestStat,
                                 Y = Y, id = id, lambda = lambda,
                                 target = target, type = type)
      nullDist <- c(nullDist, nullDistPart); rm(nullDistPart); gc()
      pVal     <- sum(nullDist >= as.numeric(llObs))/steps[j + 1]
      pBound   <- pVal - sqrt(pVal * (1 - pVal)/steps[j + 1]) * 3.09
      significanceUnlikely <- (pBound > lowCiThres)
      if (significanceUnlikely){pVal <- 1; break}
      if (verbose){cat(paste(steps[j + 1], "of", steps[length(steps)],
                             " permutations done", sep = " "), "\n")}

    if (ncpus > 1){sfStop()}

    # Generating on screen (graphical) output
    if (verbose){
      # Visual summary of test results
      xlims     <- c(min(c(llObs, nullDist)), max(c(llObs, nullDist)))
      histFreqs <- hist(nullDist, n = sqrt(sum(nPerm))+1, plot = FALSE)$counts
      hist(nullDist, xlim = xlims, n = sqrt(sum(nPerm))+1, col = "blue",
           border = "lightblue", xlab = "null statistics",
           ylab = "frequency", main = "Histogram of null distribution")
      lines(rep(llObs, max(histFreqs)), 0.9 * (c(1:max(histFreqs))-1),
            col = "red", lwd = 2)
      text(quantile(c(nullDist, llObs), probs = 0.05), 0.95 * max(histFreqs),
           paste("p-value:", pVal))
      text(llObs, 0.95 * max(histFreqs), "test stat.")

      # Summary of test results
      remark <-
               "resampling terminated prematurely due to unlikely significance",
      cat("Likelihood ratio test for block independence\n")
      cat("-> number of permutations : ", nPerm, "\n", sep="")
      cat("-> test statistic         : ", round(llObs, digits = 3), "\n",sep="")
      cat("-> p-value                : ", round(pVal, digits = 3), "\n", sep="")
      cat("-> remark                 : ", remark, "\n", sep="")

    # Return
    return(list(statistic = llObs, pvalue = pVal, nulldist = nullDist,
                nperm = nPerm, remark = remark))

#' Mutual information between two sets of variates within a multivariate normal
#' distribution
#' Function computing the mutual information between two exhaustive and
#' mutually exclusive splits of a set of multivariate normal random variables.
#' @param S A positive-definite covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param split1 A \code{numeric}, indicating the variates (by column number)
#' forming the first split. The second split is automatically formed from its
#' complement.
#' @return A \code{numeric}, the mutual information between the variates
#' forming \code{split1} and those forming its complement.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}}.
#' @references Cover, T.M., Thomas, J.A. (2012), Elements of information
#' theory.
#' @examples
#' # create a covariance matrix
#' Sigma <- covML(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=5))
#' # impulse response analysis
#' GGMmutualInfo(Sigma, c(1,2))
#' @export GGMmutualInfo
GGMmutualInfo <- function(S, split1){
  # NOTES:
  # - No dependencies at current

  if (!is.matrix(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (length(split1) < 1 & length(split1) > nrow(S)-1){
    stop("Input (split1) is of wrong length.")
  else {
    # mutual information
    MI <- log(det(S[-split1,-split1])) -
          log(det(S[-split1,-split1] - S[-split1,split1,drop=FALSE] %*%
                  %*% S[split1,-split1,drop=FALSE]))

## Test for Vanishing Partial Correlations

#' Determine the support of a partial correlation/precision matrix
#' Function that determines the support of a partial correlation/precision
#' matrix by thresholding and sparsifies it accordingly.
#' The function transforms the possibly regularized input precision matrix to a
#' partial correlation matrix. Subsequently, the support of this partial
#' correlation matrix is determined. Support determination is performed either
#' by simple thresholding on the absolute values of matrix entries
#' (\code{threshold = "absValue"}) or by usage of local FDR (\code{threshold =
#' "localFDR"}). A third option is to retain a prespecified number of matrix
#' entries based on absolute values. For example, one could wish to retain
#' those entries representing the ten strongest absolute partial correlations
#' (\code{threshold = "top"}). As a variation on this theme, a fourth option
#' (\code{threshold = "connected"}) retains the top edges such that the
#' resulting graph is connected (this may result in dense graphs in practice).
#' The argument \code{absValueCut} is only used when \code{threshold =
#' "absValue"}. The argument \code{top} is only used when \code{threshold =
#' "top"}. The argument \code{FDRcut} is only used when \code{threshold =
#' "localFDR"}.
#' The function is to some extent a wrapper around certain
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=fdrtool}{fdrtool} functions when
#' \code{threshold = "localFDR"}. In that case a mixture model is fitted to the
#' nonredundant partial correlations by
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=fdrtool}{fdrtool}. The decision to
#' retain elements is then based on the argument \code{FDRcut}. Elements with a
#' posterior probability \eqn{\geq} FDRcut (equalling 1 - local FDR) are
#' retained. See Schaefer and Strimmer (2005) for further details on usage of
#' local FDR in graphical modeling.
#' @param P (Possibly regularized) precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param threshold A \code{character} signifying type of sparsification by
#' thresholding. Must be one of: "absValue", "connected", "localFDR", "top".
#' @param absValueCut A \code{numeric} giving the cut-off for partial
#' correlation element selection based on absolute value thresholding.
#' @param FDRcut A \code{numeric} giving the cut-off for partial correlation
#' element selection based on local false discovery rate (FDR) thresholding.
#' @param top A \code{numeric} specifying the exact number of partial
#' correlation elements to retain based on absolute value.
#' @param output A \code{character} specifying the type of output required.
#' Must be one of: "heavy", "light".
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if intermediate output should be
#' printed on screen.
#' @return If the input \code{P} is a standardized precision (or partial
#' correlation) matrix the function returns a sparsified precision (or partial
#' correlation) \code{matrix} whenever \code{output = "heavy"}. If the input
#' \code{P} is an unstandardized precision matrix the function returns an
#' object of class \code{list} whenever \code{output = "heavy"}:
#' \item{sparseParCor}{A \code{matrix} representing the sparsified partial
#' correlation matrix.} \item{sparsePrecision}{A \code{matrix} representing the
#' sparsified precision matrix.}
#' When \code{output = "light"}, only the (matrix) positions of the zero and
#' non-zero elements are returned in an object of class \code{list}:
#' \item{zeros}{A \code{matrix} representing the row and column positions of
#' zero entries.} \item{nonzeros}{A \code{matrix} representing the row and
#' column positions of non-zero entries.}
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}}
#' @references Schaefer, J., and Strimmer, K. (2005). A shrinkage approach to
#' large-scale covariance estimation and implications for functional genomics.
#' Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 4:32.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' ## Determine support regularized (standardized) precision under optimal penalty
#' sparsify(OPT$optPrec, threshold = "localFDR")
#' @export
sparsify <- function(P, threshold = c("absValue", "connected", "localFDR", "top"),
                     absValueCut = .25, FDRcut = .9, top = 10,
                     output = "heavy", verbose = TRUE){
  # NOTES:
  # - Input (P) may be the partial correlation matrix or the standardized
  #   precision matrix. These are identical up to the signs of off-diagonal
  #   elements. Either can be used as it has no effect on the thresholding
  #   operator and the ensuing sparsified result.
  # - Input (P) may also be the unstandardized precision matrix. The function
  #   converts it to the partial correlation matrix
  # - The function evaluates if the input (P) is a partial
  #   correlation/standardized precision matrix or an unstandardized precision
  #   matrix. If the input amounts to the latter both the sparsified partial
  #   correlation matrix and the corresponding sparsified precision matrix are
  #   given as output (when output = "heavy"). Otherwise, the ouput consists of
  #   the sparsified partial correlation/standardized precision matrix.
  # - When output = "light", only the (matrix) positions of the zero and
  #   non-zero elements are returned.

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("fdrtool")
  # require("igraph")

  if (!is.matrix(P)){
    stop("Input (P) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(P)){
    stop("Input (P) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (!evaluateS(P, verbose = FALSE)$posEigen){
    stop("Input (P) is expected to be positive definite")
  else if (missing(threshold)){
    stop("Need to specify type of sparsification ('absValue' or 'localFDR' ",
         "or 'connected' or 'top')")
  else if (!(threshold %in% c("absValue", "connected", "localFDR", "top"))){
    stop("Input (threshold) should be one of
         {'absValue', 'connected', 'localFDR', 'top'}")
  else if (!(output %in% c("light", "heavy"))){
    stop("Input (output) should be one of {'light', 'heavy'}")
  else {
    # Obtain partial correlation matrix
    if (all(length(unique(diag(P))) == 1 & unique(diag(P)) == 1)){
      stan = TRUE
      PC  <- P
    } else {
      stan = FALSE
      PC  <- symm(pcor(P))

    # Number of nonredundant elements
    NR <- (ncol(P)*(ncol(P) - 1))/2

    # Obtain sparsified matrix
    if (threshold == "top"){
      if (!inherits(top, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (top) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(top) != 1){
        stop("Input (top) must be a scalar")
      } else if (!.is.int(top)){
        stop("Input (top) should be a numeric integer")
      } else if (top <= 0){
        stop("Input (top) must be strictly positive")
      } else if (top >= NR){
        stop("Input (top) must be smaller than the number of nonredundant ",
             "off-diagonal elements of the input matrix P")
      } else {
        absValueCut <- sort(abs(PC[upper.tri(PC)]),
                            decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(top)]
        threshold   <- "absValue"

    if (threshold == "connected"){
      sumPC <- summary(abs(PC[upper.tri(PC)]))
      maxPC <- as.numeric(sumPC[6]); minPC <- as.numeric(sumPC[1])
      for (j in 1:100){
        absValueCut <- (maxPC + minPC)/2
        PC0 <- PC
        PC0[!(abs(PC0) >= absValueCut)] <- 0
        if (igraph::is.connected(graph.adjacency(adjacentMat(PC0), "undirected"))){
          minPC <- absValueCut
        } else {
          maxPC <- absValueCut
        if (abs(absValueCut - (maxPC + minPC)/2) < 10^(-10)){
          absValueCut <- minPC; break
      threshold   <- "absValue"

    if (threshold == "absValue"){
      if (!inherits(absValueCut, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (absValueCut) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(absValueCut) != 1){
        stop("Input (absValueCut) must be a scalar")
      } else if (absValueCut <= 0 | absValueCut >= 1){
        stop("Input (absValueCut) must be in the interval (0,1)")
      } else {
        PC0 <- PC
        PC0[!(abs(PC0) >= absValueCut)] <- 0
        if (!stan){
          P0 <- P
          P0[PC0 == 0] <- 0

    if (threshold == "localFDR"){
      if (!inherits(FDRcut, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (FDRcut) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(FDRcut) != 1){
        stop("Input (FDRcut) must be a scalar")
      } else if (FDRcut <= 0 | FDRcut >= 1){
        stop("Input (FDRcut) must be in the interval (0,1)")
      } else if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
        stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
      } else {
        lFDRs <- 1 - fdrtool(PC[upper.tri(PC)], "correlation",
                             plot = verbose, verbose = verbose)$lfdr
        PC0   <- diag(nrow(PC))
        PC0[lower.tri(PC0)] <- 1
        zeros <- which(PC0 == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
        zeros <- zeros[which(lFDRs <= FDRcut),]
        PC0   <- PC
        PC0[zeros] <- 0
        PC0[cbind(zeros[,2], zeros[,1])] <- 0
        if (!stan){
          P0 <- P
          P0[PC0 == 0] <- 0

    # Return
    NNZ <- length(which(PC0[upper.tri(PC0)] != 0))
    cat("- Retained elements: ", NNZ, "\n")
    cat("- Corresponding to", round(NNZ/NR,4) * 100,"% of possible edges \n")
    cat(" \n")

    if (output == "heavy"){
      if (stan){
        colnames(PC0) = rownames(PC0) <- colnames(P)
      if (!stan){
        colnames(PC0) = rownames(PC0) <- colnames(P)
        colnames(P0)  = rownames(P0)  <- colnames(P)
        return(list(sparseParCor = PC0, sparsePrecision = P0))
    if (output == "light"){
      return(list(zeros = which(PC0 == 0, arr.ind = TRUE),
                  nonzeros = which(PC0 != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)))

## Functions for Loss/Entropy/Fit Evaluation

#' Evaluate regularized precision under various loss functions
#' Function that evaluates an estimated and possibly regularized precision
#' matrix under various loss functions. The loss functions are formulated in
#' precision terms. This function may be used to estimate the risk (vis-a-vis,
#' say, the true precision matrix) of the various ridge estimators employed.
#' Let \eqn{\mathbf{\Omega}} denote a generic \eqn{(p \times p)} population precision matrix and let
#' \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda)} denote a generic ridge estimator of the precision matrix under
#' generic regularization parameter \eqn{\lambda} (see also \code{\link{ridgeP}}). The function then
#' considers the following loss functions:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item Squared Frobenius loss, given by:
#'       \deqn{
#'         L_{F}[\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda), \mathbf{\Omega}] = \|\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda) -
#'           \mathbf{\Omega}\|_{F}^{2};
#'       }
#'     \item Quadratic loss, given by:
#'       \deqn{
#'         L_{Q}[\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda), \mathbf{\Omega}] = \|\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda)
#'         \mathbf{\Omega}^{-1} - \mathbf{I}_{p}\|_{F}^{2}.
#'       }
#'   }
#' The argument \code{T} is considered to be the true precision matrix when \code{precision = TRUE}.
#' If \code{precision} \code{= FALSE} the argument \code{T} is considered to represent the true covariance matrix.
#' This statement is needed so that the loss is properly evaluated over the precision, i.e., depending
#' on the value of the \code{logical} argument \code{precision} inversions are employed where needed.
#' The function can be employed to assess the risk of a certain ridge precision estimator (see also \code{\link{ridgeP}}).
#' The risk \eqn{\mathcal{R}_{f}} of the estimator \eqn{\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda)} given a loss function \eqn{L_{f}},
#' with \eqn{f \in \{F, Q\}} can be defined as the expected loss:
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mathcal{R}_{f}[\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda)] =
#'       \mathrm{E}\{L_{f}[\hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}(\lambda),
#'                          \mathbf{\Omega}]\},
#'   }
#' which can be approximated by the mean or median of losses over repeated simulation runs.
#' @param E Estimated (possibly regularized) precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param T True (population) covariance or precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param precision A \code{logical} indicating if T is a precision matrix.
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating which loss function is to be used.
#' Must be one of: "frobenius", "quadratic".
#' @return Function returns a \code{numeric} representing the loss under the
#' chosen loss function.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}}
#' @references van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016).  Ridge Estimation
#' of Inverse Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational
#' Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303.  Also available as
#' arXiv:1403.0904v3 [stat.ME].
#' @examples
#' ## Define population covariance
#' set.seed(333)
#' p = 25
#' n = 1000
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Truecov <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain sample
#' samples <- X[sample(nrow(X), 10), ]
#' Cxx <- covML(samples)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision
#' P <- ridgeP(Cxx, 10, type = "Alt")
#' ## Evaluate estimated precision against population
#' ## precision under Frobenius loss
#' loss(P, Truecov, precision = FALSE, type = "frobenius")
#' @export
loss <- function(E, T, precision = TRUE, type = c("frobenius", "quadratic")){

  if (!is.matrix(E)){
    stop("Input (E) is of wrong class")
  else if (!isSymmetric(E)){
    stop("E should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (!is.matrix(T)){
    stop("Input (T) is of wrong class")
  else if (!isSymmetric(T)){
    stop("T should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (dim(E)[1] != dim(T)[1]){
    stop("E and T should be of the same dimension")
  else if (!inherits(precision, "logical")){
    stop("Input (precision) is of wrong class")
  else if (missing(type)){
    stop("Need to specify loss type ('frobenius' or 'quadratic')")
  else if (!(type %in% c("frobenius", "quadratic"))){
    stop("type should be one of {'frobenius', 'quadratic'}")
  else {
    # Frobenius loss
    if (type == "frobenius"){
      if (precision)  {loss <- .FrobeniusLoss(E, T)}
      if (!precision) {loss <- .FrobeniusLoss(E, solve(T))}

    # Quadratic loss
    if (type == "quadratic"){
      if (precision)  {loss <- .QuadraticLoss(E, solve(T))}
      if (!precision) {loss <- .QuadraticLoss(E, T)}

    # Return

#' Kullback-Leibler divergence between two multivariate normal distributions
#' Function calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two
#' multivariate normal distributions.
#' @details
#' The Kullback-Leibler (KL) information (Kullback and Leibler, 1951; also known
#' as relative entropy) is a measure of divergence between two probability
#' distributions. Typically, one distribution is taken to represent the `true'
#' distribution and functions as the reference distribution while the other is
#' taken to be an approximation of the true distribution. The criterion then
#' measures the loss of information in approximating the reference distribution.
#' The KL divergence between two \eqn{p}-dimensional multivariate normal
#' distributions
#'   \eqn{\mathcal{N}^{0}_{p}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{0}, \mathbf{\Sigma}_{0})} and \eqn{\mathcal{N}^{1}_{p}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{1}, \mathbf{\Sigma}_{1})}
#' is given as
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mathrm{I}_{KL}(\mathcal{N}^{0}_{p} \| \mathcal{N}^{1}_{p}) =
#'      \frac{1}{2}\left\{\mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{\Omega}_{1}\mathbf{\Sigma}_{0})
#'      + (\boldsymbol{\mu}_{1} - \boldsymbol{\mu}_{0})^{\mathrm{T}}
#'      \mathbf{\Omega}_{1}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_{1} - \boldsymbol{\mu}_{0}) - p
#'      - \ln|\mathbf{\Sigma}_{0}| + \ln|\mathbf{\Sigma}_{1}| \right\},
#'   }
#' where \eqn{\mathbf{\Omega} = \mathbf{\Sigma}^{-1}}. The KL divergence is not
#' a proper metric as \eqn{\mathrm{I}_{KL}(\mathcal{N}^{0}_{p} \|
#' \mathcal{N}^{1}_{p}) \neq \mathrm{I}_{KL}(\mathcal{N}^{1}_{p} \|
#' \mathcal{N}^{0}_{p})}. When \code{symmetric = TRUE} the function calculates
#' the symmetric KL divergence (also referred to as Jeffreys information), given
#' as
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mathrm{I}_{KL}(\mathcal{N}^{0}_{p} \| \mathcal{N}^{1}_{p}) +
#'     \mathrm{I}_{KL}(\mathcal{N}^{1}_{p} \| \mathcal{N}^{0}_{p}).
#'   }
#' @param Mtest A \code{numeric} mean vector for the approximating multivariate
#' normal distribution.
#' @param Mref A \code{numeric} mean vector for the true/reference multivariate
#' normal distribution.
#' @param Stest A covariance \code{matrix} for the approximating multivariate
#' normal distribution.
#' @param Sref A covariance \code{matrix} for the true/reference multivariate
#' normal distribution.
#' @param symmetric A \code{logical} indicating if the symmetric version of
#' Kullback-Leibler divergence should be calculated.
#' @return Function returns a \code{numeric} representing the (symmetric)
#' Kullback-Leibler divergence.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}}
#' @references Kullback, S. and Leibler, R.A. (1951). On Information and
#' Sufficiency. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 22: 79-86.
#' @examples
#' ## Define population
#' set.seed(333)
#' p = 25
#' n = 1000
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cov0  <- covML(X)
#' mean0 <- colMeans(X)
#' ## Obtain sample from population
#' samples <- X[sample(nrow(X), 10),]
#' Cov1  <- covML(samples)
#' mean1 <- colMeans(samples)
#' ## Regularize singular Cov1
#' P <- ridgeP(Cov1, 10)
#' CovR <- solve(P)
#' ## Obtain KL divergence
#' KLdiv(mean1, mean0, CovR, Cov0)
#' @export
KLdiv <- function(Mtest, Mref, Stest, Sref, symmetric = FALSE){
  if (!inherits(Mtest, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Mtest) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(Mref, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Mref) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Mtest) != length(Mref)){
    stop("Mtest and Mref should be of same length")
  else if (!is.matrix(Stest)){
    stop("Input (Stest) is of wrong class")
  else if (!is.matrix(Sref)){
    stop("Input (Sref) is of wrong class")
  else if (!isSymmetric(Stest)){
    stop("Stest should be symmetric")
  else if (!isSymmetric(Sref)){
    stop("Sref should be symmetric")
  else if (dim(Stest)[1] != length(Mtest)){
    stop("Column and row dimension of Stest should correspond to length Mtest")
  else if (dim(Sref)[1] != length(Mref)){
    stop("Column and row dimension of Sref should correspond to length Mref")
  else if (!inherits(symmetric, "logical")){
    stop("Input (symmetric) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Evaluate KL divergence
    KLd <- (sum(diag(solve(Stest) %*% Sref)) +
              t(Mtest - Mref) %*% solve(Stest) %*% (Mtest - Mref) -
              nrow(Sref) - log(det(Sref)) + log(det(Stest)))/2

    # Evaluate (original) symmetric version KL divergence
    if (symmetric){
      KLd <- KLd + (sum(diag(solve(Sref) %*% Stest)) +
                      t(Mref - Mtest) %*% solve(Sref) %*% (Mref - Mtest) -
                      nrow(Sref) - log(det(Stest)) + log(det(Sref)))/2

    # Return

#' Visual inspection of the fit of a regularized precision matrix
#' Function aiding the visual inspection of the fit of an estimated (possibly
#' regularized) precision matrix vis-a-vis the sample covariance matrix.
#' The function outputs various visualizations to aid the visual inspection of
#' an estimated and possibly regularized precision matrix vis-a-vis the sample
#' covariance matrix. The inverse of the estimated precision matrix \code{P} is
#' taken to represent the estimated covariance matrix. The function then
#' outputs a QQ-plot and a heatmap of the observed covariances against the
#' estimated ones. The heatmap has the estimated covariances as
#' lower-triangular elements and the observed covariances as the
#' upper-triangular elements. The function outputs analogous plots for the
#' estimated and observed correlations. In case the observed covariance matrix
#' \code{S} is non-singular also a QQ-plot an a heatmap are generated for the
#' estimated and observed partial correlations.
#' The function generates files with extension \code{fileType} under default
#' output names. These files are stored in the directory \code{dir} (default is
#' the working directory). To avoid overwriting of files when working in a
#' single directory one may employ the argument \code{nameExt}. By using
#' \code{nameExt} the default output names are extended with a character of
#' choice.
#' @param Phat (Regularized) estimate of the precision \code{matrix}.
#' @param S Sample covariance \code{matrix}
#' @param diag A \code{logical} determining if the diagonal elements should be
#' retained for plotting.
#' @param fileType A \code{character} determining the output file type. Must be
#' one of: "pdf", "eps".
#' @param nameExt A \code{character} determining the extension of default
#' output names generated by the function.
#' @param dir A \code{character} specifying the directory in which the visual
#' output is stored.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision matrix
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = 'Alt')
#' ## Evaluate visually fit of regularized precision matrix vis-a-vis sample covariance
#' evaluateSfit(P, Cx, diag = FALSE, fileType = "pdf", nameExt = "test")}
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor qqplot
#' @export
evaluateSfit <- function(Phat, S, diag = FALSE, fileType = "pdf", nameExt = "",
                         dir = getwd()){
  # Dependencies
  # require("graphics")

  if (!is.matrix(Phat)){
    stop("Input (Phat) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(Phat)){
    stop("Input (Phat) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (all(diag(Phat) == 1)){
    stop("Input (Phat) should be a nonstandardized precision matrix")
  else if (!is.matrix(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (all(diag(S) == 1)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a nonstandardized covariance matrix")
  else if (!inherits(diag, "logical")){
    stop("Input (diag) is of wrong class")
  else if (missing(fileType)){
    stop("Need to specify type of output file ('pdf' or 'eps')")
  else if (!(fileType %in% c("pdf", "eps"))){
    stop("fileType should be one of {'pdf', 'eps'}")
  else if (!inherits(nameExt, "character")){
    stop("Input (nameExt) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(dir, "character")){
    stop("Specify directory for output as 'character'")
  else {
    # Obtain estimated covariance matrix
    Shat <- solve(Phat)

    print("Visualizing covariance fit")
    # plot 1: QQ-plot of covariances
    if (fileType == "pdf"){
      pdf(paste(dir, "QQplot_covariances_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
    if (fileType == "eps"){
      setEPS(); postscript(paste(dir, "QQplot_covariances_", nameExt, ".eps"))
    if (diag){
      cObs <- as.numeric(S[upper.tri(S, diag = TRUE)])
      cFit <- as.numeric(Shat[upper.tri(Shat, diag = TRUE)])
    if (!diag){
      cObs <- as.numeric(S[upper.tri(S)])
      cFit <- as.numeric(Shat[upper.tri(Shat)])
    op <- par(pty = "s")
    qqplot(x = cObs, y = cFit, pch = 20, xlab = "sample covariances",
           ylab = "fits", main = "QQ-plot, covariances")
    lines(seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
          seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
          col = "grey", lty = 2)
    par(op); dev.off()

    # plot 2: Comparison of covariances by heatmap
    if (fileType == "pdf"){
      pdf(paste(dir, "heatmap_covariances_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
    if (fileType == "eps"){
      setEPS(); postscript(paste(dir, "heatmap_covariances_", nameExt, ".eps"))
    op  <- par(pty = "s")
    slh <- S
    slh[lower.tri(slh)] <- Shat[lower.tri(Shat)]
    gplot <- edgeHeat(slh, diag = diag, legend = FALSE, main = "Covariances")
    print(gplot); par(op); dev.off()

    print("Visualizing correlation fit")
    # plot 3: QQ-plot of correlations
    if (fileType == "pdf"){
      pdf(paste(dir, "QQplot_correlations_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
    if (fileType == "eps"){
      setEPS(); postscript(paste(dir, "QQplot_correlations_", nameExt, ".eps"))
    if (diag){
      cObs <- as.numeric(cov2cor(S)[upper.tri(S, diag = TRUE)]);
      cFit <- as.numeric(cov2cor(Shat)[upper.tri(Shat, diag = TRUE)])
    if (!diag){
      cObs <- as.numeric(cov2cor(S)[upper.tri(S)]);
      cFit <- as.numeric(cov2cor(Shat)[upper.tri(Shat)])
    op <- par(pty = "s")
    qqplot(x = cObs, y = cFit, pch = 20, xlab = "sample correlations",
           ylab = "fits", main = "QQ-plot, correlations")
    lines(seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
          seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
          col = "grey", lty = 2)
    par(op); dev.off()

    # plot 4: Comparison of correlations by heatmap
    if (fileType == "pdf"){
      pdf(paste(dir, "heatmap_correlations_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
    if (fileType == "eps"){
      setEPS(); postscript(paste(dir, "heatmap_correlations_", nameExt, ".eps"))
    op  <- par(pty = "s")
    slh <- cov2cor(S)
    slh[lower.tri(slh)] <- cov2cor(Shat)[lower.tri(Shat)]
    gplot <- edgeHeat(slh, diag = diag, legend = FALSE, main = "Correlations")
    print(gplot); par(op); dev.off()

    print("Visualizing partial correlation fit")
    # If the sample covariance matrix non-singular,
    # also evaluate partial correlation fit
    if (evaluateS(S, verbose = FALSE)$posEigen){

      # plot 5: QQ-plot of partial correlations
      if (fileType == "pdf"){
        pdf(paste(dir, "QQplot_partCorrelations_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
      if (fileType == "eps"){
        postscript(paste(dir, "QQplot_partCorrelations_", nameExt, ".eps"))
      if (diag){
        cObs <- as.numeric(pcor(solve(S))[upper.tri(S)], diag = TRUE);
        cFit <- as.numeric(pcor(Phat)[upper.tri(Phat, diag = TRUE)])}
      if (!diag){
        cObs <- as.numeric(pcor(solve(S))[upper.tri(S)]);
        cFit <- as.numeric(pcor(Phat)[upper.tri(Phat)])
      op <- par(pty = "s")
      qqplot(x = cObs, y = cFit, pch = 20, xlab = "sample partial correlations",
             ylab = "fits", main = "QQ-plot, partial correlations")
      lines(seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
            seq(min(cFit, cObs), max(cFit, cObs), length.out = 100),
            col = "grey", lty = 2)
      par(op); dev.off()

      # plot 6: Comparison of partial correlations by heatmap
      if (fileType == "pdf"){
        pdf(paste(dir, "heatmap_partCorrelations_", nameExt, ".pdf"))
      if (fileType == "eps"){
        postscript(paste(dir, "heatmap_partCorrelations_", nameExt, ".eps"))
      op  <- par(pty = "s")
      slh <- pcor(solve(S))
      slh[lower.tri(slh)] <- pcor(Phat)[lower.tri(Phat)]
      gplot <- edgeHeat(slh, diag = diag, legend = FALSE,
                        main = "Partial correlations")
      print(gplot); par(op); dev.off()

    } else {
      print(paste("sample covariance matrix is singular:",
                  "partial correlation fit not visualized"))

## Functions for Visualization

#' Visualize the regularization path
#' Function that visualizes the regularization paths of the nonredundant
#' elements of a regularized precision matrix against the (range of the)
#' penalty parameter.
#' The function visualizes the regularization path of the individual elements
#' of a regularized precision matrix against the penalty parameter. The range
#' of the penalty parameter is given by [\code{lambdaMin},\code{lambdaMax}].
#' The penalty parameter must be positive such that \code{lambdaMin} must be a
#' positive scalar. The maximum allowable value of \code{lambdaMax} depends on
#' the type of ridge estimator employed. For details on the type of ridge
#' estimator one may use (one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII") see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}.
#' Regularization paths may be visualized for (partial) correlations,
#' covariances and precision elements. The type of element for which a
#' visualization of the regularization paths is desired can be indicated by the
#' argument \code{plotType}. When \code{vertical = TRUE} a vertical line is
#' added at the constant \code{value}. This option can be used to assess
#' whereabouts the optimal penalty obtained by, e.g., the routines
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}} or \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}}, finds
#' itself along the regularization path.
#' @param S Sample covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param step An \code{integer} determining the number of steps in moving
#' through the grid [\code{lambdaMin}, \code{lambdaMax}].
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of ridge estimator to be
#' used. Must be one of: "Alt", "ArchI", "ArchII".
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param plotType A \code{character} indicating the type of element for which
#' a visualization of the regularization paths is desired. Must be one of:
#' "pcor", "cor", "cov", "prec".
#' @param diag A \code{logical} indicating if the diagonal elements should be
#' retained for visualization.
#' @param vertical A \code{logical} indicating if output graph should come with
#' a vertical line at a pre-specified value for the penalty parameter.
#' @param value A \code{numeric} indicating a pre-specified value for the
#' penalty parameter.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if information on progress should
#' be printed on screen.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{default.target}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Visualize regularization paths
#' ridgePathS(Cx, .001, 50, 200, plotType = "pcor")
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor
#' @export
ridgePathS <- function (S, lambdaMin, lambdaMax, step, type = "Alt",
                        target = default.target(S), plotType = "pcor",
                        diag = FALSE, vertical = FALSE, value, verbose = TRUE){

  if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  if (verbose){
    cat("Perform input checks...", "\n")
  if (!is.matrix(S)){
    stop("input (S) should be a matrix")
  if (!isSymmetric(S)){
    stop("Input (S) should be a covariance matrix")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMin, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMin) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMin <= 0){
    stop("Input (lambdaMin) must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(lambdaMax, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lambdaMax) != 1){
    stop("Input (lambdaMax) must be a scalar")
  else if (lambdaMax <= lambdaMin){
    stop("lambdaMax must be larger than lambdaMin")
  else if (!inherits(step, "numeric")) {
    stop("Input (step) is of wrong class")
  else if (!.is.int(step)){
    stop("Input (step) should be integer")
  else if (step <= 0){
    stop("Input (step) should be a positive integer")
  else if (!inherits(plotType, "character")) {
    stop("Input (plotType) is of wrong class")
  else if (!(plotType %in% c("pcor", "cor", "cov", "prec"))){
    stop("Input (plotType) should be one of {'pcor', 'cor', 'cov', 'prec'}")
  else if (length(nchar(plotType)) != 1){
    stop("Input (plotType) should be exactly one of {'pcor', 'cor', 'cov', ",
  if (!inherits(diag, "logical")) {
    stop("Input (diag) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(vertical, "logical")){
    stop("Input (vertical) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Set preliminaries
    lambdas  <- seq(lambdaMin, lambdaMax, len = step)
    YforPlot <- numeric()

    # Calculate paths
    if (verbose){cat("Calculating...", "\n")}
    if (type == "Alt" & all(target == 0)){
      if (!isSymmetric(target)){
        stop("Input (target) should be symmetric")
      } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
        stop("Inputs ('S' and 'target') should be of the same dimension")
      } else {
        Spectral <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambdas[k])
          P         <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(1/Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
          if (plotType=="pcor"){
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, pcor(symm(P))[upper.tri(P)])
          if (plotType=="prec"){
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, P[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
          if (plotType=="cov") {
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, solve(P)[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
          if (plotType=="cor") {
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, cov2cor(solve(P))[upper.tri(P)])
          if (verbose){
            cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done", sep = ""), "\n")
    } else if (type == "Alt" & all(target[!diag(nrow(target))] == 0) &
                 (length(unique(diag(target))) == 1)){
      if (!isSymmetric(target)){
        stop("Input (target) should be symmetric")
      } else if (dim(target)[1] != dim(S)[1]){
        stop("Inputs ('S' and 'target') should be of the same dimension")
      } else if (any(diag(target) <= 0)){
        stop("Input (target) should be p.d.")
      } else {
        varPhi   <- unique(diag(target))
        Spectral <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
        for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
          Eigshrink <- .eigShrink(Spectral$values, lambdas[k], const = varPhi)
          P         <- Spectral$vectors %*% diag(1/Eigshrink) %*% t(Spectral$vectors)
          if (plotType=="pcor"){
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, pcor(symm(P))[upper.tri(P)])
          if (plotType=="prec"){
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, P[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
          if (plotType=="cov") {
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, solve(P)[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
          if (plotType=="cor") {
            YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, cov2cor(solve(P))[upper.tri(P)])
          if (verbose){
            cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done", sep = ""), "\n")
    } else {
      for (k in 1:length(lambdas)){
        P <- ridgeP(S, lambdas[k], type = type, target = target)
        if (plotType=="pcor"){
          YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, pcor(symm(P))[upper.tri(P)])
        if (plotType=="prec"){
          YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, P[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
        if (plotType=="cov") {
          YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, solve(P)[upper.tri(P, diag = diag)])
        if (plotType=="cor") {
          YforPlot <- cbind(YforPlot, cov2cor(solve(P))[upper.tri(P)])
        if (verbose){
          cat(paste("lambda = ", lambdas[k], " done", sep = ""), "\n")

    # Visualize
    if (plotType=="cor") {ylabel <- "penalized correlation"}
    if (plotType=="cov") {ylabel <- "penalized covariances"}
    if (plotType=="pcor"){ylabel <- "penalized partial correlation"}
    if (plotType=="prec"){ylabel <- "penalized precision elements"}
    if (type == "Alt"){Main = "Alternative ridge estimator"}
    if (type == "ArchI"){Main = "Archetypal I ridge estimator"}
    if (type == "ArchII"){Main = "Archetypal II ridge estimator"}

    plot(YforPlot[1,] ~ log(lambdas), axes = FALSE, xlab = "ln(penalty value)",
         ylab = ylabel, main = Main, col = "white",
         ylim = c(min(YforPlot), max(YforPlot)))
    for (k in 1:nrow(YforPlot)){
      lines(YforPlot[k, ] ~ log(lambdas), col = k, lty = k)
    axis(2, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    if (vertical){
      if (missing(value)){
        stop("Need to specify input (value)")
      } else if (!inherits(value, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (value) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(value) != 1){
        stop("Input (value) must be a scalar")
      } else if (value <= 0){
        stop("Input (value) must be positive")
      } else {
        abline(v = log(value), col = "red")

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("X1", "X2", "value"))

#' Visualize (precision) matrix as a heatmap
#' Function that visualizes a (precision) matrix as a heatmap. May be used to
#' assess visually the elements of a single (possibly sparsified precision)
#' matrix. May also be used in assessing the performance of edge selection
#' techniques.
#' This function utilizes
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=ggplot2}{ggplot2} (Wickham, 2009) to
#' visualize a matrix as a heatmap: a false color plot in which the individual
#' matrix entries are represented by colors. \code{lowColor} determines the
#' color scale for matrix entries in the negative range. \code{highColor}
#' determines the color scale for matrix entries in the positive range. For the
#' colors supported by the arguments \code{lowColor} and \code{highColor}, see
#' \url{https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/2020-04/colorPaletteCheatsheet.pdf}. White entries in
#' the plot represent the midscale value of 0. One can opt to set the diagonal
#' entries to the midscale color of white when one is interested in
#' (heatmapping) the off-diagonal elements only. To achieve this, set
#' \code{diag = FALSE}. Naturally, the \code{diag} argument is only used when
#' the input matrix \code{M} is a square matrix.
#' The intended use of the function is to visualize a, possibly sparsified,
#' precision matrix as a heatmap. The function may also be used, in a graphical
#' modeling setting, to assess the performance of edge selection techniques.
#' However, the function is quite general, in the sense that it can represent
#' any \code{matrix} as a heatmap.
#' @param M (Possibly sparsified precision) \code{matrix}.
#' @param lowColor A \code{character} that determines the color scale in the
#' negative range.
#' @param highColor A \code{character} that determines the color scale in the
#' positive range.
#' @param textsize A \code{numeric} scaling the text size of row and column
#' labels.
#' @param diag A \code{logical} determining if the diagonal elements of the
#' matrix should be included in the color scaling. This argument is only used
#' when \code{M} is a square \code{matrix}.
#' @param legend A \code{logical} indicating whether a color legend should be
#' included.
#' @param main A \code{character} giving the main figure title.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{sparsify}}
#' @references Wickham, H. (2009). ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis.
#' New York: Springer.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision matrix
#' P <- ridgeP(Cx, lambda = 10, type = "Alt")
#' ## Obtain sparsified partial correlation matrix
#' PC0 <- sparsify(P, threshold = "localFDR", FDRcut = .8)$sparseParCor
#' ## Visualize sparsified partial correlation matrix as heatmap
#' edgeHeat(PC0)
#' @export
edgeHeat <- function(M, lowColor = "blue", highColor = "red", textsize = 10,
                     diag = TRUE, legend = TRUE, main = ""){
  # Dependencies

  if (!is.matrix(M)){
    stop("Supply 'M' as matrix")
  else if (!inherits(lowColor, "character")){
    stop("Input (lowColor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(lowColor) != 1){
    stop("Length lowColor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(highColor, "character")){
    stop("Input (highColor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(highColor) != 1){
    stop("Length highColor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(textsize, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (textsize) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(textsize) != 1){
    stop("Length textsize must be one")
  else if (textsize <= 0){
    stop("textsize must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(diag, "logical")){
    stop("Input (diag) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(legend, "logical")){
    stop("Input (legend) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
    stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Put matrix in data format
    if (nrow(M) == ncol(M) & !diag) {diag(M) <- 0}
    Mmelt    <- melt(M)
    Mmelt$X1 <-
      factor(as.character(Mmelt$X1), levels = unique(Mmelt$X1), ordered = TRUE)
    Mmelt$X2 <-
      factor(as.character(Mmelt$X2), levels = unique(Mmelt$X2), ordered = TRUE)

    # Visualize
    if (legend){
      ggplot(Mmelt, aes(X2, X1, fill = value)) + geom_tile() +
        scale_fill_gradient2("", low = lowColor,  mid = "white",
                             high = highColor, midpoint = 0) +
        theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
        theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = textsize)) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, vjust = .5,
                                         hjust = 0, size = textsize)) +
        xlab(" ") + ylab(" ") +
        ylim(rev(levels(Mmelt$X1))) +
    } else {
      ggplot(Mmelt, aes(X2, X1, fill = value)) + geom_tile() +
        scale_fill_gradient2("", low = lowColor,  mid = "white",
                             high = highColor, midpoint = 0) +
        theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
        theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = textsize)) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, vjust = .5,
                                         hjust = 0, size = textsize)) +
        xlab(" ") + ylab(" ") +
        ylim(rev(levels(Mmelt$X1))) +
        ggtitle(main) +
        theme(legend.position = "none")

#' Visualize undirected graph
#' Function that visualizes the sparsified precision matrix as an undirected
#' graph.
#' The intended use of this function is to visualize a sparsified
#' precision/partial correlation matrix as an undirected graph. When \code{type
#' = "plain"} a plain undirected graph is given representing the conditional
#' (in)dependencies exemplified by the sparsified precision.
#' When \code{type = "fancy"} a more elaborate graph is given in which dashed
#' lines indicate negative partial correlations while solid lines indicate
#' positive partial correlations, and in which grey lines indicate strong
#' edges. Strong edges are deemed such by setting \code{cut}. If a the absolute
#' value of a precision element \eqn{\geq} \code{cut} the corresponding edge is
#' deemed strong and colored grey in the graph. The argument \code{cut} is thus
#' only used when \code{type = "fancy"}.
#' When \code{type = "weighted"} an undirected graph is given in which edge
#' thickness represents the strength of the partial correlations. The
#' \code{nEcolor} colored edges then represent negative partial correlations
#' while \code{pEcolor} colored edges represent positive partial correlations.
#' (Relative) edge thickness in this type of graph can be set by the argument
#' \code{scale}. The arguments \code{scale}, \code{nEcolor}, and \code{pEcolor}
#' are thus only used when \code{type = "weighted"}.
#' The default layout gives a circular placement of the vertices. Most layout
#' functions supported by \code{\link{igraph}} are supported (the function is
#' partly a wrapper around certain \code{\link{igraph}} functions). The igraph
#' layouts can be invoked by a \code{character} that mimicks a call to a
#' \code{\link{igraph}} layout functions in the \code{lay} argument. When using
#' \code{lay = NULL} one can specify the placement of vertices with the
#' \code{coords} argument. The row dimension of this matrix should equal the
#' number of (pruned) vertices. The column dimension then should equal 2 (for
#' 2D layouts) or 3 (for 3D layouts). The \code{coords} argument can also be
#' viewed as a convenience argument as it enables one, e.g., to layout a graph
#' according to the coordinates of a previous call to \code{Ugraph}. If both
#' the the lay and the coords arguments are not \code{NULL}, the lay argument
#' takes precedence
#' The legend allows one to specify the kind of variable the vertices
#' represent, such as, e.g., mRNA transcripts. The arguments \code{label},
#' \code{Lcex}, and \code{PTcex} are only used when \code{legend = TRUE}.
#' If \code{prune = TRUE} the vertices of degree 0 (vertices not implicated by
#' any edge) are removed. For the colors supported by the arguments
#' \code{Vcolor}, \code{VBcolor}, \code{VLcolor}, \code{pEcolor}, and
#' \code{nEcolor} see \url{https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/2020-04/colorPaletteCheatsheet.pdf}.
#' @param M (Possibly sparsified) precision \code{matrix}
#' @param type A \code{character} indicating the type of graph to be produced.
#' Must be one of: "plain", "fancy", "weighted".
#' @param lay A \code{character} mimicking a call to \code{\link{igraph}}
#' layout functions. Determines the placement of vertices.
#' @param coords A \code{matrix} containing coordinates. Alternative to the
#' lay-argument for determining the placement of vertices.
#' @param Vsize A \code{numeric} determining the vertex size.
#' @param Vcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the vertex labels.
#' @param Vcolor A \code{character} (scalar or vector) determining the vertex
#' color.
#' @param VBcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' border.
#' @param VLcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' labels.
#' @param prune A \code{logical} determining if vertices of degree 0 should be
#' removed.
#' @param legend A \code{logical} indicating if the graph should come with a
#' legend.
#' @param label A \code{character} giving a name to the legend label.
#' @param Lcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the legend box.
#' @param PTcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the exemplary vertex
#' in the legend box.
#' @param cut A \code{numeric} indicating the cut-off for indicating strong
#' edges when \code{type = "fancy"}.
#' @param scale A \code{numeric} representing a scale factor for visualizing
#' strength of edges when \code{type = "weighted"}.
#' @param pEcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the edges tied to
#' positive precision elements. Only when \code{type = "weighted"}.
#' @param nEcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the edges tied to
#' negative precision elements. Only when \code{type = "weighted"}.
#' @param main A \code{character} giving the main figure title.
#' @return The function returns a graph. The function also returns a
#' \code{matrix} object containing the coordinates of the vertices in the given
#' graph.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCV}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.aLOOCV}}, \code{\link{sparsify}}
#' @references Csardi, G. and Nepusz, T. (2006). The igraph software package
#' for complex network research. InterJournal, Complex Systems 1695.
#' http://igraph.sf.net
#' van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016). Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#' Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational Statistics &
#' Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303. Also available as arXiv:1403.0904v3
#' [stat.ME].
#' van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2015). Application of a New Ridge
#' Estimator of the Inverse Covariance Matrix to the Reconstruction of
#' Gene-Gene Interaction Networks. In: di Serio, C., Lio, P., Nonis, A., and
#' Tagliaferri, R. (Eds.) `Computational Intelligence Methods for
#' Bioinformatics and Biostatistics'. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.
#' 8623. Springer, pp. 170-179.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' ## Determine support regularized standardized precision under optimal penalty
#' PC0 <- sparsify(symm(OPT$optPrec), threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' ## Obtain graphical representation
#' Ugraph(PC0, type = "fancy", cut = 0.07)
#' ## Obtain graphical representation with Fruchterman-Reingold layout
#' Ugraph(PC0, type = "fancy", lay = "layout_with_fr", cut = 0.07)
#' ## Add pruning
#' Ugraph(PC0, type = "fancy", lay = "layout_with_fr",
#'        cut = 0.07, prune = TRUE)
#' ## Obtain graph and its coordinates
#' Coordinates <- Ugraph(PC0, type = "fancy", lay = "layout_with_fr",
#'                       cut = 0.07, prune = TRUE)
#' Coordinates
#' @export
Ugraph <- function(M, type = c("plain", "fancy", "weighted"),
                   lay = "layout_in_circle", coords = NULL, Vsize = 15,
                   Vcex = 1, Vcolor = "orangered", VBcolor = "darkred",
                   VLcolor = "black", prune = FALSE, legend = FALSE,
                   label = "", Lcex = 1.3, PTcex = 4, cut = .5,
                   scale = 10, pEcolor = "black", nEcolor = "grey",
                   main = ""){

  # Dependencies
  # require("igraph")
  # require("reshape")

  if (!is.matrix(M)){
    stop("M should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M) != ncol(M)){
    stop("M should be square matrix")
  else if (missing(type)){
    stop("Need to specify graph type ('plain' or 'fancy' or 'weighted')")
  else if (!(type %in% c("plain", "fancy", "weighted"))){
    stop("type should be one of {'plain', 'fancy', 'weighted'}")
  else if (!((length(intersect(lay,c("layout_as_star", "layout_as_tree",
                                     "layout_in_circle", "layout_nicely",
                                     "layout_with_dh", "layout_with_gem",
                                     "layout_with_graphopt", "layout_on_grid",
                                     "layout_with_mds", "layout_components",
                                     "layout_on_sphere", "layout_randomly",
                                     "layout_with_fr", "layout_with_kk",
                                     "layout_with_lgl"))) > 0) | is.null(lay))){
    stop("lay should be 'NULL' or one of
         {'layout_as_star', 'layout_as_tree',
         'layout_in_circle', 'layout_nicely',
         'layout_with_dh', 'layout_with_gem',
         'layout_with_graphopt', 'layout_on_grid',
         'layout_with_mds', 'layout_components',
         'layout_on_sphere', 'layout_randomly',
         'layout_with_fr', 'layout_with_kk',
  else if (!is.null(coords) & !inherits(coords, "matrix")){
    stop("Input (coords) is of wrong class")
  else if (is.null(lay) & is.null(coords)){
    stop("Input (lay) and input (coords) cannot be both NULL")
  else if (!inherits(Vsize, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Vsize) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vsize) != 1){
    stop("Length Vsize must be one")
  else if (Vsize <= 0){
    stop("Vsize must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(Vcex, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Vcex) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vcex) != 1){
    stop("Length Vcex must be one")
  else if (Vcex <= 0){
    stop("Vcex must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(Vcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (Vcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vcolor) != 1 & length(Vcolor) != nrow(M)){
    stop("Length Vcolor must be either one
         or equal to row (or column) dimension of M")
  else if (!inherits(VBcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (VBcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(VBcolor) != 1){
    stop("Length VBcolor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(VLcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (VLcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(VLcolor) != 1){
    stop("Length VLcolor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(prune, "logical")){
    stop("Input (prune) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(legend, "logical")){
    stop("Input (legend) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
    stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Preliminaries
    AM <- adjacentMat(M)
    GA <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")
    if (prune){GA <- delete.vertices(GA, which(degree(GA) < 1))}

    # Layout specification
      if(dim(coords)[1] != length(V(GA))){
        stop("Row dimension of input (coords) does not match the
             number of vertices to be plotted")
      } else if (dim(coords)[2] > 3){
        stop("Column dimension of input (coords) exceeds the number
             of dimensions that can be visualized")
      } else {lays = coords}
      if(lay == "layout_as_star"){
        lays = igraph::layout_as_star(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_as_tree")
      {lays = igraph::layout_as_tree(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_in_circle"){
        lays = igraph::layout_in_circle(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_nicely"){
        lays = igraph::layout_nicely(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_dh"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_dh(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_gem"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_gem(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_graphopt"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_graphopt(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_on_grid"){
        lays = igraph::layout_on_grid(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_mds"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_mds(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_components"){
        lays = igraph::layout_components(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_on_sphere"){
        lays = igraph::layout_on_sphere(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_randomly"){
        lays = igraph::layout_randomly(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_fr"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_fr(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_kk"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_kk(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_lgl"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_lgl(GA)}

    # Plain graph
    if (type == "plain"){
      plot(GA, layout = lays, vertex.size = Vsize, vertex.label.family = "sans",
           vertex.label.cex = Vcex, vertex.color = Vcolor,
           vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
           vertex.label.color = VLcolor, main = main)

    # Fancy graph
    if (type == "fancy"){
      if (!inherits(cut, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (cut) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(cut) != 1){
        stop("Length cut must be one")
      } else if (cut <= 0){
        stop("cut must be positive")
      } else {
        Names <- colnames(M)
        colnames(M) = rownames(M) <- seq(1, ncol(M), by = 1)
        Mmelt <- melt(M)
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$X1 > Mmelt$X2,]
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
        E(GA)$weight <- Mmelt$value
        E(GA)$color  <- "black"
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight < 0]$style <- "dashed"
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight > 0]$style <- "solid"
        E(GA)[abs(E(GA)$weight) > cut]$color <- "grey"
        plot(GA, layout = lays, vertex.size = Vsize,
             vertex.label.family = "sans", vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
             vertex.color = Vcolor, vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
             vertex.label.color = VLcolor,
             edge.color = E(GA)$color, edge.lty = E(GA)$style, main = main)

    # Weighted graph
    if (type == "weighted"){
      if (!inherits(scale, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (scale) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(scale) != 1){
        stop("Length scale must be one")
      } else if (scale <= 0){
        stop("scale must be positive")
      } else if (!inherits(pEcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (pEcolor) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(pEcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length pEcolor must be one")
      } else if (!inherits(nEcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (nEcolor) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(nEcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length nEcolor must be one")
      } else {
        Names <- colnames(M)
        colnames(M) = rownames(M) <- seq(1, ncol(M), by = 1)
        Mmelt <- melt(M)
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$X1 > Mmelt$X2,]
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
        E(GA)$weight <- Mmelt$value
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight < 0]$color <- nEcolor
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight > 0]$color <- pEcolor
        plot(GA, layout = lays, vertex.size = Vsize,
             vertex.label.family = "sans", vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
             vertex.color = Vcolor, vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
             vertex.label.color = VLcolor,
             edge.color = E(GA)$color, edge.width = scale*abs(E(GA)$weight),
             main = main)

    # Legend
    if (legend){
      if (!inherits(label, "character")){
        stop("Input (label) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(label) != 1){
        stop("Length label must be one")
      } else if (!inherits(Lcex, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (Lcex) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(Lcex) != 1){
        stop("Length Lcex must be one")
      } else if (Lcex <= 0){
        stop("Lcex must be positive")
      } else if (!inherits(PTcex, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (PTcex) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(PTcex) != 1){
        stop("Length PTcex must be one")
      } else if (PTcex <= 0){
        stop("PTcex must be positive")
      } else{
        legend("bottomright", label, pch = 20, col = Vcolor,
               cex = Lcex, pt.cex = PTcex)

    # Return
    return(coordinates <- lays)

## Functions for Topology Statistics

#' Gaussian graphical model network statistics
#' Function that calculates various network statistics from a sparse precision
#' matrix. The sparse precision matrix is taken to represent the conditional
#' indepence graph of a Gaussian graphical model.
#' The function calculates various network statistics from a sparse matrix. The
#' input matrix \code{P} is assumed to be a sparse precision or partial
#' correlation matrix. The sparse matrix is taken to represent a conditional
#' independence graph. In the Gaussian setting, conditional independence
#' corresponds to zero entries in the (standardized) precision matrix. Each
#' node in the graph represents a Gaussian variable, and each undirected edge
#' represents conditional dependence in the sense of a nonzero corresponding
#' precision entry.
#' The function calculates various measures of centrality: node degree,
#' betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and eigenvalue centrality. It
#' also calculates the number of positive and the number of negative edges for
#' each node. In addition, for each variate the mutual information (with all
#' other variates), the variance, and the partial variance is represented. It
#' is also indicated if the graph is chordal (i.e., triangulated). For more
#' information on network measures, consult, e.g., Newman (2010).
#' @param sparseP Sparse precision/partial correlation \code{matrix}.
#' @param as.table A \code{logical} indicating if the output should be in
#' tabular format.
#' @return An object of class \code{list} when \code{as.table = FALSE}:
#' \item{degree}{A \code{numeric} vector with the node degree for each node.}
#' \item{betweenness}{A \code{numeric} vector representing the betweenness
#' centrality for each node.} \item{closeness}{A \code{numeric} vector
#' representing the closeness centrality for each node.}
#' \item{eigenCentrality}{A \code{numeric} vector representing the eigenvalue
#' centrality for each node.} \item{nNeg}{An \code{integer} vector representing
#' the number of negative edges for each node.} \item{nPos}{An \code{integer}
#' vector representing the number of positive edges for each node.}
#' \item{chordal}{A \code{logical} indicating if the implied graph is chordal.}
#' \item{mutualInfo}{A \code{numeric} vector with the mutual information (with
#' all other nodes) for each node.} \item{variance}{A \code{numeric} vector
#' representing the variance of each node.} \item{partialVariance}{A
#' \code{numeric} vector representing the partial variance of each node.} When
#' \code{as.table = TRUE} the list items above (with the exception of
#' \code{chordal}) are represented in tabular form as an object of class
#' \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{covML}}, \code{\link{sparsify}},
#' \code{\link{Ugraph}}
#' @references Newman, M.E.J. (2010). "Networks: an introduction", Oxford
#' University Press.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' Cx <- covML(X)
#' ## Obtain sparsified partial correlation matrix
#' Pridge   <- ridgeP(Cx, 10, type = "Alt")
#' PCsparse <- sparsify(Pridge , threshold = "top")$sparseParCor
#' ## Represent the graph and calculate GGM network statistics
#' Ugraph(PCsparse, "fancy")
#' \dontrun{GGMnetworkStats(PCsparse)}
#' @export
GGMnetworkStats <- function(sparseP, as.table = FALSE){

  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("igraph")

  if (!is.matrix(sparseP)){
    stop("Input (sparseP) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(sparseP)){
    stop("Input (sparseP) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (!inherits(as.table, "logical")){
    stop("Input (as.table) is of wrong class")
    # Some warnings
    if (all(sparseP != 0)){
      warning("Given input (sparseP) implies a saturated conditional ",
              "independence graph")
    if (all(sparseP[!diag(nrow(sparseP))] == 0)){
      warning("Given input (sparseP) implies an empty conditional ",
              "independence graph")

    # Obtain corresponding sample covariance matrix
    pvars <- 1/diag(sparseP)
    S     <- solve(sparseP)

    # Calculate nodes' mutual information
    MI <-
                    function(j, S){
                      log(det(S[-j,-j])) -
                        log(det(S[-j,-j] - S[-j,j,drop=FALSE] %*%
                    }, S = S))
    names(MI) <- colnames(sparseP)

    # Signs of edges
    diag(sparseP) <- 0
    nPos <- apply(sign(sparseP), 2, function(Z){ sum(Z == 1) })
    nNeg <- apply(sign(sparseP), 2, function(Z){ sum(Z == -1) })

    # Adjacency to graphical object
    AM  <- adjacentMat(sparseP)
    CIG <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")

    # Return
    if (as.table){
      networkStats <- cbind(degree(CIG), betweenness(CIG), closeness(CIG),
                            evcent(CIG)$vector, nNeg, nPos, MI, diag(S), pvars)
      colnames(networkStats) <-
        c("degree", "betweenness", "closeness", "eigenCentrality", "nNeg",
          "nPos", "mutualInfo", "variance", "partialVar")
    if (!as.table){
      return(list(degree = degree(CIG), betweenness = betweenness(CIG),
                  closeness = closeness(CIG, mode = "all"),
                  eigenCentrality = evcent(CIG, scale = FALSE)$vector,
                  nNeg = nNeg, nPos = nPos, chordal = is.chordal(CIG)$chordal,
                  mutualInfo = MI, variance = diag(S), partialVar = pvars))

#' Gaussian graphical model node pair path statistics
#' Function that calculates, for a specified node pair representing endpoints,
#' path statistics from a sparse precision matrix. The sparse precision matrix
#' is taken to represent the conditional independence graph of a Gaussian
#' graphical model. The contribution to the observed covariance between the
#' specified endpoints is calculated for each (heuristically) determined path
#' between the endpoints.
#' The conditional independence graph (as implied by the sparse precision
#' matrix) is undirected. In undirected graphs origin and destination are
#' interchangeable and are both referred to as 'endpoints' of a path. The
#' function searches for shortest paths between the specified endpoints
#' \code{node1} and \code{node2}. It searches for shortest paths that visit
#' nodes only once. The shortest paths between the provided endpoints are
#' determined heuristically by the following procedure. The search is initiated
#' by application of the \code{get.all.shortest.paths}-function from the
#' \code{\link{igraph}}-package, which yields all shortest paths between the
#' nodes. Next, the neighborhoods of the endpoints are defined (excluding the
#' endpoints themselves). Then, the shortest paths are found between: (a)
#' \code{node1} and node \emph{Vs} in its neighborhood; (b) node \emph{Vs} in
#' the \code{node1}-neighborhood and node \emph{Ve} in the
#' \code{node2}-neighborhood; and (c) node \emph{Ve} in the
#' \code{node2}-neighborhood and \code{node2}. These paths are glued and new
#' shortest path candidates are obtained (preserving only novel paths). In
#' additional iterations (specified by \code{neiExpansions}) the \code{node1}-
#' and \code{node2}-neighborhood are expanded by including their neighbors
#' (still excluding the endpoints) and shortest paths are again searched as
#' described above.
#' The contribution of a particular path to the observed covariance between the
#' specified node pair is calculated in accordance with Theorem 1 of Jones and
#' West (2005). As in Jones and West (2005), paths whose weights have an
#' opposite sign to the marginal covariance (between endnodes of the path) are
#' referred to as 'moderating paths' while paths whose weights have the same
#' sign as the marginal covariance are referred to as 'mediating' paths. Such
#' paths are visualized when \code{graph = TRUE}.
#' All arguments following the \code{graph} argument are only (potentially)
#' used when \code{graph = TRUE}. When \code{graph = TRUE} the conditional
#' independence graph is returned with the paths highlighted that have the
#' highest contribution to the marginal covariance between the specified
#' endpoints. The number of paths highlighted is indicated by \code{nrPaths}.
#' The edges of mediating paths are represented in green while the edges of
#' moderating paths are represented in red. When \code{all.edges = TRUE} the
#' edges other than those implied by the \code{nrPaths}-paths between
#' \code{node1} and node2 are also visualized (in lightgrey). When
#' \code{all.edges = FALSE} only the mediating and moderating paths implied by
#' \code{nrPaths} are visualized.
#' The default layout gives a circular placement of the vertices. Most layout
#' functions supported by \code{\link{igraph}} are supported (the function is
#' partly a wrapper around certain \code{\link{igraph}} functions). The igraph
#' layouts can be invoked by a \code{character} that mimicks a call to a
#' \code{\link{igraph}} layout functions in the \code{lay} argument. When using
#' \code{lay = NULL} one can specify the placement of vertices with the
#' \code{coords} argument. The row dimension of this matrix should equal the
#' number of (pruned) vertices. The column dimension then should equal 2 (for
#' 2D layouts) or 3 (for 3D layouts). The \code{coords} argument can also be
#' viewed as a convenience argument as it enables one, e.g., to layout a graph
#' according to the coordinates of a previous call to \code{Ugraph}. If both
#' the the lay and the coords arguments are not \code{NULL}, the lay argument
#' takes precedence
#' The arguments \code{Lcex} and \code{PTcex} are only used when \code{legend =
#' TRUE}. If \code{prune = TRUE} the vertices of degree 0 (vertices not
#' implicated by any edge) are removed. For the colors supported by the
#' arguments \code{nodecol}, \code{Vcolor}, and \code{VBcolor}, see
#' \url{https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/2020-04/colorPaletteCheatsheet.pdf}.
#' @param P0 Sparse (possibly standardized) precision matrix.
#' @param node1 A \code{numeric} specifying an endpoint. The numeric should
#' correspond to a row/column of the precision matrix and as such represents
#' the corresponding variable.
#' @param node2 A \code{numeric} specifying a second endpoint. The numeric
#' should correspond to a row/column of the precision matrix and as such
#' represents the corresponding variable.
#' @param neiExpansions A \code{numeric} determining how many times the
#' neighborhood around the respective endpoints should be expanded in the
#' search for shortest paths between the node pair.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if a summary of the results
#' should be printed on screen.
#' @param graph A \code{logical} indicating if the strongest paths should be
#' visualized with a graph.
#' @param nrPaths A \code{numeric} indicating the number of paths (with the
#' highest contribution to the marginal covariance between the indicated node
#' pair) to be visualized/highlighted.
#' @param lay A \code{character} mimicking a call to \code{\link{igraph}}
#' layout functions. Determines the placement of vertices.
#' @param coords A \code{matrix} containing coordinates. Alternative to the
#' lay-argument for determining the placement of vertices.
#' @param nodecol A \code{character} determining the color of \code{node1} and
#' \code{node2}.
#' @param Vsize A \code{numeric} determining the vertex size.
#' @param Vcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the vertex labels.
#' @param VBcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' borders.
#' @param VLcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' labels.
#' @param all.edges A \code{logical} indicating if edges other than those
#' implied by the \code{nrPaths}-paths between \code{node1} and node2 should
#' also be visualized.
#' @param prune A \code{logical} determining if vertices of degree 0 should be
#' removed.
#' @param legend A \code{logical} indicating if the graph should come with a
#' legend.
#' @param scale A \code{numeric} representing a scale factor for visualizing
#' strenght of edges. It is a relative scaling factor, in the sense that the
#' edges implied by the \code{nrPaths}-paths between \code{node1} and node2
#' have edge thickness that is twice this scaling factor (so it is a scaling
#' factor vis-a-vis the unimplied edges).
#' @param Lcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the legend box.
#' @param PTcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the exemplary lines in
#' the legend box.
#' @param main A \code{character} giving the main figure title.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{pathStats}{A \code{matrix} specifying
#' the paths, their respective lengths, and their respective contributions to
#' the marginal covariance between the endpoints.} \item{paths}{A \code{list}
#' representing the respective paths as numeric vectors.} \item{Identifier}{A
#' \code{data.frame} in which each numeric from \code{paths} is connected to an
#' identifier such as a variable name.}
#' @note Eppstein (1998) describes a more sophisticated algorithm for finding
#' the top \emph{k} shortest paths in a graph.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}},
#' \code{\link{sparsify}}
#' @references Eppstein, D. (1998). Finding the k Shortest Paths. SIAM Journal
#' on computing 28: 652-673.
#' Jones, B., and West, M. (2005). Covariance Decomposition in Undirected
#' Gaussian Graphical Models. Biometrika 92: 779-786.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p <- 25
#' n <- 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X) <- letters[1:p]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCVauto(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30)
#' ## Determine support regularized standardized precision under optimal penalty
#' PC0 <- sparsify(OPT$optPrec, threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' ## Obtain information on mediating and moderating paths between nodes 14 and 23
#' pathStats <- GGMpathStats(PC0, 14, 23, verbose = TRUE, prune = FALSE)
#' pathStats
#' @export GGMpathStats
GGMpathStats <- function(P0, node1, node2, neiExpansions = 2, verbose = TRUE,
                         graph = TRUE, nrPaths = 2, lay = "layout_in_circle",
                         coords = NULL, nodecol = "skyblue", Vsize = 15,
                         Vcex = .6, VBcolor = "darkblue", VLcolor = "black",
                         all.edges = TRUE, prune = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
                         scale = 1, Lcex = .8, PTcex = 2, main = ""){
  # - NOTES:
  # - As in Jones & West (2005), paths whose weights have an opposite sign to
  #   the marginal covariance (between endnodes of the path) are referred to
  #   as 'moderating paths' while paths whose weights have the same sign as the
  #   marginal covariance are referred to as 'mediating' paths

  # Dependencies
  # require("igraph")
  # require("reshape")

  if (!is.matrix(P0)){
    stop("Input (P0) should be a matrix")
  else if (!isSymmetric(P0)){
    stop("Input (P0) should be a symmetric matrix")
  else if (!evaluateS(P0, verbose = FALSE)$posEigen){
    stop("Input (P0) is expected to be positive definite")
  else if (!inherits(node1, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (node1) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(node1) != 1){
    stop("Length input (node1) must be 1")
  else if (!.is.int(node1)){
    stop("Input (node1) should be a numeric integer")
  else if (node1 < 1){
    stop("Input (node1) cannot be zero or negative")
  else if (node1 > ncol(P0)){
    stop("Input (node1) cannot exceed the number of variables in P0")
  else if (!inherits(node2, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (node2) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(node2) != 1){
    stop("Length input (node2) must be 1")
  else if (!.is.int(node2)){
    stop("Input (node2) should be a numeric integer")
  else if (node2 < 1){
    stop("Input (node2) cannot be zero or negative")
  else if (node2 > ncol(P0)){
    stop("Input (node2) cannot exceed the number of variables in P0")
  else if (node1 == node2){
    stop("Inputs (node1 and node2) cannot be equal")
  else if (!inherits(neiExpansions, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (neiExpansions) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(neiExpansions) != 1){
    stop("Length input (neiExpansions) must be 1")
  else if (!.is.int(neiExpansions)){
    stop("Input (neiExpansions) should be a numeric integer")
  else if (neiExpansions < 1){
    stop("Input (neiExpansions) cannot be zero or negative")
  else if (!inherits(graph, "logical")){
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Some warnings
    if (all(P0 != 0)){
      warning("Given input (P0) implies a saturated conditional independence ",
    if (all(P0[!diag(nrow(P0))] == 0)){
      warning("Given input (P0) implies an empty conditional independence ",

    # Precision associated graph
    colnames(P0) <- colnames(P0, do.NULL = FALSE)
    Names  <- colnames(P0)
    adjMat <- adjacentMat(P0)
    colnames(adjMat) <- 1:nrow(P0)
    rownames(adjMat) <- 1:nrow(P0)
    G <- graph.adjacency(adjMat, mode = "undirected")

    # Is there a connection between the specified nodes?
    pathExits <- is.finite(shortest.paths(G, node1, node2))

    # If nodes are connected, evaluate path contributions
    if (!pathExits){
      stop("provided node pair is not connected.")
    } else {
      # Determinant of precision
      detP0 <- det(P0)

      # Objects to be returned
      paths <- list()
      pathStats <- numeric()

      # Shortest paths between the nodes
      slh <- get.all.shortest.paths(G, node1, node2)$res
      for (u in 1:length(slh)){
        fullPath <- slh[[u]]
        pName <- .path2string(fullPath)
        paths[[length(paths)+1]] <- fullPath
        pathStats <- rbind(pathStats, c(length(slh[[u]])-1,
                                        .pathContribution(P0, fullPath, detP0)))
        rownames(pathStats)[nrow(pathStats)] <- pName
      nei1 <- node1
      nei2 <- node2

      for (u in 1:neiExpansions){
        # Consider longer paths between the nodes
        nei1temp <- nei1
        nei2temp <- nei2
        for (v1 in 1:length(nei1)){
          nei1temp <- c(nei1temp, neighbors(G, nei1[v1]))
        for (v2 in 1:length(nei2)){
          nei2temp <- c(nei2temp, neighbors(G, nei2[v2]))
        nei1 <- setdiff(unique(nei1temp), node1)
        nei2 <- setdiff(unique(nei2temp), node2)
        slh  <- .pathAndStats(G, node1, node2, nei1, nei2, P0, detP0,
        pathStats <- rbind(pathStats, slh$pathStats)
        paths <- c(paths, slh$paths)

      # Wrap up
      pNames <- rownames(pathStats)
      paths  <- paths[order(abs(pathStats[,2]), decreasing=TRUE)]
      pathStats <- matrix(pathStats[order(abs(pathStats[,2]),
                                          decreasing=TRUE),], ncol = 2)
      names(paths) = rownames(pathStats) <- pNames
      colnames(pathStats) <- c("length", "contribution")
      if (verbose | graph){covNo1No2 <- solve(P0)[node1, node2]}

      # Summary
      if (verbose){
        covNo1No2expl <- sum(pathStats[,2])

        # Reformat results
        statsTable <- data.frame(cbind(rownames(pathStats), pathStats[,1],
                                       round(pathStats[,2], 5)))
        rownames(statsTable) <- NULL
        colnames(statsTable) <- c("path", "length", "contribution")

        # Print results on screen
        cat("Covariance between node pair :", round(covNo1No2, 5), "\n")
        print(statsTable, quote=FALSE)
        cat("Sum path contributions       :", round(covNo1No2expl, 5), "\n")


      # Visualize
      if (graph){
        if (!inherits(nrPaths, "numeric")){
          stop("Input (nrPaths) is of wrong class")
        } else if (length(nrPaths) != 1){
          stop("Length input (nrPaths) must be one")
        } else if (!.is.int(nrPaths)){
          stop("Input (nrPaths) should be a numeric integer")
        } else if (nrPaths <= 0){
          stop("Input (nrPaths) must be a strictly positive integer")
        } else if (nrPaths > length(paths)){
          stop("Input (nrPaths) cannot exceed the total number of paths ",
        } else if (!((length(intersect(lay,c("layout_as_star", "layout_as_tree",
                                             "layout_in_circle", "layout_nicely",
                                             "layout_with_dh", "layout_with_gem",
                                             "layout_with_graphopt", "layout_on_grid",
                                             "layout_with_mds", "layout_components",
                                             "layout_on_sphere", "layout_randomly",
                                             "layout_with_fr", "layout_with_kk",
                                             "layout_with_lgl"))) > 0) | is.null(lay))){
          stop("lay should be 'NULL' or one of
               {'layout_as_star', 'layout_as_tree',
               'layout_in_circle', 'layout_nicely',
               'layout_with_dh', 'layout_with_gem',
               'layout_with_graphopt', 'layout_on_grid',
               'layout_with_mds', 'layout_components',
               'layout_on_sphere', 'layout_randomly',
               'layout_with_fr', 'layout_with_kk',
        } else if (!is.null(coords) & !inherits(coords, "matrix")){
          stop("Input (coords) is of wrong class")
      } else if (is.null(lay) & is.null(coords)){
        stop("Input (lay) and input (coords) cannot be both NULL")
      } else if (!inherits(nodecol, "character")){
        stop("Input (nodecol) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(nodecol) != 1){
        stop("Length input (nodecol) must be one")
      } else if (!inherits(Vsize, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (Vsize) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(Vsize) != 1){
        stop("Length input (Vsize) must be one")
      } else if (Vsize <= 0){
        stop("Input (Vsize) must be strictly positive")
      } else if (!inherits(Vcex, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (Vcex) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(Vcex) != 1){
        stop("Length input (Vcex) must be one")
      } else if (Vcex <= 0){
        stop("Input (Vcex) must be strictly positive")
      } else if (!inherits(VBcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (VBcolor) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(VBcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length input (VBcolor) must be one")
      } else if (!inherits(VLcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (VLcolor) is of wrong class")
      } else if (length(VLcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length input (VLcolor) must be one")
      } else if (!inherits(all.edges, "logical")){
        stop("Input (all.edges) is of wrong class")
      } else if (!inherits(prune, "logical")){
        stop("Input (prune) is of wrong class")
      } else if (!inherits(legend, "logical")){
        stop("Input (legend) is of wrong class")
      } else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
        stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
      } else {
        # Preliminaries
        AM <- adjacentMat(P0)
        GA <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")
        if (prune){GA <- delete.vertices(GA, which(degree(GA) < 1))}
        colnames(P0) = rownames(P0) <- seq(1, ncol(P0), by = 1)
        Mmelt <- melt(P0)
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$X1 > Mmelt$X2,]
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]

        # Layout specification
          if(dim(coords)[1] != length(V(GA))){
            stop("Row dimension of input (coords) does not match the
                 number of vertices to be plotted")
          } else if (dim(coords)[2] > 3){
            stop("Column dimension of input (coords) exceeds the number
                 of dimensions that can be visualized")
          } else {lays = coords}
          if(lay == "layout_as_star"){
            lays = igraph::layout_as_star(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_as_tree")
          {lays = igraph::layout_as_tree(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_in_circle"){
            lays = igraph::layout_in_circle(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_nicely"){
            lays = igraph::layout_nicely(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_dh"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_dh(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_gem"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_gem(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_graphopt"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_graphopt(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_on_grid"){
            lays = igraph::layout_on_grid(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_mds"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_mds(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_components"){
            lays = igraph::layout_components(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_on_sphere"){
            lays = igraph::layout_on_sphere(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_randomly"){
            lays = igraph::layout_randomly(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_fr"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_fr(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_kk"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_kk(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_lgl"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_lgl(GA)}

        # Determine if path is mediating or moderating and color accordingly
        for (k in 1:nrPaths){
          Path <- unlist(paths[k])
          if (sign(covNo1No2) == sign(pathStats[k,2])){COL = "green"}
          if (sign(covNo1No2) != sign(pathStats[k,2])){COL = "red"}
          for (i in 1:(length(Path) - 1)){
            if (Path[i] > Path[i + 1]){
              tempX1 <- Path[i]
              tempX2 <- Path[i + 1]
            } else {
              tempX1 <- Path[i + 1]
              tempX2 <- Path[i]
            row <- which(Mmelt$X1 == tempX1 & Mmelt$X2 == tempX2)
            E(GA)[row]$color <- COL

        # Coloring nodes
        V(GA)$color <- "white"
        V(GA)$color[node1] <- nodecol
        V(GA)$color[node2] <- nodecol

        # Produce graph
        if (all.edges){
          if (!inherits(scale, "numeric")){
            stop("Input (scale) is of wrong class")
          } else if (length(scale) != 1){
            stop("Length input (scale) must be one")
          } else if (scale <= 0){
            stop("Input (scale) must be strictly positive")
          } else {
            E(GA)[is.na(E(GA)$color)]$color <- "grey"
            E(GA)$weight <- 1
            E(GA)[E(GA)$color == "green"]$weight <- 2
            E(GA)[E(GA)$color == "red"]$weight   <- 2
            plot(GA, layout = lays, vertex.size = Vsize,
                 vertex.label.family = "sans", vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
                 edge.width = scale*abs(E(GA)$weight),
                 vertex.color = V(GA)$color, vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
                 vertex.label.color = VLcolor, main = main)
        } else {
          plot(GA, layout = lays, vertex.size = Vsize,
               vertex.label.family = "sans", vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
               vertex.color = V(GA)$color, vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
               vertex.label.color = VLcolor, main = main)

        # Legend
        if (legend){
          if (!inherits(Lcex, "numeric")){
            stop("Input (Lcex) is of wrong class")
          } else if (length(Lcex) != 1){
            stop("Length input (Lcex) must be one")
          } else if (Lcex <= 0){
            stop("Input (Lcex) must be strictly positive")
          } else if (!inherits(PTcex, "numeric")){
            stop("Input (PTcex) is of wrong class")
          } else if (length(PTcex) != 1){
            stop("Length input (PTcex) must be one")
          } else if (PTcex <= 0){
            stop("Input (PTcex) must be strictly positive")
          } else {
            legend("bottomright", c("mediating path", "moderating path"),
                   lty=c(1,1), col = c("green", "red"), cex = Lcex,
                   pt.cex = PTcex)

    # Return
    Numeric    <- rownames(adjMat)
    VarName    <- Names
    identifier <- data.frame(Numeric, VarName)
    return(list(pathStats = pathStats, paths = paths,
                  Identifier = identifier))

## Wrapper function

#' Wrapper function
#' Function that forms a wrapper around certain \code{rags2ridges}
#' functionalities. More specifically, it (automatically) invokes
#' functionalities to get from high-dimensional data to a penalized precision
#' estimate, to the corresponding conditional independence graph and topology
#' summaries.
#' The wrapper always uses the alternative ridge precision estimator (see
#' \code{\link{ridgeP}}) with \code{target} as the target matrix. The optimal
#' value for the penalty parameter is determined by employing Brent's method to
#' the calculation of a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score (see
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}}). The support of the regularized
#' precision matrix is determined by way of local FDR thresholding (see
#' \code{\link{sparsify}}). The corresponding conditional independence graph is
#' visualized using \code{\link{Ugraph}} with \code{type = "fancy"}. This
#' visualization as well as the calculation of network statistics (see
#' \code{\link{GGMnetworkStats}}) is based on the standardization of the
#' regularized and sparsified precision matrix to a partial correlation matrix.
#' @param Y Data \code{matrix}. Variables assumed to be represented by columns.
#' @param lambdaMin A \code{numeric} giving the minimum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param lambdaMax A \code{numeric} giving the maximum value for the penalty
#' parameter.
#' @param target A target \code{matrix} (in precision terms) for Type I ridge
#' estimators.
#' @param dir A \code{character} specifying the directory in which the (visual)
#' output is to be stored.
#' @param fileTypeFig A \code{character} determining the file type of visual
#' output. Must be one of: "pdf", "eps".
#' @param FDRcut A \code{numeric} indicating the cut-off for partial
#' correlation element selection based on local FDR thresholding.
#' @param nOutput A \code{logical} indicating if numeric output should be
#' returned.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if progress updates should be
#' printed on screen.
#' @return The function stores in the specified directory \code{dir} a
#' condition number plot (either .pdf or .eps file), a visualization of the
#' network (either .pdf or .eps file), and a file containing network statistics
#' (.txt file). When \code{nOutput = TRUE} the function also returns an object
#' of class \code{list}: \item{optLambda}{A \code{numeric} giving the optimal
#' value of the penalty parameter.} \item{optPrec}{A \code{matrix} representing
#' the regularized precision matrix under the optimal value of the penalty
#' parameter.} \item{sparseParCor}{A \code{matrix} representing the sparsified
#' partial correlation matrix.} \item{networkStats}{A \code{matrix} giving the
#' calculated network statistics.}
#' @note We consider this to be a preliminary version of an envisioned wrapper
#' than will take better form with subsequent versions of \code{rags2ridges}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{conditionNumberPlot}},
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.LOOCVauto}}, \code{\link{sparsify}},
#' \code{\link{Ugraph}}, \code{\link{GGMnetworkStats}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Employ the wrapper function
#' theWorks <- fullMontyS(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30)}
#' @export fullMontyS
fullMontyS <- function(Y, lambdaMin, lambdaMax,
                       target = default.target(covML(Y)), dir = getwd(),
                       fileTypeFig = "pdf", FDRcut = .9, nOutput = TRUE,
                       verbose = TRUE){

  # - NOTES:
  # - Always uses the alternative ridge estimator by van Wieringen and Peeters
  #   (2015)
  # - Always uses LOOCV by Brent for optimal penalty parameter determination
  # - Always uses support determination by local FDR thresholding
  # - Visualizes the network by 'Ugraph' with type = "fancy". Network on basis
  #   partial correlations
  # - Network statistics calculated on sparsified partial correlation network
  # - There are no elaborate input checks as these are all covered by the
  #   indvidual functions invoked

  # Dependencies
  # require("stats")
  # require("graphics")
  # require("Hmisc")
  # require("fdrtool")
  # require("igraph")
  # require("reshape")
  # require("utils")

  if (!inherits(dir, "character")){
    stop("Specify directory for output (dir) as 'character'")
  else if (!(fileTypeFig %in% c("pdf", "eps"))){
    stop("Input (fileTypeFig) should be one of {'pdf', 'eps'}")
  else if (!inherits(nOutput, "logical")){
    stop("Input (nOutput) is of wrong class")
  else if (!inherits(verbose, "logical")){
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # In case one does not know:
    cat("Output files are stored in the following directory:", dir, "\n")

    # Determine optimal penalty and precision
    if (verbose){cat("Progress:", "\n")}
    if (verbose){cat("Determining optimal penalty value...", "\n")}
    optimal <- optPenalty.LOOCVauto(Y, lambdaMin = lambdaMin,
                                    lambdaMax = lambdaMax,
                                    lambdaInit = (lambdaMin+lambdaMax)/2,
                                    target = target)

    # Condition number plot
    if (verbose){cat("Generating condition number plot...", "\n")}
    if (fileTypeFig == "pdf"){pdf(paste(dir, "Condition_Number_Plot.pdf"))}
    if (fileTypeFig == "eps"){
      postscript(paste(dir, "Condition_Number_Plot.eps"))
    conditionNumberPlot(covML(Y), lambdaMin = lambdaMin, lambdaMax = lambdaMax,
                        step = 100000, target = target, vertical = TRUE,
                        value = optimal$optLambda, main = FALSE, verbose =FALSE)

    # Sparsify the precision matrix
    if (verbose){cat("Determining support...", "\n")}
    PC0 <- sparsify(optimal$optPrec, threshold = "localFDR", FDRcut = FDRcut,
                    output = "heavy", verbose = FALSE)$sparseParCor

    # Visualize the network
    if (verbose){cat("Visualizing network...", "\n")}
    if (fileTypeFig == "pdf"){pdf(paste(dir, "Network.pdf"))}
    if (fileTypeFig == "eps"){setEPS(); postscript(paste(dir, "Network.eps"))}
    Ugraph(PC0, type = "fancy", Vsize = ncol(PC0)/10, Vcex = ncol(PC0)/130)

    # Calculate network statistics
    if (verbose){cat("Calculating network statistics...", "\n")}
    Stats <- GGMnetworkStats(PC0, as.table = TRUE)
    capture.output(print(Stats), file = paste(dir, "Network_Statistics.txt"))

    # Done
    if (verbose){cat("DONE!", "\n")}

    # Return
    if (nOutput){
      return(list(optLambda = optimal$optLambda, optPrec = optimal$optPrec,
                  sparseParCor = PC0, networkStats = Stats))

## Module B: rags2ridges Fused

# See R/rags2ridgesFused.R

## Module C: rags2ridges Miscellaneous

# See R/rags2ridgesMisc.R

#' Moments of the sample covariance matrix.
#' Calculates the moments of the sample covariance matrix. It assumes that the
#' summands (the outer products of the samples' random data vector) that
#' constitute the sample covariance matrix follow a Wishart-distribution with
#' scale parameter \eqn{\mathbf{\Sigma}} and shape parameter \eqn{\nu}. The
#' latter is equal to the number of summands in the sample covariance estimate.
#' @param Sigma Positive-definite \code{matrix}, the scale parameter
#' \eqn{\mathbf{\Sigma}} of the Wishart distribution.
#' @param shape A \code{numeric}, the shape parameter \eqn{\nu} of the Wishart
#' distribution. Should exceed the number of variates (number of rows or
#' columns of \code{Sigma}).
#' @param moment An \code{integer}. Should be in the set \eqn{\{-4, -3, -2, -1,
#' 0, 1, 2, 3, 4\}} (only those are explicitly specified in Lesac, Massam,
#' 2004).
#' @return The \eqn{r}-th moment of a sample covariance matrix:
#' \eqn{E(\mathbf{S}^r)}.
#' @author Wessel N. van Wieringen.
#' @references Lesac, G., Massam, H. (2004), "All invariant moments of the
#' Wishart distribution", \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, 31(2),
#' 295-318.
#' @examples
#' # create scale parameter
#' Sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3)
#' # evaluate expectation of the square of a sample covariance matrix
#' # that is assumed to Wishart-distributed random variable with the
#' # above scale parameter Sigma and shape parameter equal to 40.
#' momentS(Sigma, 40, 2)
#' @export
momentS <- function(Sigma, shape, moment = 1) {
	# Input checks
	if (shape < nrow(Sigma) + 1){
		stop("shape parameter should exceed the number of variates")
	if (all(moment != c(-c(4:1), 0:4))){
		stop("moment not implemented")

	# number of variates
	p <- nrow(Sigma)

	# moment, case-wise
	if (moment==-4){
		Sinv     <- solve(Sigma);
		constant <- (shape-p+2) * (shape-p+1) * (shape-p-2) * (shape-p) *
		            (shape-p-7) * (shape-p-5) * (shape-p-3) * (shape-p-1);
		c1       <- 5 * (shape-p) - 11;
		c2       <- 5 * (shape-p)^2 - 16*(shape-p) + 11;
		c3       <- (shape-p)^3 - 4*(shape-p)^2 + 7*(shape-p) - 4;
		c4       <- 2*(shape-p)^3 - 9*(shape-p)^2  + 24*(shape-p) + 19;
		c5       <- (shape-p)^4 - 5*(shape-p)^3 +
		            11*(shape-p)^2 - 11*(shape-p) + 4;
		ESr      <- (c1 * Sinv * (sum(diag(Sinv)))^3  +
		             c2 * (Sinv * sum(diag(Sinv)) * sum(Sinv * Sinv) +
		             Sinv %*% Sinv * (sum(diag(Sinv)))^2) +
		             c3 * (Sinv * sum(diag(Sinv %*% Sinv %*% Sinv)) +
		             3 * Sinv %*% Sinv %*% Sinv * sum(diag(Sinv))) +
		             c4 * Sinv %*% Sinv * sum(Sinv * Sinv) +
		             c5 * Sinv %*% Sinv %*% Sinv %*% Sinv) / constant
	if (moment==-3){
		Sinv     <- solve(Sigma);
		constant <- ((shape - p) * (shape - p - 1) * (shape - p - 3) *
		             (shape - p + 1) * (shape - p - 5))
		ESr      <- ((2 * (.trace(Sinv))^2 * Sinv +
		             (shape - p - 1) * (.trace(Sinv %*% Sinv) * Sinv +
		             2 * .trace(Sinv) * Sinv %*% Sinv) +
		             (shape - p - 1)^2 * Sinv %*% Sinv %*% Sinv) / constant)
	if (moment==-2){
		Sinv <- solve(Sigma);
		ESr  <- (((shape - p - 1) * Sinv %*% Sinv
		          + .trace(Sinv) * Sinv) /
			  ((shape - p) * (shape - p - 1) * (shape - p - 3)))
	if (moment==-1){
		ESr <- solve(Sigma) / (shape - p - 1)
	if (moment==0){
		ESr <- diag(p)
	if (moment==1){
		ESr <- shape * Sigma
	if (moment==2){
		ESr <- (shape * (shape + 1) * Sigma %*% Sigma +
			shape * .trace(Sigma) * Sigma)
	if (moment==3){
		ESr <- (shape * (.trace(Sigma))^2 * Sigma +
			shape * (shape + 1) * (.trace(Sigma %*% Sigma) * Sigma +
			2 * .trace(Sigma) * Sigma %*% Sigma) +
			shape * (shape^2 + 3*shape + 4) * Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma)
	if (moment==4){
		ESr <- (shape * .trace(Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma) * Sigma +
			3 * shape * (shape + 1) * (.trace(Sigma) * .trace(Sigma %*% Sigma) * Sigma +
                            (.trace(Sigma))^2 * Sigma %*% Sigma) +
                            shape * (shape^2 + 3 * shape + 4) * (3* .trace(Sigma) * Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma +
			    .trace(Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma) * Sigma) +
                            shape * (2 * shape^2 + 5 * shape + 5) * .trace(Sigma %*% Sigma) * Sigma %*% Sigma +
                            shape * (shape^3 + 6 * shape^2 + 21 * shape + 20) * Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma %*% Sigma)
	return(ESr / shape^moment)

#' Prune square matrix to those variables having nonzero entries
#' Convenience function that prunes a square matrix to those variables
#' (features) having nonzero row (column) entries (i.e., to features implied in
#' graphical connections).
#' @param M (Possibly sparsified) square \code{matrix}.
#' @return A pruned \code{matrix}.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' ## Determine support regularized standardized precision under optimal penalty
#' PC0 <- sparsify(symm(OPT$optPrec), threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' ## Prune sparsified partial correlation matrix
#' PC0P <- pruneMatrix(PC0)
#' @export
pruneMatrix <- function(M){

  # Dependencies
  # require("igraph")

  if (!is.matrix(M)){
    stop("M should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M) != ncol(M)){
    stop("M should be square matrix")
  else {
    # Preliminaries
    AM <- adjacentMat(M)
    GA <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")
    GA <- delete.vertices(GA, which(degree(GA) < 1))

    # Prune
    Mprune <- M[rownames(M) %in% V(GA)$name, colnames(M) %in% V(GA)$name]

    # Return

#' Subset 2 square matrices to union of variables having nonzero entries
#' Convenience function that subsets 2 square matrices (over the same features)
#' to the union of features that have nonzero row (column) entries (i.e.,
#' features implied in graphical connections).
#' Say you have 2 class-specific precision matrices that are estimated over the
#' same variables/features. For various reasons (such as, e.g., the desire to
#' visualize pruned class-specific networks in the same coordinates) one may
#' want to prune these matrices to those features that are implied in graphical
#' connections in at least 1 class.
#' @param M1 (Possibly sparsified) square \code{matrix}.
#' @param M2 (Possibly sparsified) square \code{matrix} over the same features
#' as \code{M1}.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{M1subset}{A pruned \code{matrix} for
#' class 1.} \item{M2subset}{A pruned \code{matrix} for class 2.}
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ugraph}}
#' @examples
#' ## Invoke data
#' data(ADdata)
#' ## Subset
#' ADclass1 <- ADmetabolites[, sampleInfo$ApoEClass == "Class 1"]
#' ADclass2 <- ADmetabolites[, sampleInfo$ApoEClass == "Class 2"]
#' ## Transpose data
#' ADclass1 <- t(ADclass1)
#' ADclass2 <- t(ADclass2)
#' ## Correlations for subsets
#' rAD1 <- cor(ADclass1)
#' rAD2 <- cor(ADclass2)
#' ## Simple precision estimates
#' P1 <- ridgeP(rAD1, 2)
#' P2 <- ridgeP(rAD2, 2)
#' Plist = list(P1 = P1, P2 = P2)
#' ## Threshold matrices
#' Mats <- sparsify.fused(Plist, threshold = "top", top = 20)
#' ## Prune sparsified partial correlation matrices
#' ## To union of features implied by edge
#' MatsPrune <- Union(Mats$P1$sparseParCor, Mats$P2$sparseParCor)
#' @importFrom reshape melt
#' @export
Union <- function(M1, M2){

  if (!is.matrix(M1)){
    stop("M1 should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M1) != ncol(M1)){
    stop("M1 should be square matrix")
  else if (!is.matrix(M2)){
    stop("M2 should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(M2) != ncol(M2)){
    stop("M2 should be square matrix")
  else {
    # Unique features matrix 1
    AmatM1  <- adjacentMat(M1)
    Mmelt   <- melt(AmatM1)
    Mmelt   <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
    whichM1 <- unique(c(as.character(Mmelt$X1),as.character(Mmelt$X2)))

    # Unique features matrix 2
    AmatM2  <- adjacentMat(M2)
    Mmelt   <- melt(AmatM2)
    Mmelt   <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
    whichM2 <- unique(c(as.character(Mmelt$X1),as.character(Mmelt$X2)))

    # Union of features present (in terms of implied in edge) in all matrices
    Union <- union(whichM1, whichM2)

    # Subset matrices
    M1s <- M1[rownames(M1) %in% Union, colnames(M1) %in% Union]
    M2s <- M2[rownames(M2) %in% Union, colnames(M2) %in% Union]

    # Return
    return(list(M1subset = M1s, M2subset = M2s))

#' Search and visualize community-structures
#' Function that searches for and visualizes community-structures in graphs.
#' Communities in a network are groups of vertices (modules) that are densely
#' connected within. Community search is performed by the Girvan-Newman
#' algorithm (Newman and Girvan, 2004).
#' When \code{graph = TRUE} the community structure in the graph is visualized.
#' The default layout is according to the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm
#' (1991). Most layout functions supported by \code{\link{igraph}} are
#' supported (the function is partly a wrapper around certain
#' \code{\link{igraph}} functions). The igraph layouts can be invoked by a
#' \code{character} that mimicks a call to a \code{\link{igraph}} layout
#' functions in the \code{lay} argument. When using \code{lay = NULL} one can
#' specify the placement of vertices with the \code{coords} argument. The row
#' dimension of this matrix should equal the number of vertices. The column
#' dimension then should equal 2 (for 2D layouts) or 3 (for 3D layouts). The
#' \code{coords} argument can also be viewed as a convenience argument as it
#' enables one, e.g., to layout a graph according to the coordinates of a
#' previous call to \code{Ugraph}. If both the the lay and the coords arguments
#' are not \code{NULL}, the lay argument takes precedence. Communities are
#' indicated by color markings.
#' @param P Sparsified precision \code{matrix}
#' @param graph A \code{logical} indicating if the results should be
#' visualized.
#' @param lay A \code{character} mimicking a call to \code{\link{igraph}}
#' layout functions. Determines the placement of vertices.
#' @param coords A \code{matrix} containing coordinates. Alternative to the
#' lay-argument for determining the placement of vertices.
#' @param Vsize A \code{numeric} determining the vertex size.
#' @param Vcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the vertex labels.
#' @param Vcolor A \code{character} (scalar or vector) determining the vertex
#' color.
#' @param VBcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' border.
#' @param VLcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' labels.
#' @param main A \code{character} giving the main figure title.
#' @return An object of class list: \item{membership}{\code{numeric} vector
#' indicating, for each vertex, community membership.}
#' \item{modularityscore}{\code{numeric} scalar indicating the modularity value
#' of the community structure.}
#' When \code{graph = TRUE} the function also returns a graph.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ugraph}}
#' @references Csardi, G. and Nepusz, T. (2006). The igraph software package
#' for complex network research. InterJournal, Complex Systems 1695.
#' http://igraph.sf.net
#' Fruchterman, T.M.J., and Reingold, E.M. (1991). Graph Drawing by
#' Force-Directed Placement. Software: Practice & Experience, 21: 1129-1164.
#' Newman, M. and Girvan, M. (2004). Finding and evaluating community structure
#' in networks. Physical Review E, 69: 026113.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' OPT <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' ## Determine support regularized standardized precision under optimal penalty
#' PC0 <- sparsify(symm(OPT$optPrec), threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' ## Search and visualize communities
#' Commy <- Communities(PC0)
#' @export
Communities <- function(P, graph = TRUE, lay = "layout_with_fr", coords = NULL,
                        Vsize = 15, Vcex = 1, Vcolor = "orangered",
                        VBcolor = "darkred", VLcolor = "black", main = ""){
  # - Communities on the basis of the assumption of undirected graphs
  # - Will be expanded and bettered

  # Dependencies
  # require("igraph")
  # require("reshape")

  if (!is.matrix(P)){
    stop("Input (P) should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(P) != ncol(P)){
    stop("Input (P) should be square matrix")
  else {
    # Preliminaries
    AM <- adjacentMat(P)
    GA <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")

    # Find communities
    Communities <- cluster_edge_betweenness(GA, weights = NULL, directed = FALSE)

    # Visualize
      if (!((length(intersect(lay,c("layout_as_star", "layout_as_tree",
                                    "layout_in_circle", "layout_nicely",
                                    "layout_with_dh", "layout_with_gem",
                                    "layout_with_graphopt", "layout_on_grid",
                                    "layout_with_mds", "layout_components",
                                    "layout_on_sphere", "layout_randomly",
                                    "layout_with_fr", "layout_with_kk",
                                    "layout_with_lgl"))) > 0) | is.null(lay))){
        stop("lay should be 'NULL' or one of
             {'layout_as_star', 'layout_as_tree',
             'layout_in_circle', 'layout_nicely',
             'layout_with_dh', 'layout_with_gem',
             'layout_with_graphopt', 'layout_on_grid',
             'layout_with_mds', 'layout_components',
             'layout_on_sphere', 'layout_randomly',
             'layout_with_fr', 'layout_with_kk',
      else if (!is.null(coords) & !inherits(coords, "matrix")){
        stop("Input (coords) is of wrong class")
      else if (is.null(lay) & is.null(coords)){
        stop("Input (lay) and input (coords) cannot be both NULL")
      else if (!inherits(Vsize, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (Vsize) is of wrong class")
      else if (length(Vsize) != 1){
        stop("Length Vsize must be one")
      else if (Vsize <= 0){
        stop("Vsize must be positive")
      else if (!inherits(Vcex, "numeric")){
        stop("Input (Vcex) is of wrong class")
      else if (length(Vcex) != 1){
        stop("Length Vcex must be one")
      else if (Vcex <= 0){
        stop("Vcex must be positive")
      else if (!inherits(Vcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (Vcolor) is of wrong class")
      else if (length(Vcolor) != 1 & length(Vcolor) != nrow(P)){
        stop("Length Vcolor must be either one
             or equal to row (or column) dimension of P")
      else if (!inherits(VBcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (VBcolor) is of wrong class")
      else if (length(VBcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length VBcolor must be one")
      else if (!inherits(VLcolor, "character")){
        stop("Input (VLcolor) is of wrong class")
      else if (length(VLcolor) != 1){
        stop("Length VLcolor must be one")
      else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
        stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
      else {
        # Layout specification
          if(dim(coords)[1] != length(V(GA))){
            stop("Row dimension of input (coords) does not match the
                 number of vertices to be plotted")
          } else if (dim(coords)[2] > 3){
            stop("Column dimension of input (coords) exceeds the number
                 of dimensions that can be visualized")
          } else {lays = coords}
          if(lay == "layout_as_star"){
            lays = igraph::layout_as_star(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_as_tree")
          {lays = igraph::layout_as_tree(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_in_circle"){
            lays = igraph::layout_in_circle(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_nicely"){
            lays = igraph::layout_nicely(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_dh"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_dh(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_gem"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_gem(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_graphopt"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_graphopt(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_on_grid"){
            lays = igraph::layout_on_grid(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_mds"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_mds(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_components"){
            lays = igraph::layout_components(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_on_sphere"){
            lays = igraph::layout_on_sphere(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_randomly"){
            lays = igraph::layout_randomly(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_fr"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_fr(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_kk"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_kk(GA)}
          if(lay == "layout_with_lgl"){
            lays = igraph::layout_with_lgl(GA)}

        # Plot
        Names <- colnames(P)
        colnames(P) = rownames(P) <- seq(1, ncol(P), by = 1)
        Mmelt <- melt(P)
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$X1 > Mmelt$X2,]
        Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
        E(GA)$weight <- Mmelt$value
        E(GA)$color  <- "black"
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight < 0]$style <- "dashed"
        E(GA)[E(GA)$weight > 0]$style <- "solid"
        plot(Communities, GA,
             layout = lays,
             vertex.size = Vsize,
             vertex.label.family = "sans",
             vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
             vertex.color = Vcolor,
             vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
             vertex.label.color = VLcolor,
             edge.color = E(GA)$color,
             edge.lty = E(GA)$style,
             main = main)

    # Return
    return(list(membership = membership(Communities),
                modularityscore = modularity(Communities)))

#' Visualize the differential graph
#' Function visualizing the differential graph, i.e., the network of edges that
#' are unique for 2 class-specific graphs over the same vertices
#' Say you have 2 class-specific precision matrices that are estimated over the
#' same variables/features. This function visualizes in a single graph the
#' edges that are unique to the respective classes. Hence, it gives the
#' differential graph. Edges unique to \code{P1} are colored according to
#' \code{P1color}. Edges unique to \code{P2} are colored according to
#' \code{P2color}. Dashed lines indicate negative precision elements while
#' solid lines indicate positive precision elements.
#' The default layout is according to the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm
#' (1991). Most layout functions supported by \code{\link{igraph}} are
#' supported (the function is partly a wrapper around certain
#' \code{\link{igraph}} functions). The igraph layouts can be invoked by a
#' \code{character} that mimicks a call to a \code{\link{igraph}} layout
#' functions in the \code{lay} argument. When using \code{lay = NULL} one can
#' specify the placement of vertices with the \code{coords} argument. The row
#' dimension of this matrix should equal the number of vertices. The column
#' dimension then should equal 2 (for 2D layouts) or 3 (for 3D layouts). The
#' \code{coords} argument can also be viewed as a convenience argument as it
#' enables one, e.g., to layout a graph according to the coordinates of a
#' previous call to \code{Ugraph}. If both the the lay and the coords arguments
#' are not \code{NULL}, the lay argument takes precedence.
#' @param P1 Sparsified precision \code{matrix} for class 1.
#' @param P2 Sparsified precision \code{matrix} for class 2.
#' @param lay A \code{character} mimicking a call to \code{\link{igraph}}
#' layout functions. Determines the placement of vertices.
#' @param coords A \code{matrix} containing coordinates. Alternative to the
#' lay-argument for determining the placement of vertices.
#' @param Vsize A \code{numeric} determining the vertex size.
#' @param Vcex A \code{numeric} determining the size of the vertex labels.
#' @param Vcolor A \code{character} (scalar or vector) determining the vertex
#' color.
#' @param VBcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' border.
#' @param VLcolor A \code{character} determining the color of the vertex
#' labels.
#' @param P1color A \code{character} determining the color of edges unique to
#' P1.
#' @param P2color A \code{character} determining the color of edges unique to
#' P2.
#' @param main A \code{character} giving the main figure title.
#' @return The function returns a graph.
#' @author Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{Ugraph}}
#' @references Csardi, G. and Nepusz, T. (2006). The igraph software package
#' for complex network research. InterJournal, Complex Systems 1695.
#' http://igraph.sf.net
#' Fruchterman, T.M.J., and Reingold, E.M. (1991). Graph Drawing by
#' Force-Directed Placement. Software: Practice & Experience, 21: 1129-1164.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data, class 1
#' p = 25
#' n = 10
#' set.seed(333)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data, class 2
#' set.seed(123456)
#' X2 = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
#' colnames(X2)[1:25] = letters[1:25]
#' ## Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty, classes 1 and 2
#' OPT  <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' OPT2 <- optPenalty.LOOCV(X2, lambdaMin = .5, lambdaMax = 30, step = 100)
#' ## Determine support regularized standardized precision under optimal penalty
#' PC0  <- sparsify(symm(OPT$optPrec), threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' PC02 <- sparsify(symm(OPT2$optPrec), threshold = "localFDR")$sparseParCor
#' ## Visualize differential graph
#' DiffGraph(PC0, PC02)
#' @export
DiffGraph <- function(P1, P2, lay = "layout_with_fr", coords = NULL,
                      Vsize = 15, Vcex = 1, Vcolor = "orangered",
                      VBcolor = "darkred", VLcolor = "black",
                      P1color = "red", P2color = "green", main = ""){

  # - Will be expanded with legend options

  # Dependencies
  # require("igraph")
  # require("reshape")

  if (!is.matrix(P1)){
    stop("Input (P1) should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(P1) != ncol(P1)){
    stop("Input (P1) should be square matrix")
  else if (!is.matrix(P2)){
    stop("Input (P2) should be a matrix")
  else if (nrow(P2) != ncol(P2)){
    stop("Input (P2) should be square matrix")
  else if (nrow(P1) != nrow(P2)){
    stop("Inputs (P1 and P2) should be of the same dimensions")
  else if (!((length(intersect(lay,c("layout_as_star", "layout_as_tree",
                                     "layout_in_circle", "layout_nicely",
                                     "layout_with_dh", "layout_with_gem",
                                     "layout_with_graphopt", "layout_on_grid",
                                     "layout_with_mds", "layout_components",
                                     "layout_on_sphere", "layout_randomly",
                                     "layout_with_fr", "layout_with_kk",
                                     "layout_with_lgl"))) > 0) | is.null(lay))){
    stop("lay should be 'NULL' or one of
         {'layout_as_star', 'layout_as_tree',
         'layout_in_circle', 'layout_nicely',
         'layout_with_dh', 'layout_with_gem',
         'layout_with_graphopt', 'layout_on_grid',
         'layout_with_mds', 'layout_components',
         'layout_on_sphere', 'layout_randomly',
         'layout_with_fr', 'layout_with_kk',
  else if (!is.null(coords) & !inherits(coords, "matrix")){
    stop("Input (coords) is of wrong class")
  else if (is.null(lay) & is.null(coords)){
    stop("Input (lay) and input (coords) cannot be both NULL")
  else if (!inherits(Vsize, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Vsize) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vsize) != 1){
    stop("Length Vsize must be one")
  else if (Vsize <= 0){
    stop("Vsize must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(Vcex, "numeric")){
    stop("Input (Vcex) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vcex) != 1){
    stop("Length Vcex must be one")
  else if (Vcex <= 0){
    stop("Vcex must be positive")
  else if (!inherits(Vcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (Vcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(Vcolor) != 1 & length(Vcolor) != nrow(P1)){
    stop("Length Vcolor must be either one
         or equal to row (or column) dimension of P1 (P2)")
  else if (!inherits(VBcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (VBcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(VBcolor) != 1){
    stop("Length VBcolor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(VLcolor, "character")){
    stop("Input (VLcolor) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(VLcolor) != 1){
    stop("Length VLcolor must be one")
  else if (!inherits(P1color, "character")){
    stop("Input (P1color) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(P1color) != 1){
    stop("Length P1color must be one")
  else if (!inherits(P2color, "character")){
    stop("Input (P2color) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(P2color) != 1){
    stop("Length P2color must be one")
  else if (!inherits(main, "character")){
    stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
  else {
    # Preliminaries 1
    AM1     <- adjacentMat(P1)
    AM2     <- adjacentMat(P2)
    DiffMat <- AM1 - AM2

    # Preliminaries 2
    WeightMat <- DiffMat
    WeightMat[WeightMat == 1]  <- P1[WeightMat == 1]
    WeightMat[WeightMat == -1] <- P2[WeightMat == -1]

    # Preliminaries 3
    AM <- adjacentMat(DiffMat)
    GA <- graph.adjacency(AM, mode = "undirected")

    # Layout specification
      if(dim(coords)[1] != length(V(GA))){
        stop("Row dimension of input (coords) does not match the
             number of vertices to be plotted")
      } else if (dim(coords)[2] > 3){
        stop("Column dimension of input (coords) exceeds the number
             of dimensions that can be visualized")
      } else {lays = coords}
      if(lay == "layout_as_star"){
        lays = igraph::layout_as_star(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_as_tree"){
        lays = igraph::layout_as_tree(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_in_circle"){
        lays = igraph::layout_in_circle(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_nicely"){
        lays = igraph::layout_nicely(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_dh"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_dh(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_gem"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_gem(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_graphopt"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_graphopt(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_on_grid"){
        lays = igraph::layout_on_grid(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_mds"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_mds(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_components"){
        lays = igraph::layout_components(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_on_sphere"){
        lays = igraph::layout_on_sphere(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_randomly"){
        lays = igraph::layout_randomly(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_fr"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_fr(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_kk"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_kk(GA)}
      if(lay == "layout_with_lgl"){
        lays = igraph::layout_with_lgl(GA)}

    # Visualize
    Names <- colnames(DiffMat)
    colnames(DiffMat) = rownames(DiffMat) <- seq(1, ncol(DiffMat), by = 1)
    colnames(WeightMat) = rownames(WeightMat) <- seq(1, ncol(WeightMat), by = 1)
    Mmelt <- melt(DiffMat)
    Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$X1 > Mmelt$X2,]
    Mmelt <- Mmelt[Mmelt$value != 0,]
    Mmelt2 <- melt(WeightMat)
    Mmelt2 <- Mmelt2[Mmelt2$X1 > Mmelt2$X2,]
    Mmelt2 <- Mmelt2[Mmelt2$value != 0,]
    E(GA)$weight <- Mmelt$value
    E(GA)$width  <- abs(E(GA)$weight)*1.5
    E(GA)$color  <- P1color
    E(GA)[E(GA)$weight == -1]$color <- P2color
    E(GA)$weight <- Mmelt2$value
    E(GA)[E(GA)$weight < 0]$style <- "dashed"
    E(GA)[E(GA)$weight > 0]$style <- "solid"
         layout = lays,
         vertex.size = Vsize,
         vertex.label.family = "sans",
         vertex.label.cex = Vcex,
         vertex.color = Vcolor,
         vertex.frame.color = VBcolor,
         vertex.label.color = VLcolor,
         edge.color = E(GA)$color,
         edge.lty = E(GA)$style,
         main = main)

## Module D: rags2ridges DCMG

# In development

## Module E: rags2ridges Robust

# In development

## Deprecated Collection

# See R/rags2ridgesDepr.R

Try the rags2ridges package in your browser

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rags2ridges documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:06 p.m.