
Defines functions .armaPenLLreparGradArchII .armaPenLLreparGradArchI .armaPenLLreparPgrad .armaPenLLreparP .armaPenLLreparPforNLM .armaRidgePchordalInit .armaRInvWishart .armaRWishart rmvnormal .armaRidgeP.fused .armaFusedUpdateIII .armaFusedUpdateII .armaFusedUpdateI .armaRidgeP .armaRidgePScalarTarget .armaRidgePAnyTarget .armaEigShrinkArchI .armaEigShrinkAnyTarget .armaEigShrink .armaPooledP .armaPooledS PNLL.fused NLL.fused PNLL NLL

Documented in .armaRidgeP .armaRidgePAnyTarget .armaRidgePScalarTarget NLL NLL.fused PNLL PNLL.fused rmvnormal

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#' Evaluate the (penalized) (fused) likelihood
#' Functions that evaluate the (penalized) (fused) likelihood.
#' @aliases NLL PNLL NLL.fused PNLL.fused
#' @param S,Slist A (list of) positive semi definite sample covariance
#' matrices.
#' @param P,Plist A (list of) positive definite precision matrices.
#' @param T,Tlist A (list of) positive definite target matrices.
#' @param ns A \code{numeric} of sample sizes.
#' @param lambda A \code{numeric} penalty parameter. For the \code{.fused}
#' functions, this is a penalty \code{matrix}.
#' @return A single number.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <cf.peeters@@vumc.nl>,
#' Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP}}, \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(4,5)
#' Slist <- createS(n = ns, p = 5)
#' Plist <- list(diag(5), diag(2,5))
#' Tlist <- list(diag(5), diag(5))
#' NLL(Slist[[1]], Plist[[1]])
#' PNLL(Slist[[1]], Plist[[1]], Tlist[[1]], lambda = 1)
#' NLL.fused(Slist, Plist, ns)
#' PNLL.fused(Slist, Plist, ns, Tlist, lambda = diag(2))
#' @export
NLL <- function(S, P) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_NLL', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, P)

#' @rdname NLL
#' @export
PNLL <- function(S, P, T, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_PNLL', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, P, T, lambda)

#' @rdname NLL
#' @export
NLL.fused <- function(Slist, Plist, ns) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_NLL_fused', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', Slist, Plist, ns)

#' @rdname NLL
#' @export
PNLL.fused <- function(Slist, Plist, ns, Tlist, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_PNLL_fused', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', Slist, Plist, ns, Tlist, lambda)

.armaPooledS <- function(Slist, ns, mle = 0L) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPooledS', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', Slist, ns, mle)

.armaPooledP <- function(Plist, ns, mle = 0L) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPooledP', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', Plist, ns, mle)

.armaEigShrink <- function(dVec, lambda, cons = 0) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaEigShrink', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', dVec, lambda, cons)

.armaEigShrinkAnyTarget <- function(S, target, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaEigShrinkAnyTarget', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, target, lambda)

.armaEigShrinkArchI <- function(dVec, lambda, cons) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaEigShrinkArchI', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', dVec, lambda, cons)

.armaRidgePAnyTarget <- function(S, target, lambda, invert = 2L) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRidgePAnyTarget', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, target, lambda, invert)

.armaRidgePScalarTarget <- function(S, alpha, lambda, invert = 2L) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRidgePScalarTarget', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, alpha, lambda, invert)

#' Core ridge precision estimators
#' This is the interface to the \code{C++} implementations of the ridge
#' precision estimators. They perform core computations for many other
#' functions.
#' @details
#' The functions are R-interfaces to low-level \code{C++} implementations
#' of the ridge estimators in the reference below
#' (cf. Lemma 1, Remark 6, Remark 7, and section 4.1 therein).
#' \code{.armaRidgeP} is simply a wrapper (on the C++ side) for
#' \code{.armaRidgePAnyTarget} and \code{.armaRidgePScalarTarget} which are
#' the estimators for arbitrary and scalar targets, respectively.
#' The \code{invert} argument of the functions indicates if the computation
#' uses matrix inversion or not.
#' Essentially, the functions compute
#'     \deqn{
#'       \hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{I}a}(\lambda_{a}) =
#'         \left\{\left[\lambda_{a}\mathbf{I}_{p} + \frac{1}{4}(\mathbf{S} -
#'         \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})^{2}\right]^{1/2} + \frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{S} -
#'         \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})\right\}^{-1},
#'     }{%
#'       \Omega(\lambda) =
#'       \{[\lambda I + 1/4(S - \lambda T)^2 ]^{1/2}
#'         + 1/2(S - \lambda T)\}^{-1},
#'     }
#' if \code{invert == 1} or
#'     \deqn{
#'       \hat{\mathbf{\Omega}}^{\mathrm{I}a}(\lambda_{a}) =
#'         \frac{1}{\lambda}\left\{\left[\lambda_{a}\mathbf{I}_{p} + \frac{1}{4}(\mathbf{S} -
#'                  \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})^{2}\right]^{1/2} - \frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{S} -
#'         \lambda_{a}\mathbf{T})\right\}
#'     }{%
#'       \Omega(\lambda) =
#'       1/{[\lambda I + 1/4(S - \lambda T)^2 ]^{1/2}
#'         - 1/2(S - \lambda T)},
#'     }
#' if \code{invert == 0} using appropriate eigenvalue decompositions.
#' See the \R implementations in the example section below.
#' @aliases .armaRidgeP .armaRidgePAnyTarget .armaRidgePScalarTarget armaRidgeP
#' armaRidgePAnyTarget armaRidgePScalarTarget
#' @param S A sample covariance \code{matrix}.
#' @param target A \code{numeric} symmetric positive definite target
#' \code{matrix} of the same size as \code{S}.
#' @param lambda The ridge penalty. A \code{double} of length 1.
#' @param invert An \code{integer}. Should the estimate be computed using
#' inversion?  Permitted values are \code{0L}, \code{1L}, and \code{2L} meaning
#' "no", "yes", and "automatic" (default).
#' @return Returns a symmetric positive definite \code{matrix} of the same size
#' as \code{S}.
#' @section Warning: The functions themselves perform no checks on the input.
#' Correct input should be ensured by wrappers.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <cf.peeters@@vumc.nl>
#' @seealso Used as a backbone in \code{\link{ridgeP}},
#' \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}, etc.
#' @references van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016).  Ridge Estimation
#' of Inverse Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational
#' Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303.  Also available as
#' arXiv:1403.0904v3 [stat.ME].
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' S <- createS(n = 3, p = 4)
#' tgt <- diag(4)
#' rags2ridges:::.armaRidgeP(S, tgt, 1.2)
#' rags2ridges:::.armaRidgePAnyTarget(S, tgt, 1.2)
#' rags2ridges:::.armaRidgePScalarTarget(S, 1, 1.2)
#' ################################################################################
#' # The C++ estimators essentially amount to the following functions.
#' ################################################################################
#' rev_eig <- function(evalues, evectors) { # "Reverse" eigen decomposition
#'   evectors %*% diag(evalues) %*% t(evectors)
#' }
#' # R implementations
#' # As armaRidgePScalarTarget Inv
#' rRidgePScalarTarget <- function(S, a, l, invert = 2) {
#'   ED <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE)
#'   eigvals <- 0.5*(ED$values - l*a)
#'   sqroot <- sqrt(l + eigvals^2)
#'   if (l > 1e6 && (any(!is.finite(eigvals)) || any(!is.finite(sqroot)))) {
#'     return(diag(a, nrow(S)))
#'   }
#'   D_inv <- 1.0/(sqroot + eigvals)
#'   D_noinv <- (sqroot - eigvals)/l
#'   if (invert == 2) {   # Determine to invert or not
#'     if (l > 1) {  # Generally, use inversion for "small" lambda
#'       invert = 0;
#'     } else {
#'       invert <- ifelse(any(!is.finite(D_inv)), 0, 1)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if (invert) {
#'     eigvals <- D_inv
#'   } else {
#'     eigvals <- D_noinv
#'   }
#'   return(rev_eig(eigvals, ED$vectors))
#' }
#' # As armaRidgePAnyTarget
#' rRidgePAnyTarget <- function(S, tgt, l, invert = 2) {
#'   ED <- eigen(S - l*tgt, symmetric = TRUE)
#'   eigvals <- 0.5*ED$values
#'   sqroot <- sqrt(l + eigvals^2)
#'   if (l > 1e6 && (any(!is.finite(eigvals)) || any(!is.finite(sqroot)))) {
#'     return(tgt)
#'   }
#'   D_inv <- 1.0/(sqroot + eigvals)
#'   D_noinv <- (sqroot - eigvals)/l
#'   if (invert == 2) {   # Determine to invert or not
#'     if (l > 1) {  # Generally, use inversion for "small" lambda
#'       invert = 0;
#'     } else {
#'       invert <- ifelse(any(!is.finite(D_inv)), 0, 1)
#'     }
#'   }
#'   if (invert == 1) {
#'     eigvals <- D_inv
#'   } else {
#'     eigvals <- D_noinv
#'   }
#'   return(rev_eig(eigvals, ED$vectors))
#' }
#' rRidgeP <- function(S, tgt, l, invert = 2) {
#'   if (l == Inf) {
#'     return(tgt)
#'   }
#'   a <- tgt[1,1]
#'   if (tgt == diag(a, nrow(tgt))) {
#'     rRidgePScalarTarget(S, tgt, l, invert)
#'   } else {
#'     rRidgePAnyTarget(S, tgt, l, invert)
#'   }
#' }
#' # Contrasted to the straight forward implementations:
#' sqrtm <- function(X) { # Matrix square root
#'   ed <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE)
#'   rev_eig(sqrt(ed$values), ed$vectors)
#' }
#' # Straight forward (Lemma 1)
#' ridgeP1 <- function(S, tgt, l) {
#'   solve(sqrtm( l*diag(nrow(S)) + 0.25*crossprod(S - l*tgt) ) + 0.5*(S - l*tgt))
#' }
#' # Straight forward  (Lemma 1 + remark 6 + 7)
#' ridgeP2 <- function(S, tgt, l) {
#'   1.0/l*(sqrtm(l*diag(nrow(S)) + 0.25*crossprod(S - l*tgt)) - 0.5*(S - l*tgt))
#' }
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 3
#' p <- 6
#' S <- covML(matrix(rnorm(p*n), n, p))
#' a <- 2.2
#' tgt <- diag(a, p)
#' l <- 1.21
#' (A <- ridgeP1(S, tgt, l))
#' (B <- ridgeP2(S, tgt, l))
#' (C  <- rags2ridges:::.armaRidgePAnyTarget(S, tgt, l))
#' (CR <-                   rRidgePAnyTarget(S, tgt, l))
#' (D  <- rags2ridges:::.armaRidgePScalarTarget(S, a, l))
#' (DR <-                   rRidgePScalarTarget(S, a, l))
#' (E  <- rags2ridges:::.armaRidgeP(S, tgt, l))
#' # Check
#' equal <- function(x, y) {isTRUE(all.equal(x, y))}
#' stopifnot(equal(A, B) & equal(A, C) & equal(A, D) & equal(A, E))
#' stopifnot(equal(C, CR) & equal(D, DR))
.armaRidgeP <- function(S, target, lambda, invert = 2L) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRidgeP', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, target, lambda, invert)

.armaFusedUpdateI <- function(g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaFusedUpdateI', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda)

.armaFusedUpdateII <- function(g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaFusedUpdateII', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda)

.armaFusedUpdateIII <- function(g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaFusedUpdateIII', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', g0, Plist, Slist, Tlist, ns, lambda)

.armaRidgeP.fused <- function(Slist, ns, Tlist, lambda, Plist, maxit = 100L, eps = 1e-7, relative = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRidgeP_fused', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', Slist, ns, Tlist, lambda, Plist, maxit, eps, relative, verbose)

#' Multivariate Gaussian simulation
#' Fast simulation from multivariate Gaussian probability distribution.
#' The \code{rmvnormal} function is copied from the \code{GMCM}-package. It is
#' similar to \code{rmvnorm} from the \code{mvtnorm}-package.
#' @param n An \code{integer} giving the number of observations to be
#' simulated.
#' @param mu A \code{numeric} vector of dimension \eqn{p} giving the means of
#' normal distribution.
#' @param sigma A variance-covariance \code{matrix} of dimension \eqn{p} times
#' \eqn{p}.
#' @return Returns a \eqn{n} by \eqn{p} matrix of observations from a
#' multivariate normal distribution with the given mean \code{mu} and
#' covariance
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau
#' @examples
#' rmvnormal(n = 10, mu = 1:4, sigma = diag(4))
#' @export rmvnormal
rmvnormal <- function(n, mu, sigma) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_rmvnormal', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', n, mu, sigma)

.armaRWishart <- function(n, sigma, nu) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRWishart', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', n, sigma, nu)

.armaRInvWishart <- function(n, psi, nu) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRInvWishart', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', n, psi, nu)

.armaRidgePchordalInit <- function(S, lambda, target, type, Cliques, Separators) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaRidgePchordalInitWorkhorse', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', S, lambda, target, type, Cliques, Separators)

.armaPenLLreparPforNLM <- function(x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPenLLreparPforNLM', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC)

.armaPenLLreparP <- function(x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPenLLreparP', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC)

.armaPenLLreparPgrad <- function(x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPenLLreparPgrad', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC)

.armaPenLLreparGradArchI <- function(x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPenLLreparGradArchI', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC)

.armaPenLLreparGradArchII <- function(x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC) {
    .Call('_rags2ridges_armaPenLLreparGradArchII', PACKAGE = 'rags2ridges', x, E1, E2, S, lambda, target, nonzerosR, nonzerosC)

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