
Defines functions get_aggregation.any

get_aggregation.any <- function(plot_width, plot_height, aesthetics,
                                x_range, y_range, xlim, ylim, 
                                func, glyph, group_by_data_table, ...) {
  is_on <- !is.null(aesthetics$on)
  is_size <- !is.null(aesthetics$size)
  is_color <- !is.null(aesthetics$color)
  L <- if(group_by_data_table) {
    display <- aesthetics[,
                            display = list(
                              aggregation_anyCpp(plot_width = plot_width, plot_height = plot_height,
                                                 x_range = x_range, y_range = y_range,
                                                 xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                                                 x = x,
                                                 y = y,
                                                 on = if(is_on) on else numeric(0),
                                                 size = if(is_size) size else numeric(0),
                                                 glyph = glyph)
                          by = if(is_color) color else NULL]
  } else {
    if(is_color) {
      levels <- unique(aesthetics$color)
      # agg_sumCpp return a list
      agg_anyCpp(L = lapply(1:length(levels), function(i) matrix(0, nrow = plot_height, ncol = plot_width)),
                 levels = levels,
                 category = aesthetics$color,
                 plot_width = plot_width, plot_height = plot_height,
                 x_range = x_range, y_range = y_range,
                 xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                 x = aesthetics$x,
                 y = aesthetics$y,
                 on = if(is_on) aesthetics$on else numeric(0),
                 size = if(is_size) aesthetics$size else numeric(0),
                 glyph = glyph)
    } else {
        aggregation_anyCpp(plot_width = plot_width, plot_height = plot_height,
                           x_range = x_range, y_range = y_range,
                           xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                           x = aesthetics$x,
                           y = aesthetics$y,
                           on = if(is_on) aesthetics$on else numeric(0),
                           size = if(is_size) aesthetics$size else numeric(0),
                           glyph = glyph)

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rasterly documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:12 a.m.