scaspci: Skewness-corrected asymptotic score ("SCAS") confidence...

Description Usage Arguments

View source: R/rateci.R


Skewness-corrected asymptotic score ("SCAS") confidence intervals for single binomial or Poisson rate using closed-form calculations. This function is vectorised in x, n.


scaspci(x, n, distrib = "bin", level = 0.95, cc = FALSE, ...)



Numeric vector of number of events.


Numeric vector of sample sizes (for binomial rates) or exposure times (for Poisson rates).


Character string indicating distribution assumed for the input data: "bin" = binomial (default), "poi" = Poisson.


Number specifying confidence level (between 0 and 1, default 0.95).


Number or logical (default FALSE) specifying (amount of) continuity correction. Numeric value is taken as the gamma parameter in Laud 2017, Appendix S2 (default 0.5 if cc = TRUE). IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) This is a 'continuity correction' aimed at approximating strictly conservative coverage, NOT for dealing with zero cell counts. Such 'sparse data adjustments' are not needed in the score method, except to deal with double-zero cells for RD (& double-100 binomial RD & RR) with IVS/INV weights. 2) The continuity corrections provided here have not been fully tested for stratified methods.


Other arguments.

ratesci documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:36 a.m.