Man pages for rbcb
R Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web Services

get_all_currenciesAll currency values
get_annual_market_expectationsGet annual market expectations of economic indicators
get_currencyGet currency values for a given period
get_currency_cross_ratesGet currency matrix from BCB
get_market_expectationsGet market expectations
get_monthly_market_expectationsGet monthly market expectations of economic indicators
get_quarterly_market_expectationsGet quarterly market expectations of economic indicators
get_selic_market_expectationsGet Selic market expectations
get_seriesGet the series from BCB
get_top5s_annual_market_expectationsGet annual market expectations from top 5 providers
get_top5s_monthly_market_expectationsGet monthly market expectations from top 5 providers
get_top5s_selic_market_expectationsGet Selic market expectations from top 5 providers
get_twelve_months_inflation_expectationsGet inflation's market expectations for the next 12 months
helpersHelpers to access time series columns
list_currenciesList all currencies
olinda_get_currencyGet currency values for a given period
olinda_list_currenciesList all currencies
rbcb_datasetrbcb dataset
rbcb_getGets data from BCB open data services
rbcb-optionsrbcb options
rbcb-packagerbcb: R Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web Services
rbcb_searchrbcb Search
sgsCreate SGS code
sgs_untidyConvert tidy dataframe into a list
rbcb documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:09 p.m.