rbcb-package: rbcb: R Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web Services

rbcb-packageR Documentation

rbcb: R Interface to Brazilian Central Bank Web Services



The Brazilian Central Bank API delivers many datasets which regard economic activity, regional economy, international economy, public finances, credit indicators and many more. For more information please see http://dadosabertos.bcb.gov.br/. These datasets can be accessed through 'rbcb' functions and can be obtained in different data structures common to R ('tibble', 'data.frame', 'xts', ...).

The Brazilian Central Bank API delivers many datasets which regard economic activity, regional economy, international economy, public finances, credit indicators and many more. These datasets can be accessed through rbcb functions and can be obtained in different data structures common to R (tibble, data.frame, xts, ...).

See Also

Useful links:

rbcb documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:09 p.m.