Man pages for rbokeh
R Interface for Bokeh

b_evalEval lazy symbol
bokeh_render_jsonPlot a Bokeh JSON specification
catjitterAdd a small amount of (rbokeh-compatible) noise to a...
console_callbackSpecify a console callback
custom_callbackSpecify a custom callback
data_name_listList of all types of data name structures that could appear
debug_callbackSpecify a "debug" callback
elements"Periodic Table" dataset
figureInitialize a Bokeh figure
figure_dataRetrieve rbokeh figure data
flightfreqFlight frequency dataset
get_object_refsGet object ids and types from a figure
gmapInitialize a Bokeh Google Map plot
gmap_styleGet a Google Map Style
grid_plotCreate a Bokeh grid plot from a list of Bokeh figures
ly_ablineAdd an "abline" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_annular_wedgeAdd an "annular_wedge" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_annulusAdd an "annulus" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_arcAdd an "arc" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_barAdd a "barchart" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_bezierAdd a "bezier" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_boxplotAdd a "boxplot" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_contourAdd a "contour" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_crectAdd a "crect" (centered rectangle) layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_curveAdd a "curve" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_densityAdd a "density" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_hexbinAdd a "hexbin" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_histAdd a "hist" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_imageAdd an "image" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_image_urlAdd an "image_url" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_linesAdd a "lines" layer to a Bokeh figure Draws lines with the...
ly_mapAdd a "map" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_multi_lineAdd a "multi_line" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_ovalAdd an "oval" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_patchAdd a "patch" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_pointsAdd a "points" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_polygonsAdd a "polygons" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_quadraticAdd a "quadratic" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_quantileAdd a "quantile" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_rayAdd a "ray" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_rectAdd a "rect" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_segmentsAdd a "segments" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_textAdd a "text" layer to a Bokeh figure
ly_wedgeAdd a "wedge" layer to a Bokeh figure
nyctaxihexHexagon binned counts of NYC taxi pickup locations
palettesPalettes for themes
phantom_installInstructions for installing phantomjs
pipePipe figures
point_typesDisplay glyph types available for ly_points()
print_model_jsonPrint the JSON of a Bokeh figure
rbokeh2htmlGet the HTML content required to embed a Bokeh figure
rbokehOutputWidget output function for use in Shiny
rbokeh-packagerbokeh: R interface for Bokeh
renderRbokehWidget render function for use in Shiny
set_paletteSet palettes for various plot attributes
set_themeSet the theme for a figure
shiny_callbackSpecify a Shiny callback
sub_namesRetrieve and properly parse all data
theme_axisOverride theme parameters for axis attributes
theme_gridOverride theme parameters for grid attributes
theme_legendOverride theme parameters for legend attributes
theme_plotOverride theme parameters for general plot attributes
theme_titleOverride theme parameters for general plot attributes
tool_box_selectAdd "box_select" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_box_zoomAdd "box_zoom" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_crosshairAdd "crosshair" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_hoverAdd "hover" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_lasso_selectAdd "lasso_select" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_panAdd "pan" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_resetAdd "reset" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_resizeAdd "resize" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_saveAdd "save" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_selectionAdd "selection" tool callback to a Bokeh figure
tool_tapAdd "tap" tool to a Bokeh figure
tool_wheel_zoomAdd "wheel_zoom" tool to a Bokeh figure
widget2gistExport htmlwidget plot to a gist
widget2pngMake a static png file for an htmlwidget
x_axisCustomize x axis of a Bokeh figure
x_rangeUpdate x axis range in a Bokeh figure
y_axisCustomize x axis of a Bokeh figure
y_rangeUpdate y axis range in a Bokeh figure
rbokeh documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 1:06 a.m.