
Defines functions data_partition data_split get_data

Documented in data_partition data_split get_data

#' German Credit Data.
#' Data from Dr. Hans Hofmann of the University of Hamburg.
#' These data have two classes for the credit worthiness: Good or Bad. There are 
#' predictors related to attributes, such as: checking account status, duration, 
#' credit history, purpose of the loan, amount of the loan, savings accounts or 
#' bonds, employment duration, Installment rate in percentage of disposable income, 
#' personal information, other debtors/guarantors, residence duration, property, age, 
#' other installment plans, housing, number of existing credits, job information, 
#' Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for, telephone, and foreign 
#' worker status.
#' This is a transformed version of the Statlog German Credit data set with factors 
#' instead of dummy variables, and corrected as proposed by Groemping, U. (2019).
#' @keywords data datasets
#' @usage data(german)
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 1000 rows and 21 variables
#' @source UCI Machine Learning Repository 
#'   \url{https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/South+German+Credit}
#'   \url{http://www1.beuth-hochschule.de/FB_II/reports/Report-2019-004.pdf}
#' @references Groemping, U. (2019). South German Credit Data: Correcting a 
#'   Widely Used Data Set. Report 4/2019, Reports in Mathematics, Physics and 
#'   Chemistry, Department II, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin.

#' Get dataset value.
#' @param name    string. name of the dataset.
#' @param package string. name of the package to look in for dataset.
#' @param envir   the environment where the data should be loaded.
#' @param ...     additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[utils]{data}}.
#' @return The value of the dataset
#' @seealso \code{\link[utils]{data}}, \code{\link{base}}
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
get_data <- function(name = "german", package = "rchallenge", 
                     envir = environment(), ...) {
  data(list = name, package = package, envir = envir, ...)
  return(get(name, envir = envir))

#' Split a data.frame into training and test sets.
#' @param data    data.frame
#' @param varname string. output variable name
#' @param p_test  real. proportion of samples in the test set
#' @param p_quiz  real. proportion of samples from the test set in the quiz set
#' @return list with members
#'   \item{train}{training set with output variable}
#'   \item{test}{test set without output variable}
#'   \item{y_test}{test set output variable}
#'   \item{ind_quiz}{indices of quiz samples in the test set}
#' @export
data_split <- function(data=get_data("german"), varname="credit_risk",
                       p_test = .2, p_quiz = .5) {
  ind_test <- data_partition(data[[varname]], p = p_test)
  train <- data[-ind_test, -which(names(data)==varname)]
  train[[varname]] <- data[-ind_test, varname]
  rownames(train) = NULL
  test <- data[ind_test,]
  y_test <- test[,varname]
  test <- test[,-which(names(test)==varname)]
  rownames(test) = NULL
  ind_quiz <- data_partition(y_test, p = p_quiz)
  return(list(train=train, test=test, y_test=y_test, ind_quiz=ind_quiz))

#' Data partitioning function adapted from the caret package.
#' \code{data_partition} creates a test/training partition.
#' The random sampling is done within the levels of \code{y} when \code{y} is a 
#' factor in an attempt to balance the class distributions within the splits.
#' For numeric \code{y}, the sample is split into groups sections based on
#' percentiles and sampling is done within these subgroups. The number of 
#' percentiles is set via the \code{groups} argument.
#' Also, very small class sizes (<= 3) the
#' classes may not show up in both the training and test data
#' @param y a vector of outcomes.
#' @param p the percentage of data that goes to training
#' @param groups for numeric \code{y}, the number of breaks in the quantiles
#' (see below)
#' @return A vector of row position integers corresponding to the training data
#' @author adapted from \code{createDataPartition} function by Max Kuhn
#' @references \url{http://caret.r-forge.r-project.org/splitting.html}
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @keywords utilities internal
data_partition <- function(y, p = 0.5, groups = min(5, length(y)))
  if(length(y) < 2) stop("y must have at least 2 data points")
  if(groups < 2) groups <- 2
    y <- cut(y, 
             unique(quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 1, length = groups))), 
             include.lowest = TRUE)
  y <- factor(y)
  dataInd <- seq(along = y)
  numInClass <- table(y)
  sampleNums <- ceiling(numInClass * p)
  sampleNums <- ifelse(sampleNums == numInClass, sampleNums - 
                         1, sampleNums)
  groupNames <- names(sampleNums)
  out <- NULL
  for (i in seq(along = sampleNums)) {
    if (sampleNums[i] > 0) {
      trainData <- sort(sample(dataInd[y = which(y == 
                                                   groupNames[i])], sampleNums[i]))
      out <- append(out, trainData)

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rchallenge documentation built on March 9, 2021, 9:06 a.m.