rcheology: Data on objects from current and previous versions of R

rcheologyR Documentation

Data on objects from current and previous versions of R


A data frame with every function (and other object) in versions of R from 1.0.1 onwards. Variables are:

  • package: package the object comes from

  • name: name of the object

  • Rversion: version of R as major.minor.patch

  • type: Result of calling typeof() on the object

  • class: class() of the object, separated by slashes if there are multiple classes.

  • exported: TRUE if the object name was found in getNamespaceExports(). True for anything in the "base" package. NA if the package does not have a namespace (e.g. "datasets" in early versions).

  • hidden: TRUE if the object name starts with ".". These objects are not reported by ls().

  • S4generic: TRUE if the object is an S4 generic according to methods::isGeneric(). Note that in earlier versions of rcheology, this column was called generic.

  • priority: "base" for base packages, "recommended" for recommended packages. NA for earlier versions of R (pre 1.6.0) when the priority concept did not exist.

  • args: the arguments of the function, or NA for non-functions

rcheology documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:09 a.m.