Man pages for rcompanion
Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation

accuracyMinimum maximum accuracy, mean absolute percent error, median...
AndersonHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson
AndersonBiasHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson with gender bias
AndersonRainBarrelHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain barrel...
AndersonRainGardenHypothetical data for Alexander Anderson on rain garden...
blomNormal scores transformation
BobBelcherHypothetical data for ratings of instructors in unreplicated...
BreakfastHypothetical data for students' breakfast habits and travel...
BrendonSmallHypothetical data for Brendon Small and company
BullyHillHypothetical data for proportion of students passing a...
CatbusHypothetical data for Catbus and company
cateNelsonCate-Nelson models for bivariate data
cateNelsonFixedYCate-Nelson models for bivariate data with a fixed critical Y...
cldListCompact letter display for lists of comparisons
cliffDeltaCliff's delta
cohenGCohen's g and odds ratio for paired contingency tables
cohenHCohen's h to compare proportions for 2 x 2 contingency tables
cohenWCohen's w (omega)
compareGLMCompare fit statistics for glm models
compareLMCompare fit statistics for lm models
countRSquareCount pseudo r-squared for logistic and other binary outcome...
cramerVCramer's V (phi)
cramerVFitCramer's V for chi-square goodness-of-fit tests
efronRSquaredEfron's pseudo r-squared
freemanThetaFreeman's theta
fullPTableConvert a lower triangle matrix to a full matrix
groupwiseCMHPost-hoc tests for Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test
groupwiseGeometricGroupwise geometric means and confidence intervals
groupwiseHuberGroupwise Huber M-estimators and confidence intervals
groupwiseMeanGroupwise means and confidence intervals
groupwiseMedianGroupwise medians and confidence intervals
groupwisePercentileGroupwise percentiles and confidence intervals
groupwiseSumGroupwise sums
HayleySmithHypothetical data for responses about adopting lawn care...
kendallWKendall's W with bootstrapped confidence interval
mangiaficoDMangiafico's d
MonarchsHypothetical data for monarch butterflies in gardens
multiMangiaficoDMangiafico's d
multiVDAPairwise Vargha and Delaney's A and Cliff's delta
nagelkerkePseudo r-squared measures for various models
nagelkerkeHermite[Defunct!] Pseudo r-squared measures for hermite models
nominalSymmetryTestExact and McNemar symmetry tests for paired contingency...
NurseriesData for proportion of good practices followed by plant...
oneSampleDominanceDominance statistic for one-sample data
ordinalEtaSquaredEta-squared for ordinal variables
pairedSampleDominanceDominance statistic for two-sample paired data
pairwiseDifferences[Defunct!] Pairwise differences for unreplicated CBD
pairwiseMcnemarPairwise McNemar and related tests for Cochran Q test...
pairwiseMedianMatrixPairwise Mood's median tests with matrix output
pairwiseMedianTestPairwise Mood's median tests
pairwiseModelAnovaCompare model objects with F test and likelihood ratio test
pairwiseNominalIndependencePairwise tests of independence for nominal data
pairwiseNominalMatrixPairwise tests of independence for nominal data with matrix...
pairwiseOrdinalIndependencePairwise tests of independence for tables with one ordered...
pairwiseOrdinalMatrix[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression with matrix...
pairwiseOrdinalPairedMatrix[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression for paired...
pairwiseOrdinalPairedTest[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression for paired...
pairwiseOrdinalTest[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample ordinal regression
pairwisePercentileTestPairwise permutation tests for percentiles
pairwisePermutationMatrixPairwise two-sample independence tests with matrix output
pairwisePermutationSymmetryPairwise two-sample symmetry tests
pairwisePermutationSymmetryMatrixPairwise two-sample symmetry tests with matrix output
pairwisePermutationTestPairwise two-sample independence tests
pairwiseRobustMatrix[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample robust tests with matrix...
pairwiseRobustTest[Defunct!] Pairwise two-sample robust tests
pairwiseSignMatrix[Defunct!] Pairwise sign tests with matrix output
pairwiseSignTest[Defunct!] Pairwise sign tests
Pennsylvania18Votes for the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania 18 in 2016...
percentileTestTest of percentiles by permutation test
plotDensityHistogramHistogram with a density curve
plotNormalDensityDensity plot with a normal curve
plotNormalHistogramHistogram with a normal curve
plotPredyPlot a predicted line from a bivariate model
PMCMRTableConvert PMCMR Objects to a Data Frame
PoohHypothetical data for paired ratings of Pooh Bear
PoohPigletHypothetical data for ratings of Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger
quantileCIQuantiles and confidence intervals
rcompanion-packageFunctions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation
ReligionHypothetical data for change in religion after a caucusing...
scheirerRayHareScheirer Ray Hare test
spearmanRhoSpearman's rho, Kendall's tau, Pearson's r
transformTukeyTukey's Ladder of Powers
vdaVargha and Delaney's A
wilcoxonOneSampleRr effect size for Wilcoxon one-sample signed-rank test
wilcoxonOneSampleRCRank biserial correlation coefficient for one-sample Wilcoxon...
wilcoxonORAgresti's Generalized Odds Ratio for Stochastic Dominance
wilcoxonPairedRr effect size for Wilcoxon two-sample paired signed-rank test
wilcoxonPairedRCMatched-pairs rank biserial correlation coefficient
wilcoxonPSGrissom and Kim's Probability of Superiority (PS)
wilcoxonRr effect size for Wilcoxon two-sample rank-sum test
wilcoxonRGGlass rank biserial correlation coefficient
wilcoxonZWilcoxon z statistic
rcompanion documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.