rdatacite-package: rdatacite

rdatacite-packageR Documentation



DataCite R client

HTTP Requests

All HTTP requests are GET requests, and are sent with the following headers:

  • Accept: application/vnd.api+json; version=2

  • User-Agent: r-curl/4.3 crul/0.9.0 rOpenSci(rdatacite/0.5.0)

  • X-USER-AGENT: r-curl/4.3 crul/0.9.0 rOpenSci(rdatacite/0.5.0)

The user-agent strings change as the versions of each package change.

Methods in the package

  • dc_providers()

  • dc_reports()

  • dc_check()

  • dc_events()

  • dc_dois()

  • dc_clients()

  • dc_client_prefixes()

  • dc_provider_prefixes()

  • dc_status()

  • dc_prefixes()

  • dc_activities()

rdatacite defunct functions

  • dc_data_center

  • dc_data_centers

  • dc_facet

  • dc_member

  • dc_members

  • dc_mlt

  • dc_oai_getrecord

  • dc_oai_identify

  • dc_oai_listidentifiers

  • dc_oai_listmetadataformats

  • dc_oai_listrecords

  • dc_oai_listsets

  • dc_search

  • dc_stats

  • dc_work

  • dc_works

Content negotation

For content negotation see rcrossref::cr_cn(), which can be used for Crossref, DataCite and Medra DOIs


rdatacite does not support the GraphGL API https://support.datacite.org/docs/datacite-graphql-api-guide - we suggest trying the ghql package (https://github.com/ropensci/ghql/)


Scott Chamberlain myrmecocystus@gmail.com

rdatacite documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 5:18 p.m.