
Defines functions get_roxygen2_version get_package_name check_for_descr_file path_proj

#' **Get project root path**
#' @noRd

path_proj <- function() {
  is_descr_file <- file.exists(file.path(getwd(), "DESCRIPTION"))
  is_here_file  <- file.exists(file.path(getwd(), ".here"))
  is_git_folder <- dir.exists(file.path(getwd(), ".git"))
  is_rproj_file <- ifelse(length(list.files(getwd(), pattern = "\\.Rproj")) > 0,
                          TRUE, FALSE)
  if ((is_descr_file + is_here_file + is_git_folder + is_rproj_file) == 0) {
    stop("It appears that the current working directory is not a valid ", 
         "project or package. Read more at ", 
         "'https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/proj_utils.html'", call. = FALSE)

#' **Check if a DESCRIPTION file exists**
#' @noRd

check_for_descr_file <- function() {
  path <- path_proj()
  if (!file.exists(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
    stop("No 'DESCRIPTION' file found", call. = FALSE)

#' **Get project name**
#' @noRd

get_package_name <- function() {
  path <- path_proj()

#' **Get `roxygen2` package version**
#' @noRd

get_roxygen2_version <- function() {
  if (!length(find.package("roxygen2", quiet = TRUE))) {
    stop("The package 'roxygen2' is not install", call. = FALSE)

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rdeps documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:16 a.m.