
`estnoise` <-
function(y, yh, regression = FALSE, nmse = TRUE)
	# test if y and yh have same size
	if(length(y) != length(yh))
		print("Lengths of label vector y and denoised label vector yh must be equal")
	# test if y and yh are column vectors and convert them if necessary
	if(nrow(y) != length(y))
		y <- matrix(y, length(y), 1)
	if(nrow(yh) != length(yh))
		yh <- matrix(yh, length(yh), 1)
	n <- length(y)
	if(regression == TRUE)
		# mean squared error
		mse <- sum((y - yh)^2)
		if(nmse == FALSE)
			# conventional mean squared error
			# normalized mean squared error
			return(mse/sum( (y - (1/n)*sum(y))^2 ))
		# 0-1 loss
		return((1/n)*sum(y != yh))

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rdetools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:02 a.m.