
The regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) is an algorithmic complexity attack that produces a denial-of-service by providing a regular expression that takes a very long time to evaluate. Outage - July 20, 2016

The blog post explained the direct cause of the outage. An regular expressions, which is used to trim unicode space from start and end of a line, consume high CPU on the web servers.

pattern = enc2utf8("^[\\s\u200c]+|[\\s\u200c]+$")

times.list <- list()
index = 1
seq_ = seq(1000,9000,by = 1000)
for(N in seq_){
    # string and pattern
    string = paste0("-- play happy sound for player to enjoy. ", paste0(rep(" ",N), collapse = ""),"boom!")

    # pre-compiled RE2
    regexp = re2(pattern)

    # run gc

    # benchmark
    N.times <- microbenchmark(
        ICU = stri_detect_regex(string, pattern = pattern),
        PCRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = TRUE),
        TRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = FALSE),
        RE2n = re2_detect(string, pattern),
        RE2c = re2_detect(string, regexp),
        times = 4)

    times.list[[index]] <- data.frame(N, N.times)
    index= index+1

times <-, times.list)

direct.label(linear.legend(times, limit=c(0,9000), breaks = seq_,xlab_name = "string size", title = " Outage"), "last.polygons")

Java Classname

pattern = "^(([a-z])+.)+[A-Z]([a-z])+$"

times.list <- list()
index = 1
seq_ = seq(1,24,by = 1)
for(N in seq_){
    # string and pattern
    string = paste0(paste0(rep("a",N), collapse = ""),"boom!")

    # pre-compiled RE2
    regexp = re2(pattern)

    # run gc

    # benchmark
    N.times <- microbenchmark(
        ICU = stri_detect_regex(string, pattern = pattern),
        PCRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = TRUE),
        TRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = FALSE),
        RE2n = re2_detect(string, pattern),
        RE2c = re2_detect(string, regexp),
        times = 4)

    times.list[[index]] <- data.frame(N, N.times)
    index= index+1

times <-, times.list)

direct.label(linear.legend(times, limit=c(0,24), breaks = seq_,xlab_name = "string size", title = "Java Classname Malicious Regex"), "last.polygons")


Derived from Toby Dylan Hocking tdhock/regex-tutorial

times.list <- list()

for(N in c(1:25)){
    # string and pattern
    string <- paste(rep("a", N), collapse="")
    pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=N), collapse="")

    # pre-compiled RE2
    regexp = re2(pattern)

    # run gc

    # benchmark
    N.times <- microbenchmark(
        ICU = stri_detect_regex(string, pattern = pattern),
        PCRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = TRUE),
        TRE = grepl(pattern, string, perl = FALSE),
        RE2n = re2_detect(string, pattern),
        RE2c = re2_detect(string, regexp),
        times = 5)

    times.list[[N]] <- data.frame(N, N.times)

times <-, times.list)

direct.label(linear.legend(times, xlab_name = "Pattern size", title = "pattern: 'a?a?aa' 'a?a?a?aaa' ..."), "last.polygons")
direct.label(log.legend(times, xlab_name = "pattern size", title = "Pattern: 'a?a?aa' 'a?a?a?aaa' ... log scale"), "last.polygons")
string <- paste(rep("a", 27), collapse="")
pattern <- paste(rep(c("a?", "a"), each=27), collapse="")


Try the re2r package in your browser

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re2r documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:35 p.m.